"The Ribos Operation"
Episode 2
Written by Robert Holmes
First broadcast 1978
(The giant lizard comes fully awake, face covered in blood - not its own blood - and ROARS. The Doctor's eyes go wide.)
(At the pulley, one of the guards turns to the sceptre-holding captain.)
SHRIEVE: Captain?
CAPTAIN: What is it?
SHRIEVE: There's some obstruction.
CAPTAIN: Take it up, then! It could be the Shrivenzale!
(The Captain joins them at the pulley as they pull.)
(The secret door opens enough...)
DOCTOR: Quickly, before we're eaten!
(...for the Doctor and Romana to scramble back out.)
(The Captain (waiting at the door) hears the Shrivenzale stop growling.)
CAPTAIN: There. It must have been the beast.
SHRIEVE #2: I pray we didn't harm it. It's dangerous enough at the best of times.
CAPTAIN: That's why it's THERE, you dolt.
SHRIEVE #2: Shall I take it up a bit further, sir, just in case?
(The creature would sure like that - it's clawing at the half-open door, trying to get under it. Romana is crushed to the Doctor's
side, shivering in relief.)
CAPTAIN: No, that's high enough. Lower away again.
(The guards do so.)
(The secret door shuts, leaving the ugly Shrivenzale inside. Romana finally pulls herself away from the Doctor.)
ROMANA: That thing - what is it?
DOCTOR: (tugging at his shirt collar) A Shrivenzale.
ROMANA: I never imagined - are there many creatures like that on other worlds?
DOCTOR: (impish smirk, nod) Millions. MILLIONS!
(The Doctor crosses back to the case.)
DOCTOR: You shouldn't have volunteered if you're scared of a little thing like that.
ROMANA: I'm not scared, I'm just... Listen!
(The Doctor can hear it too - footsteps.)
DOCTOR: Let's hide. Hide...
(He suddenly notes with a sinking feeling the freed locks all over the floor.)
DOCTOR: The locks!
ROMANA: We could explain, surely.
DOCTOR: Oh, yes, we can explain! "Sorry old thing, we're just helping ourselves to your Crown Jewels!"
(He scrambles to pick up the locks.)
DOCTOR: They'd have our hands off before you could say "Rassilon's Rod."
ROMANA: (whispering to herself) Rassilon's Rod?
SHRIEVE #2: Fully down, Captain.
(The Captain crosses back to the door...hesitates...)
SHRIEVE #2: Something wrong, sir?
(The Captain listens at the door.)
CAPTAIN: Strange...
(The Doctor is still picking up locks.)
DOCTOR: Of course, they might not chop our hands off - they might just feed us to the Shrivenzale.
(Romana hears a noise at the door.)
ROMANA: Someone's here!
(They both take cover behind two sword-stands on either side of the door. Romana suddenly notices the wand - it's still on the floor!
She gestures wildly to the Doctor. He rushes out of hiding, grabs it, and ducks back behind the stand. The door opens, and the Captain
walks in flanked by the two guards. They kneel before the case, with the Captain holding out the sceptre.)
CAPTAIN: We give thanks for the dawn of a new day.
SHRIEVES: We give thanks.
CAPTAIN: And the retreat of the night and the powers of darkness.
SHRIEVES: We give thanks.
(The Captain again prostrates himself before the case. He then stands and presents the sceptre to the guards.)
CAPTAIN: Light the torch.
(The first guard takes the sceptre and starts moving across the room, lighting up the electric torches with one touch of the sceptre.
The Captain moves to the secret wall, looking it over carefully. Satisfied that all is in order, he returns to the first guard and accepts
the sceptre from him. Garron walks in and bows before the case.)
GARRON: (in his haughty voice) I give thanks for a safe journey.
CAPTAIN: (blinks) You? Where are you from?
GARRON: I am from the North, sir. Just arrived.
CAPTAIN: The North, eh? Your pass.
GARRON: Oh yes, yes, of course sir.
(He pulls out the asked-for pass.)
GARRON: This is for myself and my colleagues.
(The Captain looks the small brown scroll over.)
CAPTAIN: Purpose of your journey?
GARRON: Trade, Captain. I am a merchant.
(The Captain returns the scroll.)
CAPTAIN: Rather you than me, sir. It's no pleasure crossing the tundra in the Ice Time.
GARRON: I have a small favour to beg.
GARRON: I am only in a modest way of business myself, but I have a colleague who is carrying a very substantial sum...in excess
of a million gold opecs.
CAPTAIN: A million?
GARRON: More than a million.
CAPTAIN: That could mean trouble.
GARRON: My words exactly. I mean, it's putting temptation in the way of dishonest citizens. There's so much law...
CAPTAIN: If word of that were to get out...
GARRON: We could be murdered in our beds. Now, what I was thinking was, if you could persuade him to deposit the money in a safe
place, such as here.
CAPTAIN: Nowhere safer, that's for sure.
(The Doctor's listening to this entire conversation from his hiding spot, and smirking at that last phrase.)
GARRON: That's what I told him, sir. I mean, here it could be guarded by your men all day, your guards at arms, and by the
beast at night along with the jewels and relics. What better security, I ask you. I mean, no one would DARE to try to steal in here,
would they?
CAPTAIN: As you say...no one WOULD dare. They know the penalties.
GARRON: Well, what do you say Captain? Hmm? To avoid trouble?
(The Captain thinks about it.)
CAPTAIN: It's extremely irregular. This relic room is a holy place.
GARRON: Well, naturally we would make a small contribution to the fund. Say...one hundred gold opecs?
CAPTAIN: One hundred opecs?
GARRON: Or even a thousand. I'd leave it to you of course to handle the, eh...paying in.
CAPTAIN: And, uh...for how long would this money stay here?
GARRON: Oh, only for a night or two. Maybe even as little as one night.
(The Captain thinks about it some more.)
CAPTAIN: Bring the money later.
GARRON: (delighted) I am deeply obliged, Captain. Deeply obliged. I'll go and tell my colleague.
(He bows and leaves. A moment later, the Captain walks out too. The two guards move to the back and start chatting about some of
the relics. The Doctor and Romana decide now is an excellent time to sneak out of hiding and out of the room. They move from behind
the stands, tiptoe to the door...and surprisingly, escape without any trouble at all.)
(Sholakh helps the Graff pull on his fur coat. Garron walks in.)
GARRON: I trust the Graff spent a comfortable night. Or as comfortable as these somewhat primitive conditions permit.
GRAFF: I've slept in worse places.
GARRON: Of course. Your Highness' frontier campaigns in the service of the Alliance are rightly famous.
GRAFF: (outraged): ARE they indeed?! Well, the Alliance forgot them fast enough when I returned home to find my half-brother
had claimed the Levithian throne!!!
GARRON: (back pedals): Oh...I thought your Highness had appealed that matter to the High Court of the Selenic Empire.
GRAFF: That appeal was rejected! After all I had done for the Alliance, not a word was said in my favour, not a single hand raised
in my support!!SHOLAKH: Highness, it is not well to think of the past. There is still the future to make.
GRAFF: Good advice Sholakh, as always.
(The Graff sits.)
GRAFF: So, Garron....we must talk of the future....in particular, this quite preposterous figure of ten million gold opecs.
GARRON: I've already said that a close effort might be considered, Highness. Perhaps when I've shown you something of the planet...
GRAFF: One moment. These conditions of sale - do you maintain that they're reasonable?
(The Doctor and Romana are sitting by an open window of the castle. You can almost hear the gears spinning in the Doctor's mind.
Romana sure can.)
ROMANA: Doctor, let's forget this stranger and just concentrate on getting the first segment out of the strong room! We're
wasting time!
DOCTOR: Suppose he's after the same thing as we are.
ROMANA: The crowns?!?
DOCTOR: Don't jump to conclusions about anyone or anything. They lead you astray.
ROMANA: (sarcastic) Ah. I'll try and remember that.
DOCTOR: Good. And don't be sarcastic, either. That, of course, can get you into trouble.
DOCTOR: If he's after the same thing as we are, maybe he's got a plan to get it out of the room.
ROMANA: Oh, so all we'd have to do is wait for him to get it.
ROMANA: And then what?
DOCTOR: On the other hand, he could just be an agent of the Black Gua...
(WHOOPS!!! He slams his hand down on his mouth.)
ROMANA: The what?
DOCTOR: N-nothing. You're not supposed to know about that.
DOCTOR: About nothing!! All you need to know is that there might be some competition in our search.
ROMANA: I do wish you'd stop treating me like a child, Doctor. I'm nearly 140, you know.
DOCTOR: (without even looking at her) Really? You're in wonderful condition.
ROMANA: (shyly) Oh, thank you. (double takes) Wh-what competition??
DOCTOR: On the other hand, he might be just an innocent crook...it's fascinating, isn't it, don't you think?
ROMANA: Yes...
(At least (her expression says), she would think it if she could figure out what the Doctor's talking about.)
GRAFF: Tell me, Garron, why IS Magellanic Mining selling this planet?
GARRON: Highness, I'm only the agent. Some shortage of liquidity, perhaps? They merely require capital to finance some other
object? (chuckles) Who can say?
SHOLAKH: Yet they wish to retain the mineral rights in perpetuity.
GARRON: Oh, that's a common condition in these cases. It can't possibly affect the Graff's enjoyment of the property.
GRAFF: I think it could.
GARRON: But Highness, a Grade 3 planet! The natives protect it! My clients can't possibly begin mining here - with all the importation
of technology that would entail - until Ribos is accorded at least a Grade 2 status!
SHOLAKH: When will that be?
GARRON: As yet, they haven't even discovered the telescope. Many of the people believe that the planet is flat and if they walked
far enough, they would fall off the edge. There's no chance of Ribos reaching Grade 2 for many thousands of years.
GRAFF: (bitter) I see.
GARRON: May you live a long life, Graff, but not THAT long.
GRAFF: Sholakh...
(He takes his fur-lined crown from Sholakh and his gloves.)
(Garron, the Graff and Sholakh look at the glass case and its many trinkets - including that funny blue rock. Both royal and bodyguard
notice that one.)
GARRON: Look at the workmanship. And all done by hand of course, using the simplest implements. There's a certain honest peasant
artistry about these pieces that speaks of the soil, don't you think?
SHOLAKH: (whispering) Highness....?
GRAFF: (whispering) I've seen it.
GARRON: Now, over here...
GRAFF: Wait! This blue stone - it's what we call jethrik, isn't it?
GARRON: Oh, I've no idea. Pretty though, whatever it is, hmm? Perhaps the guard can tell us something about it.
(He waves over to a nearby guard.)
GARRON: I say, um, fellow...that blue stone there...do you know anything about it?
(The guard comes into our view, and - whatya know! It's our pal and Garron's, Unstoffe.)
UNSTOFFE: Oh, that sir? Uh, that I do, that I do. That be what we call scringe stone, sir.
GARRON: Scringe stone? Oh, how interesting.
UNSTOFFE: You hangs a bit o' that around your neck, and you won't never suffer from the scringes no matter 'ow cold it be.
(Garron frowns - Unstoffe's a mediocre thief, but an absolutely lousy actor.)
UNSTOFFE: You'll just stay as supple and as fresh as a little old babbit in the Sun Time, sir, and that be a proven fact.
GARRON: (as Unstoffe turns to go) Oh really? Oh, there's just one more thing - it's fairly common around these parts,
I suppose?
UNSTOFFE: Common, sir?
GARRON: (speaking slowly to the nitwit) Yes, there's a lot of it about, isn't there?
UNSTOFFE: Oh no, sir. No no no, I wouldn't say that.
(Garron's ready to slug this idiot.)
UNSTOFFE: Well, there used to be, y'see, but well, then they lost the secret o' the mine, sir. And well, that was three Ice
Times ago.
GRAFF: What do you mean, "lost the secret"?
UNSTOFFE: Lost the secret of where it be, sir. Well, what they reckon was, one Ice Time, there was a glacier, see, and it moved
all the rocks about. Well, ever since then, they've been a-searching and a-searching for that ol' mine but...well, I don't reckon that
they'll ever find it now, sir.
(The Doctor's wandered into the room during Unstoffe's little tall tale.)
SHOLAKH: Even if the entrance has disappeared, surely they know the area to search.
UNSTOFFE: Well, the trouble is sir...all the old miners is dead now, and there ain't be nothin' writ down in writing, well, 'cuz
there weren't no scholars in them days. All they do know, sir, is that it's up in the Granite Mountains.
GARRON: Oh, pay no heed to him - one knows how these fellows exaggerate.
(Well, he sure knows how to grab an audience. Both the Doctor and Romana are hiding behind the glass case listening to all this.)
UNSTOFFE: Oh no sir, no no, I know what I'm talking about. Y'see...(sobs theatrically) my...my poor old dad spent his
life searching for that scringe stone mine. They've written as how he found it in the end...just afore he died.
GRAFF: Where?
UNSTOFFE: Well, er...they found him out in the tundra, sir, frozen stiff, his poor ol' pickax beside him, and that there bit
o' scringe stone in his pocket.
(Tough old Sholakh's eyes are misting up at this.)
UNSTOFFE: An' that be as true as I'm stood standing here, sir.
(Garron silently steps on Unstoffe's foot. Unstoffe winces.)
GARRON: Incredible!
SHOLAKH: (whispering to the Graff as Unstoffe's back is turned) The man's making it up, sir.
GRAFF: No one jests with me, Sholakh. You know that.
SHOLAKH: No, sir. And the jethrik is real enough.
GRAFF: (aloud to Unstoffe) You say your father found this piece of..."scringe stone"?
UNSTOFFE: Yessir, in his poor old frozen pocket, wrapped up in, uh...(pulls out something)...in this here bit of parchment.
(The Graff unfolds and reads the parchment.)
SHOLAKH: (excited) Looks like a rough map!
(Unstoffe snatches back the parchment.)
UNSTOFFE: That's what I reckon, sir. Maybe the next Sun Time, I might go looking for that scringe stone mine myself.
(He puts it back in his pocket.)
UNSTOFFE: Well, if you gentlemen will excuse me, I'm, uh...just going off duty.
(He salutes and walks out. The Doctor and Romana choose that moment to get alongside Garron.)
GARRON: I shouldn't take a word of that seriously. I know these fellows - they do like to pitch a yarn.
(The Doctor gets their attention for the first time...)
DOCTOR: Oh, I don't know. My friend and I couldn't help overhearing - (points) that's my friend Romana - and I thought
it had the ring of truth. (to Romana) Do you think it had the ring of truth?
ROMANA: Oh yes! And he had such a honest, open face.
GARRON: Do you live in Shur?
DOCTOR: No, we come from the North.
(Garron's a bit thrown by this, but quickly recovers.)
GARRON: I see. My friends are visitors here, too.
GRAFF: It's time we were moving on, Garron.
GARRON: Oh, you're quite right, there's such a lot to see! (to the Doctor) Well, I do hope you'll enjoy your first day
in Shur.
ROMANA: Thank you.
GARRON: Well gentlemen, I'm with you.
(The three walk out, leaving the Doctor and Romana in the room. The Doctor takes a glance at the case, and notices the blue rock
for the first time.)
DOCTOR: Incredible.
ROMANA: What is?
DOCTOR: That is. That is the biggest lump of jethrik I've ever set eyes on.
ROMANA: Jethrik? But I thought he said it was...
DOCTOR: I wonder if ol' Taffy knows the real value of it. "Scringe stone" found in a dead man's pocket? A lost mine? A phoney
ma... are people still falling for that old guff? I mean are they?
ROMANA: You mean you didn't believe his story?
ROMANA: But he had such an honest face.
DOCTOR: Romana!! You can't be a successful crook with a DIShonest face, can you?
(The Graff sits.)
GRAFF: Eight million opecs, Garron. That's my final word.
GARRON: I'd have to put that to my clients.
SHOLAKH: How long will that take?
GARRON: I have a shuttle concealed near the city. As you appreciate, there can be no direct communication from here. I'd have
to go to Stopras and contact my clients by hypercable. Say, three weeks to a month?
GRAFF: Very well.
GARRON: My clients will of course, I know, demand a deposit - say, two million opecs?
GRAFF: A deposit?!?
GARRON: Simply as a mark of good faith.
GRAFF: Garon, I have made a firm offer!! I am a royal prince of the Great Selenic Empire. I do not go back on my word!!
GARRON: Highness, believe me, if it was simply between us, a handshake would be sacred - a bond of honour. Unhappily, I know
my clients will demand proof of a deposit.
GRAFF: I don't carry such sums about with me. One million MAY be possible.
GARRON: In your case, Highness, I'm sure one million will be acceptable.
SHOLAKH: Uh, one moment. Do you propose to fly to Stopras with this deposit?
GARRON: Oh ho ho, you are very prudent! You're thinking once this fellow gets his hands on the money, he might fail to come back.
Might disappear into the blue, is that it?
(Sholakh laughs.)
SHOLAKH: Well, such things have been known. Though few men would be foolish enough to cross the Graff Vynda-K in such a matter.
GARRON: No no no no. No one would ever dare. The money will be lodged here with the Captain of Shrievalty. It will be put in
a place where nobody can touch it, guarded night and day. You need have no fear on that score.
GRAFF: That sounds satisfactory. Sholakh, go to the ship and fetch the money.
(Sholakh bows.)
SHOLAKH: Highness.
GARRON: I will come with you to the city wall. Highness.
(They both leave. The Graff sighs, gets up, and walks over to the fire. He rubs his hands over the warmth and looks around at the
fireplace. What's this? He reaches up into the flue, and pulls out something that shouldn't be in a medieval society - clearly an electronic
surveillance bug. It hits him at once - Garron does indeed appear to be foolish enough to try crossing him. After a moment's thought,
he sticks it back up in the flue. Maybe he can use this.)
(Romana sits down as the Doctor carefully watches the ground, putting the tip of one shoe in front of the other as he walks.)
ROMANA: I do wish you'd explain what's happening, Doctor.
DOCTOR: You've got all the facts, don't you?
ROMANA: (watching his drunk-test style walk) Oh, that's very helpful.
DOCTOR: Nonsense. Good man for exercise, and you can be glad it doesn't do anything extraneously, surely.
ROMANA: I will not give way to feelings of psychofeudal hostility.
(The Doctor spins around and gets in her face.)
DOCTOR: Hmm? What?
ROMANA: We have a negative empathy, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Splendid. Let's go.
(Garron is finally doing what he wanted to do earlier - throttle poor ol' Unstoffe.)
GARRON: (in his gutter voice) I think that I could strangle you, Unstoffe!
UNSTOFFE: You are doing your part! Get your hands off!!
(Garron finally unhands him.)
GARRON: "Scringe stones," "lost mines." - I was sweating blood listening to that junk!
UNSTOFFE: Well, I thought it was...original.
GARRON: You thought WHAT?!?
UNSTOFFE: Well, they loved that bit about my poor ol' dad finding the mine.
GARRON: And that's another thing, you greedy little creep. If you're thinking of selling them that map, just forget it!!
UNSTOFFE: A little extra never hurt!
(Garron slams his hands together to make his point.)
GARRON: Listen, this is a hit-and-run business - one bite and away. If you stick around and give the mark time to think, you're
kaput. All you'll get is a big ball and chain around the ankle.
UNSTOFFE: All right, Garron. I was just trying to display...initiative. (brightens) Hey...whatd'ya think o' the accent?
GARRON: My past life flashed before my eyes, that's what I thought of it. This Graff's no softy - he's a big bad soldier - and
if he rumbles that he's being conned, then you and I are gonna wind up very very...
GARRON: That's the word I was searching for. So remember it, m'boy.
UNSTOFFE: In this matter, I'm in complete agreement with you Garron. How's it going?
GARRON: Sholakh's fetching the money. One million.
UNSTOFFE: Great! Hey look, he's gonna come back this way. Why don't we wait here and mug him?
GARRON: Stick to the plan! Stick to what's decided!
UNSTOFFE: Going through that beast again? Going down that shaft again?
GARRON: Yes. Now it's time you go back to the city. We'll meet at the shaft again as arranged.
(Unstoffe thinks of something.)
UNSTOFFE: Hey, uh....have you noticed that big fellow, the one with the girl?
GARRON: (frowns) I've been noticing him quite a lot lately.
(The Doctor pulls open the manhole to the Shrivenzale's lair as Romana watches.)
DOCTOR: Here - the other way in. Look - marks of a grappling iron.
ROMANA: Ahh. They must have used a rope ladder.
DOCTOR: Yes. Garron and ol' Honest Face must have planted the jethrik in the cabinet last night.
DOCTOR: Because they're trying to sell the map of a nonexistent mine.
ROMANA: That's no business of ours, Doctor. We've got more important things to do.
(The Doctor closes the manhole.)
DOCTOR: I agree. I wouldn't dream of interfering.
(A low growl from the Shrivenzale below.)
ROMANA: How did they get past THAT?
DOCTOR: They drugged it. (leans in close) Otherwise, you and I wouldn't have been here now, eh?
ROMANA: (nods) Ah.
DOCTOR: What do we do next?
(He holds up a hand before Romana can speak.)
DOCTOR: No, I'll tell you, I'll tell you. They've got to come back for the jethrik and the gold, all right? Now, when they
DO come back...
ROMANA: ...we'll be here waiting for them!
DOCTOR: (delighted) Right!!
(Sholakh enters the room.)
SHOLAKH: Highness...
(The Graff is still by the fireplace, and he shushes Sholakh before he can speak. He pulls out the bug and shows it to him. No words
need be said. He sticks it back in the fireplace and drags Sholakh out the door.)
SHOLAKH: It is not part of this world, Highness.
GRAFF: Garron must've planted it.
SHOLAKH: To spy on us? Why?
GRAFF: Perhaps to learn how much I was willing to pay, or per....(grim) perhaps he is not what he seems.
SHOLAKH: In what way, Highness?
GRAFF: I've been thinking about that guard.
SHOLAKH: Heh. The one whose father found the jethrik?
GRAFF: Yes. Remarkable coincidence, Sholakh...perhaps too remarkable to be believable.
SHOLAKH: But Highness, that piece of jethrik...
SHOLAKH: Well, it's the biggest piece I've ever seen. I mean, there must be enough of that to power an entire battle fleet for
a complete campaign.
GRAFF: (ominously calm) Oh yes. Enough to make a man rich beyond the dreams of avarice.
SHOLAKH: Far beyond, Highness. Therefore...
GRAFF: Therefore, he cannot be aware of its true value.
SHOLAKH: What are the Graff's wishes?
GRAFF: Keep a careful watch on Garron. He may know a genuine source of jethrik. If he's not - if he's playing me false - he will
(The Graff and Sholakh enter the trophy room, followed by haughty-voiced Garron. Garron moves immediately to the Captain at the back
of the room.)
GARRON: Ah, here we are. Sorry to have kept you.
CAPTAIN: You have the money?
GARRON: Gold coinage to the value of one million opecs in waiting.
(The Captain gestures to the cabinet.)
CAPTAIN: In here.
(Garron takes a hefty black bag from Sholakh and places it in the cabinet. The Captain shuts it.)
SHOLAKH: Don't you wish to count it?
CAPTAIN: I have no time - nor have you.
GARRON: The Captain is doing us a favour by seeing that the money is in safe custody. Now, if you will kindly give me a receipt.
CAPTAIN: A what?
(Garron pull out a paper.)
GARRON: Your signature on this, please. My friend may have to prove that he has money at his disposal.
(He notices the ring of keys in the Captain's hand.)
GARRON: I'll hold those, shall I?
(He takes them.)
GARRON: My back?
(The Captain signs the paper on Garron's back.)
CAPTAIN: There you are.
GARRON: Ah, wonderful.
(He takes the paper, gives back the keys.)
GARRON: Sorry to have kept you.
CAPTAIN: I have to lock up now and set the Shrivenzale free.
GARRON: Oh, a most interesting evening ceremony there, sir. I don't know if my friends from the North would care to watch.
GRAFF: I'm afraid we shall have to hurry if we are to be in our quarters before curfew.
GARRON: Well...dear Captain, perhaps some other time, hmm? Good night.
(The Graff, Sholakh and Garron leave the trophy room.)
(The grand plan is implemented. As Garron watches, Unstoffe opens the manhole and flings the drugged meat down.)
GARRON: (gutter voice) It'll be easier this time.
UNSTOFFE: Well, you go then!
(Off to the far side, unnoticed, the Doctor and Romana watch.)
DOCTOR: (whispering) Stay here and watch them.
ROMANA: Where are you going?
DOCTOR: I'm going to try and get down there before them.
(He rushes down the stairway. Garron hands something over to Unstoffe.)
GARRON: The key.
UNSTOFFE: You're sure he didn't miss it?
GARRON: He's got a dozen that size. Now, it's time you went.
UNSTOFFE: Well, I hope this is the right one.
GARRON: Why can't you have a little faith, m'boy? I've been palming keys since before you were born. Down you go.
(Unstoffe begins climbing down the rope ladder toward the Shrivenzale lair...and bounds back up as the beast roars loudly.)
UNSTOFFE: Couldn't we wait just a little bit longer?
UNSTOFFE: You haven't seen the size of that thing's teeth!
(Once again, the guard is dozing by the trophy room. The Doctor tiptoes up past him....but the Shrieve jumps up...)
DOCTOR: What?!? What...
SHRIEVE: Who are you? What are you doing out after curfew?
DOCTOR: I couldn't sleep either.
SHRIEVE: Stay where you are.
(He yanks a whistle from a chain on his shirt. The Doctor grabs it before the guard can blow on it.)
DOCTOR: What? No, please. Please don't blow that. You'll wake everybody up.
SHRIEVE: I'm calling the watch. Nobody's allowed up after curfew without permission from the Captain.
DOCTOR: Ohhh...permission. Permission? I've got permission. Want to see my permission?
SHRIEVE: Come on, then. No tricks.
DOCTOR: Tricks? Oh, dear chap....
(The Doctor digs into his pocket, and pulls out...)
DOCTOR: My dear, look. Lookee here.
(...a golden watch on a chain, which he begins swinging in front of the guard's face.)
(Unstoffe, now in his usual thief clothes, crawls out from under the half-opened secret door. Bag in hand, he moves to the case and
pulls out his cutting gear. He begins sawing into the case.)
(The guard is getting quite sleepy under the Doctor's hypnotic spell.)
DOCTOR: Your eyes are closing. Sit down. Closing....
(The guard slumps in his place, his eyes closing.)
(Unstoffe yanks the jethrik out of the case.)
(The guard's almost completely out.)
(Unstoffe unlocks the cabinet and pulls out the sack of money.)
(With the guard snoozing, the Doctor unbars the door to the trophy room.)
(Unstoffe hears the noise. Snatching up his ill-gotten gains, he ducks behind the sword stand as the Doctor comes in. The Doctor
takes in the open case - giving Unstoffe the chance to run into the corridor. The Doctor turns, rushes after him. Unstoffe slams the
door in his face...)
(...bars it, and takes off down the corridor. The guard is jolted awake. He blows his whistle frantically.)
(The Doctor hears the whistle, realizes he's in deep trouble and heads to the secret door.)
(Garron also hears the whistle.)
GARRON: Hurry, Unstoffe! What went wrong?
(The Doctor pops up out of the manhole.)
DOCTOR: Don't move!! We've got you covered!!
(Nice idea, except the Doctor's facing the wrong way.)
GARRON: Who's got me covered?
ROMANA: We have!!
(Garron jumps in shock, as the Doctor turns to face him.)
DOCTOR: Stand up. STAND UP!!
(Garron stands up, hands in the air.)
GARRON: All right, officer - I'll come quietly.
(Garron holds out his hands to be cuffed. The Doctor shakes them.)
DOCTOR: That's very wise of you.
(The Graff, Sholakh and the armour-bound bodyguards stand beside the TARDIS.)
GARRON: (out of view, approaching) Where are we going?
DOCTOR: (approaching) Oh, I've just got a few loose ends to tie up.
(The Doctor and Romana walk up to the Graff, dragging Garron with them. They're a bit surprised at the welcome wagon, though.)
GARRON: Graff...
GRAFF: You look surprised, Garron. But as you see, you were expected. You and your accomplices. NO one makes a fool of the Graff
Vynda-K and lives. Sholakh...
SHOLAKH: Highness?
(The guards surround the startled trio.)
SHOLAKH: Guards, take aim...
Cue Doctor Who theme playing over energy whirlpool.
Doctor Who
Graff Vynda-K
Incidental Music
Special Sound
Production Assistant
Production Unit Manager
Visual Effects Designer
Electronic Effects Operator
Video Tape Editor
Costume Designer
Make-Up Artist
Script Editor
Fade out......
Transcribed by
Christopher G. "Nightowl" McElroy