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3rd Doctor Transcripts
Updated 14th April 2006
Season Seven
Serial Title Companions Eps. Source Needed Modified
AAA Spearhead From Space Liz 4 DWTP Writer's List None 19/Apr/03
BBB The Silurians Liz 7 Direct E-Mail
DWTP Writer's List
None 09/May/05
CCC The Ambassadors of Death Liz 7 DWTP Writer's List None Feb/26/04
DDD Inferno Liz 7 DWTP Writer's List None Jan/02/03
Season Eight
EEE Terror of the Autons Jo 4 DWTP Writer's List None 21/Oct/02
FFF The Mind of Evil Jo 6 DWTP Writer's List None 21/Oct/02
GGG The Claws of Axos Jo 4 DWTP Writer's List None 21/Oct/02
HHH Colony in Space Jo 6 DWTP Writer's List None 21/Oct/02
JJJ The Dæmons Jo 5 DWTP Writer's List None 31/Oct/02
Season Nine
KKK Day of the Daleks Jo 4 DWTP Writer's List None 04/Jun/03
MMM The Curse of Peladon Jo 4 DWTP Writer's List None 14/Jun/03
LLL The Sea Devils Jo 6 DWTP Writer's List None 19/Sep/03
NNN The Mutants Jo 6 DWTP Writer's List None 17/Nov/03
OOO The Time Monster Jo 6 DWTP Writer's List None 25/Nov/03
Season Ten
RRR The Three Doctors Jo 4 DWTP Writer's List 2-4 14/Apr/06
PPP Carnival of Monsters Jo 4 DWTP Writer's List None 27/Oct/03
QQQ Frontier in Space Jo 6 DWTP Writer's List None 02/Dec/03
SSS Planet of the Daleks Jo 6 DWTP Writer's List None 12/Dec/03
TTT The Green Death Jo 6 DWTP Writer's List None 25/Nov/03
Season Eleven
UUU The Time Warrior Sarah-Jane 4 DWTP Writer's List 4 31/Mar/04
RD03 The Paradise of Death Sarah-Jane 5 Direct E-Mail 3-5 09/Oct/99
WWW Invasion of the Dinosaurs Sarah-Jane 6 Direct E-Mail None 08/Jan/04
XXX Death to the Daleks Sarah-Jane 4 DWTP Writer's List None 23/Jan/04
YYY The Monster of Peladon Sarah-Jane 6 DWTP Writer's List None 05/Mar/04
ZZZ Planet of Spiders Sarah-Jane 6 DWTP Writer's List None 07/Oct/04

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