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2nd Doctor Transcripts
Updated September 6th 2003
Season Four (Continued)
Serial Title Companions Eps. Source Needed Modified
EE The Power of the Daleks Polly, Ben 6 Earthbound Timelords None Aug/17/00
FF The Highlanders Polly, Ben, Jamie 4 Earthbound Timelords None Aug/17/00
GG The Underwater Menace Polly, Ben, Jamie 4 Earthbound Timelords None Oct/02/98
HH The Moonbase Polly, Ben, Jamie 4 Earthbound Timelords None Sep/26/98
JJ The Macra Terror Polly, Ben, Jamie 4 Earthbound Timelords None Aug/17/00
KK The Faceless Ones Polly, Ben, Jamie 6 Earthbound Timelords None Oct/02/98
LL The Evil of the Daleks Jamie, Victoria 7 Earthbound Timelords None Aug/17/00
Season Five
MM The Tomb of the Cybermen Jamie, Victoria 4 DWTP Writer's List None Oct/21/02
NN The Abominable Snowmen Jamie, Victoria 6 Earthbound Timelords None Oct/02/98
OO The Ice Warriors  Jamie, Victoria 6 Earthbound Timelords None Aug/17/00
PP The Enemy of the World Jamie, Victoria 6 Earthbound Timelords None Oct/02/98
QQ The Web of Fear Jamie, Victoria 6 Earthbound Timelords None Oct/02/98
RR Fury From the Deep Jamie, Victoria 6 Earthbound Timelords None Oct/02/98
SS The Wheel in Space Jamie, Zoe 6 Earthbound Timelords None Oct/02/98
Season Six
TT The Dominators Jamie, Zoe 5 DWTP Writer's List None Aug/23/03
UU The Mind Robber Jamie, Zoe 5 Direct E-Mail
DWTP Writer's List
None Aug/22/03
VV The Invasion Jamie, Zoe 8 Earthbound Timelords
Nitro 9 FTP Site
None Aug/17/00
WW The Krotons Jamie, Zoe 4 DWTP Writer's List None Dec/12/02
XX The Seeds of Death Jamie, Zoe 6 DWTP Writer's List None Oct/21/02
YY The Space Pirates Jamie, Zoe 6 Earthbound Timelords None Oct/02/98
ZZ The War Games Jamie, Zoe 10 DWTP Writer's List None Sep/06/03

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