(We are in the SECOND DOCTOR's Console room, complete with the earlier version of the main console. In homage to the programme's
past, the scene opens in black-and-white. The SECOND DOCTOR and JAMIE are standing on opposite sides of the console.)
SECOND DOCTOR: Come here, Jamie.
(JAMIE crosses to the SECOND DOCTOR's side.)
SECOND DOCTOR: Look at that.
(The SECOND DOCTOR motions to the Scanner Screen. JAMIE crosses for a closer view as our scene fades from monochrome to colour.
The screen shows the massive metropolis of Space Station Chimera, it's profile reminiscent of city skylines.)
JAMIE: Look at the size o' that thing, Doctor!
SECOND DOCTOR: Yes, Jamie. That is a big one.
JAMIE: 'Just a wee laboratory,' eh?
SECOND DOCTOR: Well, it's.. obviously.. it's grown.
JAMIE: It's like twenty castles in the sky! Are you sure we've come to the right place?
(JAMIE reaches toward a lever on the console.)
SECOND DOCTOR: Of course I am!
(The SECOND DOCTOR slaps JAMIE's hand away from the controls.)
JAMIE: Ow... We don't usually get to where you say we're going.
SECOND DOCTOR: I got Victoria to where she wanted to go. Though why she wants to learn graphology, I've no idea.
JAMIE: Ah, will we ever get back to her, though.
SECOND DOCTOR: Of course we will!
JAMIE: I'll believe that when I see it.
SECOND DOCTOR: At the moment we have other things to worry about. Look at this!
JAMIE: Wha'?
(The SECOND DOCTOR indicates a small metal disk embedded in the console.)
JAMIE: Hey, I've not seen that before!
SECOND DOCTOR: It's not been here before! It's a teleport control!
(The SECOND DOCTOR looks toward an unseen point above him.)
SECOND DOCTOR: You'd think I'd never flown a TARDIS solo!!
(JAMIE follows the SECOND DOCTOR's gaze upward for a moment, then returns his attention to the teleport control.)
JAMIE: What's it do?
SECOND DOCTOR: It gives the Time Lords dual control! Infernal cheek. I shall complain when this is over. Now then...
(The SECOND DOCTOR operates the console.)
SECOND DOCTOR: I think we'll just dematerialise to avoid their detection beams, and slip in quietly.
JAMIE: Er, I thought you said they were friendly.
SECOND DOCTOR: Friendly? I should think they'll be overwhelmingly so.
JAMIE: Then why are we 'slipping in quietly?'
SECOND DOCTOR: Jamie, some of the most brilliant scientists in the universe have assembled here to work together in pure research.
I don't want them to know that I've arrived!
JAMIE: Why no'?
SECOND DOCTOR: Think of the commotion! They'd all be scrambling around, wanting my autograph. No no no, I just want a quiet word
with old Dastari, head of projects.
(The SECOND DOCTOR produces an old-fashioned oil can and uses it on a large lever on the console.)
(The SECOND DOCTOR steels himself, and pushes the large lever forward with all his strength. The lever sticks badly, but the SECOND
DOCTOR finally pushes it completely forward. Immediately, the console room shakes, and an explosive noise is heard. The SECOND DOCTOR
and JAMIE grasp the console for support, but the commotion stops after a few seconds.)
SECOND DOCTOR: Splendid! We've hit conterminous time again.
JAMIE: Well, we've certainly hit something.
SECOND DOCTOR: Oh, Jamie.. Right, follow me.
(The pair approach the exit doors.)
(The SECOND DOCTOR stops suddenly. JAMIE bumps into him.)
JAMIE: Wha', wha'?
SECOND DOCTOR: We'd better take the recall disk..
(The SECOND DOCTOR removes the small object from the console, and puts it in his breast pocket.)
SECOND DOCTOR: And Jamie, don't go wandering off. Stay with me.
JAMIE: Do I ever?
SECOND DOCTOR: It has been known. And, er, let me do the talking, hm? All you have to do is to stand in the background, and admire
JAMIE: (finishing the sentence with the SECOND DOCTOR) 'Admire your diplomatic skills.'
(The space-station's kitchens are filled with all manner of cookware, foodstuffs, and related objects. Distinctive triangular
panels pattern the walls, which we will find in most areas of this station. A rotund, pock-marked figure, SHOCKEYE, is staring in disbelief
at the TARDIS, which has just arrived. The SECOND DOCTOR and JAMIE exit the TARDIS as SHOCKEYE approaches.)
SHOCKEYE: How dare you! How dare you transmat that.. 'object' into my kitchens?
SECOND DOCTOR: How dare you have the impertinence to address me like that?
(SHOCKEYE picks up a large knife and brandishes it.)
SHOCKEYE: I am Shockeye, o' the Quawncing Grig!
SECOND DOCTOR: I'm not interested in the pedigree of an Androgum!
SHOCKEYE: (furious) Ehh!
SECOND DOCTOR: I am a Time Lord!
SHOCKEYE: (humbled) Oh.. Oh.. I - my humblest apologies! I - I - I should have realised..
(Behind his back, the SECOND DOCTOR surreptitiously feels around on a countertop for a weapon amongst some cutlery and vegetables.
He unfortunately chooses a long, cucumber-like vegetable instead of a knife, which he conceals behind his back. Meanwhile, SHOCKEYE
notices JAMIE.)
SHOCKEYE: Er.. this, um, this one with you?
SECOND DOCTOR: He is from the planet Earth. A human.
SHOCKEYE: A Tellurian? Oh! I have not seen one of these before, I.. is it a gift for Dastari?
SHOCKEYE: Oh, such a soft white skin.. whispering of a.. a tender succulence.. Dastari will not appreciate its qualities, you
know. He has no sensual refinement. Let me buy it from you.
SECOND DOCTOR: My companion is not for sale!
SHOCKEYE: I promise you lord, no chef in the nine planets would do more to bring out the flavour of the beast!
(The SECOND DOCTOR brandishes the cucumber, waving it menacingly at SHOCKEYE.)
SECOND DOCTOR: You get on with your butchery!
(The SECOND DOCTOR notices at last the vegetable he is holding, and angrily gives it to SHOCKEYE.)
SECOND DOCTOR: Come along, Jamie!
(The SECOND DOCTOR exits. JAMIE warily follows, not turning his back on SHOCKEYE as he circles around him, and runs out of frame.
SHOCKEYE petulantly watches JAMIE leave.)
SHOCKEYE: Oh... Ohh... Ohhh...
(SHOCKEYE puts down his knife and the cucumber, and picks up a large meat cleaver.)
SHOCKEYE: I can just taste that flesh!
(SHOCKEYE forcefully swings the meat cleaver into a small carcass on the counter.)
(The corridors of the station are utilitarian, with the same triangular wall panels. The SECOND DOCTOR is in thought as he turns
a corner. JAMIE runs behind, straight through the intersection, skids to a halt o.c., and turns back to follow the SECOND DOCTOR.)
JAMIE: Who was tha'?
SECOND DOCTOR: Shockeye o' the Quawncing Grig, so he said.
JAMIE: I know wha' he said, but -
(JAMIE takes a quick look around the corner to make sure he wasn't followed.)
SECOND DOCTOR: He's an Androgum, Jamie.
(The duo start walking the corridor together.)
SECOND DOCTOR: The Androgums are the servitors here. They do all the station maintenance.
JAMIE: Ah, you mean a scullion.
SECOND DOCTOR: Yes, with a high opinion of himself. Chefs usually have.
(The trumpeting sound of the TARDIS dematerialising echoes down the corridor. The SECOND DOCTOR and JAMIE turn around.)
JAMIE: That's the TARDIS!
(SHOCKEYE is now joined by CHESSENE, a tall, dark-haired, outwardly human-looking lady. SHOCKEYE and CHESSENE watch as the TARDIS
CHESSENE: Our allies won't care for that. I promised the Group Marshal he could have the Time Lord's machine.
SHOCKEYE: Will it.. make any difference?
CHESSENE: Not to me. I still have the Kartz-Reimer module. But it shows the Gallifreyans are suspicious, so I was right to lay
the plans I did.
SHOCKEYE: So now we wait.
CHESSENE: Not for long. Stike is moving.
SHOCKEYE: Already? The calgesic won't have affected the scientists yet!
CHESSENE: It will by the time Stike's forces arrive.
SHOCKEYE: Ah. Did they.. enjoy the meal?
CHESSENE: (smiling) Dastari said.. you had surpassed yourself!
SHOCKEYE: Ohh...! Being unable to taste it, I worried that it might be over-seasoned, ha-ha..
(SHOCKEYE happily picks up a plate of the bones and other remains of a large meal.)
CHESSENE: Shockeye, their last supper would have added lustre to your reputation.
CHESSENE: Ha-ha.. except that they won't live to remember it.
(CHESSENE and SHOCKEYE share a devious chuckle.)
(DASTARI's office shares the utilitarian triangular panels with the rest of the station, but the furnishings are oddly antique.
A myriad of potted plants and objets d'art are scattered about. DASTARI himself, a man with collar-length grey hair worn brushed
severely back, an unusual patterned dark grey lame' suit and tinted glasses, is seated at an antique wooden desk. The SECOND DOCTOR
and JAMIE stand nearby.)
DASTARI: I remember it very clearly, Doctor.
(DASTARI rises from his seat, closing a notebook, and crosses to the SECOND DOCTOR.)
DASTARI: You came to our inauguration, bearing fraternal greetings from Gallifrey.
SECOND DOCTOR: Yes, yes.. that was before I, er, fell from favour. I - I'm a bit of an exile these days.
DASTARI: Yes, I heard something about that. But you still act on their instructions.
SECOND DOCTOR: It's the price I pay for my freedom.
DASTARI: Needless to say, we've had no support at all from your people.
SECOND DOCTOR: Oh Dastari, you can't have expected help from the Time Lords. Their policy is one of strict neutrality!
DASTARI: Nonetheless, there's been widespread disappointment among the other Third Zone governments.
SECOND DOCTOR: Don't chide me Dastari, I'm simply a messenger. Officially, I'm here quite unofficially.
DASTARI: You'll explain that paradox, I know.
SECOND DOCTOR: I'm a pariah! Exiled from Time Lord society. So, they can always deny sending me.
DASTARI: And why have they sent you?
SECOND DOCTOR: They have been monitoring the experiments in time travel of the professors Kartz and Reimer.. They want them stopped.
DASTARI: I see... And how do the Time Lords equate that with a policy of complete 'neutrality?'
SECOND DOCTOR: They don't have to. As I said, I have no official existence. So, they can always deny sending me.
(DASTARI chuckles bitterly as he crosses back to his desk.)
DASTARI: Ho-ho-ho.. oh, typical... Typical hypocrisy!
(CHESSENE enters.)
DASTARI: Yes, Chessene?
CHESSENE: I wondered if your guests require refreshment, Professor.
JAMIE: (gratefully) Ah, well er -
SECOND DOCTOR: No, thank you. We've already eaten.
JAMIE: Aye, but tha' was yesterday!
SECOND DOCTOR: One meal a day is quite sufficient, Jamie.
DASTARI: Are you sure?
DASTARI: Thank you, Chessene.
CHESSENE: Very good, Professor.
(CHESSENE exits. DASTARI returns to his seat.)
DASTARI: Well Doctor.. what did you make of our shuttling?
SECOND DOCTOR: (surprised) Was she an Androgum?
DASTARI: She was. Now she's an Androgum T-A. Technologically augmented.
SECOND DOCTOR: Oh.. one of your biological experiments.
DASTARI: I've carried out nine augmentations on Chessene. She's at mega-genius level now. I'm very proud of her.
SECOND DOCTOR: Proud of her, or your own skill?
DASTARI: Perhaps a little of both.. but all that Androgum energy is now functioning on a higher plane. She spends days in the
databanks, simply sucking in knowledge!
SECOND DOCTOR: She's still an Androgum. You can't change nature.
DASTARI: In Chessene's case I believe I have!
SECOND DOCTOR: That's dangerous ground, Dastari! You give a monkey control of its environment, it'll fill the world with bananas!
DASTARI: Oh really Doctor, I expected something more progressive from you! Don't you understand the tremendous implications of
my work?
SECOND DOCTOR: Yes, that's why I say it's so dangerous!
DASTARI: Doctor, our races have become tired! In defeat! Our seed is thin, we must hand the baton of progress to others!
(An impassioned DASTARI stands again and turns away from his guests. Behind him, the SECOND DOCTOR and JAMIE look at each other
and shrug.)
DASTARI: If I can raise the Androgums to a higher plane of consciousness.. there's no limit to what that boiling energy might
SECOND DOCTOR: Dastari, I have no doubt you could augment an earwig to the point where it understood nuclear physics. But it'd still
be a very stupid thing to do!
(A technician wearing a headset sits at a terminal of the station's computer. A pattern of concentric circles is displayed on
the trapezoidal screen, indicating normal conditions. Suddenly, the display changes to that of three rolling spheres in space - Sontaran
ships. The TECHNICIAN touches a control on his console.)
COMPUTER: The approaching craft are Sontaran battle cruisers. Their intention is hostile.
TECHNICIAN: Operate the defence...
(A gas injector is pressed to the TECHNICIAN's neck. He cries out and slumps forward, dead. The device is held by CHESSENE.)
COMPUTER: Please complete your last instructions.
CHESSENE: The last instruction is cancelled. Maintain normal surveillance.
COMPUTER: Normal surveillance.
CHESSENE: Open all docking bays.
(The SIXTH DOCTOR and PERI are on a rocky outcrop on the shore of a lake on some alien world. The SIXTH DOCTOR, wearing a sun
visor, is lounging comfortably on a large wicker box and fishing in the lake. His multicoloured umbrella, opened, is resting on the
rocks nearby. PERI, wearing a bikini top and shorts, is standing nearby. She drops a stone in the water.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: Don't do that! You'll frighten the fish.
(PERI throws another stone into the water.)
PERI: What fish? Doctor, I'm bored! We've been here for hours.
(The SIXTH DOCTOR removes his sun visor, and tosses it toward his umbrella. It misses. He sighs contentedly.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: You know, I think it was Rassilon who once said, 'There are few ways in which a Time Lord can be more
innocently occupied, then in catching fish.'
PERI: That's a whopper.
SIXTH DOCTOR: (looking into the water) Where? I don't see one.
(PERI ties a short top on over her bikini.)
PERI: It was Doctor Johnson who said that, about money.
SIXTH DOCTOR: Well, what's the use of a good quotation if you can't change it?
PERI: Anyway, you're not innocently employed in catching fish, are you?
(PERI sits on a cushion next to the SIXTH DOCTOR.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: They're just lazy today. Any angler will tell you, there are times when nothing will tempt them.
PERI: That so?
SIXTH DOCTOR: Well, the last time I fished this particular stretch, I landed four magnificent gumblejack in less than ten minutes.
PERI: Gumblejack?
SIXTH DOCTOR: The finest fish in this galaxy, probably the universe! Cleaned, skinned, quickly pan-fried in their own juices
till they're golden brown.. Ambrosia steeped in nectar, Peri. The flavour is unforgettable.
(There is a tug on the SIXTH DOCTOR's fishing rod. He stands, alert.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: I think I've got a bite!
PERI: At last.
SIXTH DOCTOR: That's it.. yes, give him his head..
(The SIXTH DOCTOR fights to control his fishing rod, reeling the line in. PERI, interested, crosses to him.)
PERI: You really caught something?
SIXTH DOCTOR: Yes.. my word, this fellow's putting up a fight! Stand by with the gaff, Peri.
PERI: I'm not sticking that thing in a poor little fish!
SIXTH DOCTOR: Not so little, Peri! Not so little at all, by the feel of this it might be a record!
(The SIXTH DOCTOR frantically reels in his line. Wriggling on his hook is an extremely tiny alien fish.)
PERI: (laughing) Oh, wow, Doctor. That must weigh very nearly an ounce.
SIXTH DOCTOR: Yes.. but did you see the one that got away? That magnificent gumblejack that was trying to eat this poor little
fellow. There..
(The SIXTH DOCTOR hands the rod to PERI. He removes the tiny fish from his hook, and throws it back into the lake.)
(DASTARI is once again seated behind his desk, with the SECOND DOCTOR and JAMIE standing opposite.)
DASTARI: Even if I wanted to, Doctor, I have no authority to order professors Kartz and Reimer to abandon their work.
SECOND DOCTOR: Of course you have! You sanction all the experiments on this station.
DASTARI: And what reason would I give? That 'the Time Lords have expressed concern?'
SECOND DOCTOR: Dastari, our monitors have already detected ripples of up to point-four on the Bocher scale. Anything much higher
would threaten the whole fabric of time!
DASTARI: They are well aware of the dangers, Doctor. They are responsible scientists.
SECOND DOCTOR: They are incompetent meddlers.
DASTARI: Aren't you being a little ingenuous, Doctor?
SECOND DOCTOR: What do you mean?
DASTARI: Hasn't it occurred to you that the Time Lords have a vested interest in ensuring that others do not discover their secrets?
SECOND DOCTOR: (taken aback) Oh.. I'm sure that's not the case.
DASTARI: I gather your own machine is no longer in the station. Isn't that because you didn't want Kartz and Reimer to get a
look at it?
SECOND DOCTOR: Look.. I've a suggestion. Stop these experiments for the time being, whilst my people study their work. If Kartz
and Reimer really are on safe lines, I'm sure they'll be allowed to continue.
(DASTARI rises from his seat, infuriated.)
DASTARI: 'Allowed to continue?'
SECOND DOCTOR: I mean, there would be no further objection!
(DASTARI slowly crosses around his desk, to the SECOND DOCTOR.)
DASTARI: (furious) In the first place, I have no authority to ask Kartz and Reimer to submit their work for analysis.
And in the second place, the Time Lords have no right to make such a grossly unethical demand! I've never heard such unmitigated arrogance!
SECOND DOCTOR: (equally furious) And I've never heard such specious claptrap! Oh, don't you pray to me about ethics! The
balance of the space-time continuum could be destroyed by your ham-fisted numbskulls!
(DASTARI removes his glasses. He seems increasingly unwell. He starts breathing heavily as he fumbles into his chair.)
DASTARI: I.. don't feel there's anything to be gained by.. prolonging this discussion, Doctor.
SECOND DOCTOR: Dastari, you have more letters after your name than anyone I know. Enough for two alphabets. How is it you can
be such a stupid, stubborn, irrational, and thoroughly objectionable old idiot?
(JAMIE, who has been standing by quietly throughout the exchange, smirks at the SECOND DOCTOR.)
SECOND DOCTOR: Oh, what are you smiling at, you, you hairy-legged highlander?
JAMIE: I'm just admiring your diplomatic skills.
(The SECOND DOCTOR notices DASTARI, who is now slumped on his desk, unconscious.)
JAMIE: He's go' his head do'n, Doctor. I can't say I blame 'im.
SECOND DOCTOR: I'll thank you not to speak in that appalling mongrel dialect.
JAMIE: I mean, he's gone to sleep.
SECOND DOCTOR: He's no' asleep -
(JAMIE points at the SECOND DOCTOR, who realises his slip of the tongue.)
SECOND DOCTOR: He's not asleep Jamie. He's drugged!
JAMIE: He's what?
(The sound of a battle and laser fire is heard from the nearby corridors.)
JAMIE: What's that?
SECOND DOCTOR: (frightened) I would have thought a Jacobite would recognise that sound..
(A frightened SCIENTIST runs to the doorway.)
SCIENTIST: Professor..!
(The SCIENTIST is struck down by a laser bolt from the corridor. He cries out and falls over. The SECOND DOCTOR quickly kneels,
checking the SCIENTIST for life signs as the room begins to fill with smoke.)
SECOND DOCTOR: Jamie, run.
JAMIE: What?
SECOND DOCTOR: Run, I say! Save yourself!
(Jamie runs out the opposite doorway. The smoke clears, and a three-fingered Sontaran hand points a weapon at the SECOND DOCTOR.
The SECOND DOCTOR meekly raises his hands in surrender.)
(The SIXTH DOCTOR cheerfully enters the TARDIS, carrying his multicoloured umbrella. PERI follows, burdened with a picnic basket,
the large wicker box, and a tall bag of fishing rods slung over her shoulder.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: We'll try our luck at the great lakes of Pandatorea.
PERI: Must we?
SIXTH DOCTOR: Hm? Why, you've never seen such fish! And as for the Pandatorean conga, it's longer than.. your railway trains.
(The SIXTH DOCTOR puts his umbrella on a chair. PERI drops the large box on the floor, and tosses the picnic basket on the chair.)
PERI: I don't think I wish to know.
(PERI is about to drop the tall fishing bag, but the SIXTH DOCTOR quickly takes it from her and lays it down carefully across
the chair.)
PERI: What is all this fishing stuff, anyway?
SIXTH DOCTOR: It's restful! Relaxing. I think I've been overdoing things. I haven't felt at all.. myself, lately.
PERI: Ha-ha.. I don't know which is yourself.
SIXTH DOCTOR: Exactly. This re...
(The SIXTH DOCTOR pauses as a stunned expression comes over his face.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: gener... ation... tion... gen...
(The SIXTH DOCTOR falls forward onto the floor, convulsing and crying out in pain. PERI quickly crouches beside him.)
PERI: Doctor! What's wrong?
(The SECOND DOCTOR is seen standing inside a large glass tube, surrounded by blue light, convulsing in pain. He appears to be
crying out, but no sound is heard. A three-fingered Sontaran hand operates controls on a console. JAMIE sees this through a grille high
on the wall.)
JAMIE: Doctor!
(JAMIE stands on a box, peering through the grille. He draws his dirk from his sock, and starts to prise the grille open. SHOCKEYE
enters from around the corner, holding a large food container. SHOCKEYE gleefully recognises JAMIE, and puts down his container. At
the sound, JAMIE jumps off the box and takes a defensive stance, brandishing his dirk. SHOCKEYE menacingly circles JAMIE, but JAMIE
keeps his stance.)
SHOCKEYE: Whoa there... Steady now.. quiet boy.. easy.. Shockeye will not hurt you..
(JAMIE slices upward, cutting SHOCKEYE's outstretched hand. SHOCKEYE reflexively draws his hand back.)
SHOCKEYE: Oh.. we are wild, aren't we?
(CHESSENE enters.)
CHESSENE: Shockeye! Why aren't you on the ship?
(SHOCKEYE, admonished and momentarily forgetting about JAMIE, crosses to CHESSENE.)
SHOCKEYE: I was just.. collecting some provisions, madam!
CHESSENE: The ship is fully stocked.
(SHOCKEYE picks up his container.)
SHOCKEYE: Oh, but the standard rations are so boring. These are a few special things for the journey.. a cold collation I
(JAMIE sees his chance, and retreats down the corridor.)
SHOCKEYE: (growling) Gaah! The Tellurian has escaped!
CHESSENE: Stike will leave nothing alive.
SHOCKEYE: Oh, but such a waste, madam.
CHESSENE: We must go! Bring the hamper.
(The two Androgums begin walking down the corridor.)
SHOCKEYE: Er.. have you decided on our destination?
CHESSENE: It's unimportant.
CHESSENE: If you wish.
SHOCKEYE: (gleefully) Ahh..
CHESSENE: But why Earth?
SHOCKEYE: I have a desire to taste one of these human beasts, madam. The meat looks so white, and roundsomely layered on the
bone.. a sure sign of a tasty animal!
CHESSENE: You think of nothing but your stomach, do you Shockeye?
SHOCKEYE: The gratification of pleasure, is the sole motive of action! Is that not our law?
CHESSENE: I still accept it. But there are pleasures other than the purely sensual.
SHOCKEYE: For you, perhaps. Fortunately, I have not been 'augmented.'
CHESSENE: Take care. Your purity could easily become insufferable.
SHOCKEYE: These days, you no longer use your karam name, do you, 'Chessene o' the Franzine Grig?'
CHESSENE: Do you think for one moment that I forget that I bear the sacred blood of the Franzine Grig? But that noble history
lies behind me, while ahead... Ahead lies a vision.
(The SIXTH DOCTOR is lying on the floor, while a concerned PERI crouches beside him. He struggles to a sitting position.)
PERI: Doctor.. er.. are you alright?
SIXTH DOCTOR: Of course I'm not 'alright!' What happened?
PERI: I think you fainted.
SIXTH DOCTOR: I never faint! I remember now. I felt a weakness! I felt.. a weakness.. and then I.. I was in another place!
PERI: (hopeful) Can I get you anything? Er.. celery! That's what you need.
SIXTH DOCTOR: Celery? Yes!
(The duo stand. The SIXTH DOCTOR begins walking around, with a worried expression.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: And the tensile strength of... jelly babies! But I.. I had a clarinet! Or was it.. a flute? Something you blew
PERI: Er.. a glass of water, a..
SIXTH DOCTOR: Water, no, don't think so.. a recorder!
(The SIXTH DOCTOR puts his hand to his forehead.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: That's what it was.. some kind of mind lock!
PERI: Doctor, you're not making any sense.
SIXTH DOCTOR: I am making perfect sense! I was being put to death!
PERI: I think you should sit down.
(The SIXTH DOCTOR, blankly, starts to sit. He catches himself half way.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: Sit down?? They're executing me! ..Except it wasn't that way. It didn't end like that. So it's not possible.
PERI: What isn't possible?
SIXTH DOCTOR: Well, I exist! I'm here! Now! Therefore, I cannot have been killed then! That is.. irrefutable logic, isn't it?
PERI: Don't.. worry about it.
SIXTH DOCTOR: (worried) But the there and then subsumes the here and now, so if I was killed then, I could only exist
now as some sort of.. temporal tautology, that also is irrefutable.
PERI: Circular logic will only make you dizzy, Doctor.
SIXTH DOCTOR: The most likely explanation of course, is that I haven't synchronised properly yet. Some kind of time-slip in the
PERI: Perhaps you should see a doctor.
SIXTH DOCTOR: (pause) Are you trying to be funny?
PERI: No, it was just a suggestion.
SIXTH DOCTOR: (animated) Actually, that's not such a bad idea!
(The SIXTH DOCTOR crosses the room, digging a long, folded up strip of index cards out of his coat pocket. He begins frantically
flipping through the cards.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: Now, then.. Archimedes - hm, fascinating chap, bit wet.. Brunell.. Christopher Columbus - he had a lot to answer
(He throws a wry glance toward PERI.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: Dante'.. Da Vinci.. Dastari! Joinson Dastari, H-P-1, head of projects, Space Station Chimera, Third Zone. That's
(The SIXTH DOCTOR excitedly drapes the long strip of cards over PERI's shoulders as he crosses back to the console.)
PERI: Oh! Who?
(PERI takes the strip off her shoulders and begins re-folding it. The SIXTH DOCTOR operates various controls on the console.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: Dastari! The pioneer of genetic engineering. Be worth a trip, anyway. Dastari's people are doing some fascinating
work on Rho mesons as the unstable factor in pin galaxies.
PERI: (dryly) I can hardly wait. What are pin galaxies?
(PERI finishes folding the strip of cards, and places it on the console.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: Hmm? Oh, they're galaxies within the universe of the atom. Difficult to study. They only exist for one attosecond.
PERI: Doctor, I have no idea what that means.
SIXTH DOCTOR: It means you have to be quick. An attosecond is a quintillionth of a second. Right, here we go!
(The SIXTH DOCTOR throws a final switch. A strained dematerialisation sound is heard, and the console room shakes for a moment.
The time rotor column in the console begins its regular vertical motion, indicating flight.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: You know, that was a good idea of mine, wasn't it?
PERI: (exasperated) What?
SIXTH DOCTOR: Getting medical help!
(An establishing model shot of the city-scape station in all its glory.)
(The TARDIS materialises on the same spot in which we saw the SECOND DOCTOR's TARDIS earlier, but the atmosphere is totally different.
It is dark, and the food has all putrefied. Clearly, some time has passed for the station. The SIXTH DOCTOR and PERI exit the TARDIS.
Peri sniffs audibly.)
PERI: Ugh! Oh Doctor, it's foul! Are you sure it's safe?
SIXTH DOCTOR: Plenty of oxygen.
PERI: But that awful smell!
SIXTH DOCTOR: Mainly decaying food... And corpses.
PERI: Corpses?
SIXTH DOCTOR: (morose) That is the smell of death, Peri. Ancient must, heavy in the air. Fruit-soft flesh, peeling from
white bones. The unholy, unburiable smell of Armageddon. Nothing quite so evocative as one's sense of smell, is there?
PERI: I feel sick.
SIXTH DOCTOR: I think you'll feel a good deal sicker before we're finished here.
(The SIXTH DOCTOR gives PERI a reassuring pat on the arm, and leads the way out of the kitchens. PERI follows. As she leaves,
a growling, wheezing, vaguely animal sound is heard from behind a grille in the wall.)
(The SIXTH DOCTOR and PERI turn the same corner the SECOND DOCTOR and JAMIE did earlier. Here, as in the kitchens, it is much
darker than before, and the walls show signs of a violent battle. The SIXTH DOCTOR indicates one still-smoking hole in a panel.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: Laser bolt there, you see?
(The SIXTH DOCTOR sighs, and crosses to another damaged area.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: And there.. it must have been quite a fight.
PERI: Look!
(PERI picks up a blood-stained lab coat.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: Quite recently, too. Otherwise, the atmosphere would have cleared.
PERI: D'you think we should go on any further?
SIXTH DOCTOR: (surprised) What?
PERI: Well, I mean, if there's no one left alive, there's nothing we can do now, is there?
SIXTH DOCTOR: I want to find out what happened here! Look, you can go back to the TARDIS if you like.
PERI: No, I - I'll stay with you.
(The SIXTH DOCTOR grunts in acknowledgement, and walks on. After a brief moment, PERI follows.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: When I first saw this station, I thought of comet strike, or some such natural disaster. But it's been deliberately
destroyed! Now, what kind of monster would want to stop the brilliant work that was being done here? Pure research, for its own sake!
It threatened no one!
COMPUTER: It threatened the Time Lords.
(The SIXTH DOCTOR and PERI are startled by the voice of the station's computer.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: (bristling) Would you care to repeat that?
COMPUTER: It threatened the Time Lords.
SIXTH DOCTOR: And what put that idea into your apology for a brain?
COMPUTER: Return to your ship and leave.
SIXTH DOCTOR: Certainly not!
COMPUTER: Then this station will switch to defence alert.
SIXTH DOCTOR: I will not be threatened by a computer! And put some lights on!
PERI: How do you know it's a computer?
SIXTH DOCTOR: My dear girl, I know a computer when I talk to one. Come on.
(The SIXTH DOCTOR walks on. PERI follows.)
PERI: And what did it mean, 'defence alert?'
SIXTH DOCTOR: Oh, the usual. Floor trips, electronic sensors, death rays, jets of nerve gas... Nothing to worry about.
PERI: Oh, good. I was afraid it might mean something serious.
SIXTH DOCTOR: Hm. As long as we keep our wits about us.
(The SIXTH DOCTOR lifts his coat-tails as he steps over the beam of an electric eye. PERI tries her best to step over it as well.
As the duo turn a corner, a klaxon is heard.)
PERI: What's that noise?
SIXTH DOCTOR: It's depressurising this section!
(The sound of rushing air is heard as the SIXTH DOCTOR tries a control panel on the wall.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: No power..
PERI: It's getting colder!
SIXTH DOCTOR: It will. But, we'll die from lack of air before we freeze to death.
(The SIXTH DOCTOR tries another control panel. It is dead as well.)
PERI: How long?
SIXTH DOCTOR: Not many minutes. We've got to get out of this passageway.
(The SIXTH DOCTOR feels along a door. He finds an emergency panel, and pulls the cover off.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: Ah! Thought there'd be one.
(The SIXTH DOCTOR assembles an emergency hydraulic lever apparatus from components folded and stored inside the panel. He begins
frantically pumping the lever as PERI begins gasping for air.)
PERI: Nothing's.. happening..
SIXTH DOCTOR: (pumping and gasping) Got to.. build.. hydraulic.. pressure..
(PERI faints. The doors open as the sound of rushing air gets even louder. The SIXTH DOCTOR, struggling for breath, lifts the
unconscious PERI over his shoulder, and brings her through the doors.)
(Present-day Earth. A large, classical, isolated Spanish hacienda. SHOCKEYE, CHESSENE, and a Sontaran, VARL, pass through the
ornate wrought-iron gates. They pause just outside the entrance.)
CHESSENE: Excellent.
(CHESSENE raises a hand, and concentrates on her surroundings.)
CHESSENE: I detect only one occupant, a female.
SHOCKEYE: Don't use the gas injector, madam. They give the flesh an acrid taste. I'll slaughter it myself.
CHESSENE: It might not be edible, Shockeye. I detect great age. Come!
(The three aliens proceed to the front door.)
(Like the rest of the station, it is dark. PERI is sitting in a chair. The SIXTH DOCTOR standing behind her, hands on her temples.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: Feeling better?
PERI: Thanks.. Where are we?
SIXTH DOCTOR: Dastari's office.
PERI: How d'you know?
(The SIXTH DOCTOR regards DASTARI's desk.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: He liked old, familiar things around him. He worked out the famous theory of parallel matter at that desk, and
in pen and ink. He detested computers.
PERI: You speak as though you're sure he's.. dead.
SIXTH DOCTOR: They're all dead, Peri... Forty of the finest scientific minds ever assembled in one place. The barbarity of such
a deed.. I find scarcely conceivable.
PERI: Well, were they a threat to the Time Lords?
SIXTH DOCTOR: Absolute rubbish. This institute was a threat to no one, it's only purpose was to add to the sum total of knowledge.
PERI: Well, then why did the computer say that -
SIXTH DOCTOR: Oh.. don't know. Not yet. Programmed to say that, presumably.
(The station lights turn up to full.)
PERI: What's that for?
SIXTH DOCTOR: Switching to visual.. must've lost track of us.
PERI: Well, I haven't seen any lenses.
SIXTH DOCTOR: There'll be an electronic eye somewhere. D'you notice the floor?
PERI: What about it?
SIXTH DOCTOR: Cork insulation and carpet.
PERI: So your friend liked to be comfortable, even in space.
SIXTH DOCTOR: It's been tracking us by the heat of our feet. In here, it couldn't detect us.
PERI: You mean it got worried, and switched the lights on?
SIXTH DOCTOR: Something like that. I wonder what it'll try next.
(The SIXTH DOCTOR seats himself at DASTARI's desk, and begins idly looking through DASTARI's notebook.)
PERI: You don't think it'll just leave us alone?
SIXTH DOCTOR: Most unlikely. Think of it as a game, between it and us.
PERI: I love games, Doctor. Games where I'm not expecting to end up dead... Are you listening?
SIXTH DOCTOR: (engrossed in the notebook) Yes... My word, they were doing some fascinating work here. This is Dastari's
day journal.
PERI: You've told me all I wanna know about pin galaxies.
SIXTH DOCTOR: (reading) Some people called.. Kartz and Reimer were having some success, it seems, with.. experiments in
time control.
PERI: But you can already do that.
SIXTH DOCTOR: Well, I can, yes, but I didn't realise the Third Zoners were that close to.. to the.. breakthrough..
PERI: Is something wrong?
SIXTH DOCTOR: This last entry.. 'The Time Lords are demanding that Kartz and Reimer suspend their work, alleging their
experiments are imperilling the continuum. No proof was offered to support this charge, so I rejected the demand. Colleagues fear
they may forcibly intervene...? All agree that we must stand firm and refuse to be intimidated...!'
PERI: So it was the Time Lords!
SIXTH DOCTOR: No, it's not possible! No matter how dangerous the experiments they were doing, they'd have found some other way
of halting them! Not this massacre!
PERI: Well.. maybe they couldn't find another way.
(The SIXTH DOCTOR rises from the desk and begins frantically pacing.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: No! It's not believable that they would commit such an atrocity! The use of force is alien to Time Lord nature!
PERI: Well, perhaps they thought the ends justified the means! Isn't that always the excuse for something really bad?
SIXTH DOCTOR: No, I won't believe it. There must be some other explanation!
PERI: Well.. maybe someone's setting the Time Lords up!
SIXTH DOCTOR: 'Setting them up,' what - set.. setting.. setting them.. up...
(The SIXTH DOCTOR, wide-eyed, crosses to PERI.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: You know, sometimes, young Peri, you make amazingly shrewd remarks! Yes! It could be a crude attempt to drive
a wedge between Gallifrey and the Third Zone governments.
PERI: But who'd benefit from that?
SIXTH DOCTOR: I don't know. But I intend to find out.
PERI: That's if we get out of here alive.
SIXTH DOCTOR: Hm? Oh, yes, I was forgetting that. We still have our homicidal computer to deal with.
PERI: It's getting awfully hot and stuffy in here now.
SIXTH DOCTOR: Yes, having failed to freeze us to death, it's now trying to bake us. It appears to be a machine with a distinctly
limited repertoire.
(The SIXTH DOCTOR returns to the desk and begins rummaging through its contents.)
PERI: Who needs anything fancy? Oh Doctor, we've gotta get out of here!
SIXTH DOCTOR: We have to do better than that.. we've got to find our way to the control centre and turn the wretched thing off.
PERI: Well, how're we going to do that without being zapped on the way?
SIXTH DOCTOR: 'Zapped??' We'll have to find our way down into the infrastructure and work our way across. We'll be cramped down
there, but it's safer than going on the walkways.
(The SIXTH DOCTOR rummages through the desk drawer.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: Not so much as a paper clip! You'd think someone like Dastari would keep a few useful odds and ends around!
(Frustrated, he slams the drawer shut.)
PERI: Oh, Doctor, it's absolutely stifling now.
SIXTH DOCTOR: Yes.. yes, it is a bit uncomfortable.
(The SIXTH DOCTOR crosses to the far door, and removes a small panel in its centre. He examines the circuitry inside.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: As I thought. I could trip this if I had a bit of wire!
PERI: Well, what're you trying to do?
SIXTH DOCTOR: Save us from death by dehydration. That computer's been forced to turn the power on..
(He begins emptying his pockets, coming up with the index card strip, a ball of string, a hand mirror, a yo-yo, and a banana.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: but it hasn't energized the door locks. If only I could -
(The SIXTH DOCTOR notices something on the desk.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: A-ha! Here you are..
(He hands PERI the banana as he crosses to the desk.)
(Stuffing his belongings back into his pockets, he approaches an unusual sculpture with prominent strands of curling metal wire.
The SIXTH DOCTOR bends a small bit of wire back and forth until it snaps off. Satisfied, he goes back to the bare circuitry in the door,
and carefully trips it with his wire. After a small electrical snap and some sparks, the door opens.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: Voila! You know, I don't know much about art, but I know what I like.
(A frail old Spanish woman, the DOÑA ARANA, is kneeling in silent prayer at a statue of Christ. She crosses herself, and rises
unsteadily on her cane. She leaves a red rose as an offering to the Christ, and walks away. We can tell by the way she chooses her path
with her cane that she is blind. Her path is soon blocked by SHOCKEYE.)
DOÑA: ¿Quién está, aquí?
SHOCKEYE: It cannot see.
DOÑA: You are.. English...? ¿Quién está?
(SHOCKEYE delivers a heavy downward blow, and the old woman crumples to the floor. He descends upon the body, poking and prodding.)
SHOCKEYE: The creature's bones are dry and brittle!
CHESSENE: I sensed it was very old. But its mind will be of use. Bring it through.
(CHESSENE ascends a nearby staircase.)
SHOCKEYE: You carry it, Varl.
VARL: I do not take orders from civilians.
(VARL follows CHESSENE up the stairs. SHOCKEYE growls angrily at the dismissal, and bends to retrieve his slaughtered prize.)
(The kitchens are brightly lit. The SIXTH DOCTOR removes a large triangular panel from the wall, revealing an empty chute behind
SIXTH DOCTOR: Ah. This looks big enough to get down.
PERI: (eating her banana) Well, can't we just take off?
SIXTH DOCTOR: Not until I find out exactly what happened here.
(PERI notices a corpse near the TARDIS, and puts down her banana.)
PERI: Doctor, look!
SIXTH DOCTOR: We haven't got time to bother about dead Androgums, Peri.
PERI: Ugh.. Well, how d'you know it's an Androgum?
SIXTH DOCTOR: (impatiently) I know an Androgum when I see one! Come on!
(PERI crosses to the SIXTH DOCTOR.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: Right, shouldn't be too far down, just put your arms over your head, and slide.
PERI: What happens if I get stuck?
SIXTH DOCTOR: I shouldn't advise that, I'll be right behind you.
PERI: Okay, okay.
(PERI climbs into the chute, and lets out a yelp as she slides out of view. The SIXTH DOCTOR follows suit.)
(The station's infrastructure is a complex multicoloured framework of struts, grids, supports, and conduits of all kinds. Peri
stands near the outlet of the chute as the SIXTH DOCTOR tumbles out, making an uncomfortable landing.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: That was a bit further down than I expected. Ooh..
PERI: Well it's alright coming down, how are we ever gonna get back up again?
SIXTH DOCTOR: Oh, there'll be service hatches.. ooh!
(The SIXTH DOCTOR bumps his head on a beam as he struggles to get upright.)
PERI: You did say it would be cramped..
SIXTH DOCTOR: (rubbing his head) Thanks for reminding me. This way, I think..
(The SIXTH DOCTOR leads the way through the maze.)
PERI: How can you tell?
SIXTH DOCTOR: Apart from possessing an unerring sense of direction, all the service ducts lead this way. They must lead up to
the control centre.
(The SIXTH DOCTOR leads the way with confidence, and comes upon a dead end.)
(He doubles back, followed by a decreasingly confident PERI. The duo carefully make their path on the perilous framework. At one
point, PERI slips and nearly loses her footing, grabbing hold of a vertical strut for support.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: You alright?
PERI: Heh heh, sure. Can't remember when I last had so much fun.
(As the camera pans, an indistinct FIGURE enters the frame. Unseen by the SIXTH DOCTOR and PERI, but right in camera view, the
hooded FIGURE watches the travellers for a moment. Groaning to itself, the FIGURE quickly exits frame as the SIXTH DOCTOR and PERI continue
on their path.)
(SHOCKEYE is sitting at a table and fanning himself as CHESSENE approaches from within the hacienda, holding her gas injector
CHESSENE: Where is Varl?
SHOCKEYE: Oh.. he's setting up a homing beacon for the Sontaran ship.
CHESSENE: We must ask Stike to make a discreet landing. This planet is greatly overpopulated.
SHOCKEYE: (slyly) By the time I leave it, madam, that may not be a problem. Oh... Did you learn much from the dead mind?
CHESSENE: It was a puny thing. This region of the planet is called... 'Andalucía.' We are four kilometres from the city
of 'Seville.'
SHOCKEYE: (animatedly) Oh.. oh.. and is the eating good there?
CHESSENE: Doña Arana had little interest in food. Her mind was full of her religion.
SHOCKEYE: Religion! I'm not interested in the beliefs of primitives! Only in what they taste like!
CHESSENE: In some ways, Shockeye o' the Quawncing Grig, you are a complete primitive yourself.
SHOCKEYE: You only say that, Chessene, because of the foreign, alien filth injected into you by Dastari! But come what may, you
are an Androgum. Never lose sights of your horizons.
(The SIXTH DOCTOR and PERI continue their journey through the maze of conduits. The SIXTH DOCTOR is helping PERI up a ladder.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: Here, give me your hand.. good girl.
PERI: (fatigued) Oh.. it would help if we could see.
SIXTH DOCTOR: Er, can't be much further.
PERI: Just far enough to scrape the skin off another leg. What is all this stuff, anyway?
SIXTH DOCTOR: Hm? Oh, fluidic streams. Interesting application of an old idea. Think I detect Dastari's hand in the design. There..
(The SIXTH DOCTOR unscrews a nearby conduit from it's connection, and examines it.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: There, you see?
PERI: Should you have done that?
SIXTH DOCTOR: Oh, they're self-sealing. Now that fluid-
(The mysterious FIGURE coughs from out of frame. PERI hears it.)
PERI: Doctor-
SIXTH DOCTOR: (uninterrupted) -carries a signal, in the same way that a signal in an electronic circuit is carried by
the flow of electrons.
(The SIXTH DOCTOR replaces the conduit into its connection. PERI hears the mysterious wheezing again.)
PERI: Doctor!
SIXTH DOCTOR: The interesting thing about a fluidic device- what?
PERI: I- I thought I heard something. I was trying to listen, but you kept on talking.
SIXTH DOCTOR: (archly) I was imparting a little information! If you ask a question, you should listen to the answer, my
girl. Otherwise, you will gain absolutely no benefit from being in my company. It is the province of knowledge to speak, and the privilege
of wisdom to listen.
(The SIXTH DOCTOR wipes his hands on his handkerchief.)
PERI: Privilege!
PERI: I can't tell you how privileged I feel! Having been half-frozen, and asphyxiated, and cooked, and then forced to clamber
through miles of pipe..
SIXTH DOCTOR: Good, because we have about another mile to go. Come on.
(PERI petulantly follows the SIXTH DOCTOR through the maze. The wheezing is heard again.)
PERI: (panicky) AH! Listen!
SIXTH DOCTOR: What is it?
PERI: I.. I.. I.. I heard it again! There's.. there's something down here with us!
SIXTH DOCTOR: Well, it's not possible! You're imagining it.
PERI: I tell you, I'm certain I heard something.
SIXTH DOCTOR: Hydraulics.
PERI: What?
SIXTH DOCTOR: Well, some of these pumping systems are very old! There's bound to be the odd wheeze.
(The wheezing is heard again, very loudly this time. )
PERI: Well, that's the fiercest pump I ever heard!
SIXTH DOCTOR: (wide-eyed) There's something down here with us, Peri!
(The mysterious FIGURE, draped in a hood or blanket of some sort, is hanging from an indeterminate part of the infrastructure.)
(The SIXTH DOCTOR and PERI continue their journey. The duo come upon a small junction box.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: There.. we must be under the central control area, now.
(The SIXTH DOCTOR opens the box and begins tinkering with the components inside.)
PERI: Well, I just hope you know what you're doing.
SIXTH DOCTOR: If I didn't, I wouldn't be doing it. Do have a little faith.
PERI: It just looks very complicated.
SIXTH DOCTOR: Not at all, these type 49 systems are colour-coded. Er, defence mechanisms in red, power supplies in yellow.. and
so forth. Now all we have to do is disarm that computer, and hopefully we'll get some civil answers out of the thing.
PERI: There's a ladder over here.
SIXTH DOCTOR: Hm? Yes, I know, I saw it. Leads up to the central control area. Blue... You know, I can't remember what blue stands
for? Oh, well.
PERI: Can I help?
SIXTH DOCTOR: Hm? No no no! This is a job for an expert. They often booby-trap these computers to prevent tampering. Berbury's
noose was a favourite.
PERI: What's that?
SIXTH DOCTOR: Berbury's noose? Very nasty. Leaves you without a head.
SIXTH DOCTOR: D'you know, I wish I could remember what that blue line serves.
(PERI, perhaps thinking matters over, climbs down the nearby ladder. She passes a tangle of cables on the way down.)
(The Sontaran, VARL, peers at the sky through advanced binoculars.)
(The rolling sphere shape of a Sontaran ship approaches the Earth.)
(VARL, satisfied, lowers his binoculars and exits into the hacienda.)
(A couple, OSCAR and ANITA, are walking in a field. OSCAR, a rotund Englishman, is wearing khakis and carrying various bags, a
butterfly net, and binoculars. ANITA, a lovely young Spanish lady, is wearing a simple dress and fanning herself. They come upon a wooden
OSCAR: What does that say, Anita?
ANITA: 'Keep out.'
OSCAR: Oh. Well, perhaps we'd better had.
ANITA: It doesn't matter, Oscar. It's a very old sign.
OSCAR: Yes, but-
ANITA: No one lives on the hacienda now, only the Doña Arana.
OSCAR: Doña Arana?
ANITA: An old lady, Don Vincenté Arana's widow. She never leaves the house.
OSCAR: Where is the house?
ANITA: Over that hill. D'you know, in the old days when my mother worked for the Don it was like a palace. Now, it is falling
(SHOCKEYE is sitting at a large fountain as VARL approaches from the hacienda. SHOCKEYE savagely tears at a watermelon, taking
huge mouthfuls of the fruit. Revolted, he spits out the mouthful and throws the watermelon chunks into the fountain.)
SHOCKEYE: Insipid muck!
VARL: Our leader is in descent orbit.
SHOCKEYE: 'Our leader' is Chessene o' the Franzine Grig.
(SHOCKEYE picks up a chicken leg and takes mad gluttonous bites.)
VARL: Marshal Stike commands the ninth Sontaran battle group!
SHOCKEYE: He doesn't command anything here. Chessene planned this operation!
VARL: You will see! We Sontarans lead, we never follow!
(VARL exits the scene, leaving an infuriated SHOCKEYE.)
SHOCKEYE: Tell him to come in on full mufflers! An' that's an order from Chessene!
(SHOCKEYE frantically tears a large piece of chicken from the bone.)
(OSCAR and ANITA come upon a clearing.)
ANITA: Hmm, this is the place. There always used to be hundreds of moths around here.
OSCAR: Yes... Yes, it looks like splendid moth country. Of course, we are a little early. Moths.. are ladies of the night.
(OSCAR finds a spot to put down his gear, and ANITA can't help but smile as she listens to OSCAR enthuse about his hobby)
OSCAR: Painted beauties.. sleeping all day, and.. rising at the sunset to.. whisper through the roseate dusk on gossamer wings
of damask, and silk.
ANITA: You really like them, don't you, Oscar.
OSCAR: Oh, I adore them.
ANITA: Then why do you kill them?
OSCAR: Hah, so that I can look at them.
(OSCAR inspects his lantern.)
ANITA: What's that for?
OSCAR: 'Moths to the flame,' my dear. Then I net them, and put them in my cyanide box.
(OSCAR produces a glass jar containing cotton wool and white crystals.)
ANITA: Cyanide? Isn't that terribly dangerous?
OSCAR: Ha ha, not if one is careful. I've used cyanide since I was a boy. It's quicker.. and kinder to the little creatures than
ANITA: What do you do with the poor things when they're dead?
OSCAR: I mount them, in my collection. So that I can sit.. and admire them.
ANITA: Don't you have a television?
(A strange whooshing sound is heard. It sounds like an aircraft, and it's getting louder.)
OSCAR: Down!
(The couple crouch down as the noise builds..)
(The rolling sphere of a Sontaran ship flies noisily across the sky. It passes over the tree line, and lands out of sight.)
(OSCAR and ANITA gingerly rise from their prone positions.)
OSCAR: I thought it was going to hit us!
ANITA: It landed over that way, somewhere! We have to go and see, somebody might need help!
OSCAR: I - I - I do hope not, I.. can't bear the sight of gory entrails. Well, except, of course, on the stage..
(ANITA pulls OSCAR to his feet, and the couple run in the direction of the crash, leaving Oscar's moth-catching gear behind.)
(OSCAR and ANITA approach the hacienda.)
(DASTARI and STIKE, another Sontaran, carry an unconscious SECOND DOCTOR to the hacienda. They are walking away from camera, so
STIKE's alien features are not readily apparent.)
(OSCAR and ANITA watch the scene, OSCAR lowering his binoculars.)
ANITA: It must have crashed!
OSCAR: Please, Anita, don't let's go any nearer. Oh, they may be suffering from.. hideous injuries!
ANITA: The Doña Arana won't be able to help them, and there's no telephone! We have to see if we can help.
(ANITA pulls OSCAR toward the hacienda.)
(PERI is exploring the lower level while the SIXTH DOCTOR continues his work on the junction box. PERI comes across a bundle of
old blankets, and stoops to examine it.)
PERI: Doctor! Over here!
SIXTH DOCTOR: What is it?
PERI: I - I don't know... well, come and see!
(The SIXTH DOCTOR is concentrating on his work.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: In a minute.
(As the SIXTH DOCTOR works, the shrouded FIGURE appears behind PERI. PERI doesn't notice it lumbering toward her. Meanwhile, the
SIXTH DOCTOR is putting the finishing touches on his work.)
SIXTH DOCTOR: There. That should just about have done it.
(PERI screams from the lower level.)
(As the SIXTH DOCTOR turns to help his friend, a stream of gas is sprayed into his face by the junction box. The SIXTH DOCTOR's
face twists into a mask of pain, and he topples off the ledge upon which he was standing. His fall stops when he is caught under his
arms by a stretch of tangled cables, but he is still not moving. PERI is crying out as she struggles with the FIGURE in the mass of
blankets, as the inert SIXTH DOCTOR hangs from the cables...)
Next Episode
The Doctor
The Doctor
Doña Arana
Computer Voice (uncredited)
Tile Music Composed By
Incidental Music
Special Sound
Production Manager
Production Associate
Production Assistant
Assistant Floor Manager
Film Cameraman
Film Sound
Film Editor
Visual Effects Designer
Video Effects
Vision Mixer
Technical Co-ordinator
Camera Supervisor
Videotape Editor
Lighting Director
Studio Sound
Costume Designer
Make-up Designer
Script Editor
Title Sequence
Transcribed by RTF