The War Games
Episode One
By Malcolm Hulke and Terrance Dicks
(All around the field is a scene of mess. An old rusting barrels pockmarked with bullet holes compete for space in the middle of a muddy quagmire amongst rotting
wooden piles, old discarded barbed wire and strips of filthy cloth and shredded tyres. In the air is the distant tang of woodsmoke and cordite. In the centre of a
particularly nasty puddle a large blue shape appears with a strangled trumpeting of exhausted engines. The door of the Police-box opens and three distinctly odd
passengers disembark. The first a young lad in a kilt, and following on a small dark-haired man in a frock coat and a young girl in a long raincoat. Jamie steps
down from the TARDIS and immediately his shoes begin to get sucked down into the thick, unforgiving mud. The others laugh at him.)
JAMIE: Oh! What is this place?
ZOE: Doctor, where are we - Earth?
DOCTOR: Well it looks like it Zoe. Come on!
(Carefully they try to pick their way across the field without getting too dirty, and up a scrubby incline, the Doctor jauntily
whistling "A hunting we will go" happily to himself. Zoe stops by a metal pile with rusting barbed wire coiled around it.)
ZOE: What's this stuff?
JAMIE: Ah, wee spikes! Oh!
(He reaches out to touch one, accidentally pricks himself and recoils sucking his finger)
DOCTOR: It's barbed wire Jamie, filthy stuff.
(He stoops to pick up a discarded tin helmet from under a soaking wooden board.)
DOCTOR: I thought so!
JAMIE: Eh? Where are we Doctor?
DOCTOR: We're back in history Jamie, one of the most terrible times on the planet Earth.
(The travellers all hit the ground as they hear several approaching whistles of falling shells which explode nearby in vast blossoms
smoke and flame making the ground shake. A vicious chatter of machine-gun fire shatters the air.)
DOCTOR: QUICK! Down there!
(They scramble into a small bomb-crater in the ground. Jamie peers over the top, but the Doctor pulls him down.)
(They all flatten themselves against the ground as the creeping barrage tears the dirt to shreds showering them with earth and stones. Above where they are
lying a worn and weary-looking first world-war ambulance judders into view like an old lame horse, and stops just before the barrage does. A dark-haired woman,
the Lady Jennifer Buckingham, gets out of the ambulance, removes her driving goggles and looks down at the three travellers.)
BUCKINGHAM: I say! Are you alright?
DOCTOR: W..well yes, I-I think so.
BUCKINGHAM: I shouldn't stay around here if I were you, that was just the softening-up barrage!
DOCTOR: What?!
DOCTOR: Oh...oh my... Oh!
(They scramble up the side of the crater.)
DOCTOR: Well where are we?
BUCKINGHAM: Behind the lines I think. Not...too sure myself. I'm heading due-East, but I seem to have got...
(They all look around as they see two gas-masked German soldiers pointing rifles at them. The lead solder pulls off his mask.)
GERMAN SOLDIER: Hände rauf! Rücken schnell!
(He ushers them into the ambulance and it drives off across the muddy landscape, but they don't get far. A group of men rush the
ambulance, and a dashing young officer, Carstairs, pulls away the German's rifle pointing a heavy service-revolver at his head.)
CARSTAIRS: Out you come!
BUCKINGHAM: There's another in the back.
(Carstairs motions to his man.)
CARSTAIRS: Take care of him.
(He edges around the back of the ambulance with another man, gun raised, but Jamie has already subdued both men, and is casually lying on top
of them, their guns pressed up against the back of their necks. Carstairs looks astonished.)
CARSTAIRS: Well done.
(He motions to the German soldiers.)
CARSTAIRS: Get inside.
(He gets into the ambulance next to Lady Jennifer.)
CARSTAIRS: Who are those people?
BUCKINGHAM: No idea. Picked 'em up in no-man's land.
CARSTAIRS: Well I suppose we'd better get them back to base.
(The ambulance drives off.)
(Major Barrington, a tidy officer with a trimmed moustache is sitting behind his desk speaking into a black field telephone by the light of a sturdy brass hurricane
lamp looking every bit the Edmund Blackadder. All around shakes, debris falling from the ceiling, as the entire area is repeatedly shelled.)
BARRINGTON: They've laid down a heavy barrage all along the line, I think that they're after that ammo-dump. Don't worry sir, we'll hold out!
(He looks down at his map desperately as if his head were aching and picks up a small pencil. Instantly he regains a detached,
professional composure as a young, thick Yorkshire-accented Sergeant rushes in and snaps to attention.)
BARRINGTON: What is it?
SERGEANT: Ambulance approaching sir.
BARRINGTON: Give it protective fire.
(The soldier remains erect.)
BARRINGTON: Jump to it man!
(The Sergeant rushes out again.)
(The trench is a muddy unpleasant waterlogged hole in the ground. It is constructed of dirty sandbags and soaking wooden beams. To one side a Private is firing
away repeatedly with a machine gun, as the trench itself is bombarded from far away. The Sergeant ushers the people down a ladder into the trench.)
SERGEANT: Come on! Get down, get down!
CARSTAIRS: A couple of prisoners Sergeant, my men are bringing them in.
SERGEANT: Very good sir.
(The travellers wander a little way along the trench.)
JAMIE: How are we going to get back to the TARDIS?
DOCTOR: Now just be quiet Jamie, and let me do the talking.
(The Sergeant returns to the room.)
(Barrington looks exasperated.)
BARRINGTON: Well, what is it now?
SERGEANT: With the ambulance sir, there was a Lieutenant.
BARRINGTON: Well bring 'im in!
(He exits, and Carstairs enters snapping a formal salute.)
CARSTAIRS: Lieutenant Carstairs sir.
BARRINGTON: Well what are you doing here? Don't belong to this battalion do you?
CARSTAIRS: No, patrolling in no-mans land sir. I got cut off from my own lot.
BARRINGTON: Well, what were you doing traipsing about in ambulances?
CARSTAIRS: Recaptured it from the Hun, sir. Lucky we arrived really. There's a WVR driving it, and three, ah, civilians inside.
BARRINGTON: Civilians? In no-man's land?
CARSTAIRS: Your sergeant's taking care of them, sir.
BARRINGTON: Good grief, civilians.
(He puts his head in his hands as his head begins to throb again, having the feeling that it really is going to be one of those days.)
(The Sergeant walks by and gives the Doctor Jamie and Zoe each a chipped enamel mug of thick, sugarless tea, then departs.)
JAMIE: The thing is where are we?
ZOE: Early twentieth century isn't it, Doctor?
DOCTOR: Yes. I'm afraid that we've landed up in the middle of one of the worst wars in human history!
JAMIE: Why are they fighting stuck into the ground like this for?
DOCTOR: Well it's trench warfare you see, Jamie. These trenches stretch right the way across the continent of Europe.
JAMIE: Well what are they fighting for?
DOCTOR: Well I-well I believe that they call it "The War to End all Wars."
SERGEANT: The Major will see you now.
ZOE: Do-do you think they'll let us go?
DOCTOR: Well they've got no reason to keep us.
(The Doctor listens as the guns go silent. He places down his mug and approaches the incline of the trench.)
DOCTOR: Things seem to have quietened down now, let's try to get away.
(He gingerly attempts to climb up and poke his nose over the edge, but as soon as he does the machine guns begin their barrage again.)
DOCTOR: Oh-oh!
(An arm attached to the Sergeant pulls him bodily down again before he gets killed.)
SERGEANT: What do you think you're doing?!
DOCTOR: Well you see our transportation is over there, you see. We were trying to get to it.
SERGEANT: Over there? There's nothing over there but Huns! Anyway, the Major wants to see you.
DOCTOR: Oh-oh we want to bother him, I'm sure he's very busy...
SERGEANT: Come on!
(He turns to Jamie, Zoe and Lady Jennifer.)
SERGEANT: You too! Ma-ams, if you don't mind?
(They all enter the HQ.)
(Barrinton is on the phone again while Carstairs sits by the wall of the trench.)
BARRINGTON: Right sir, we'll go over the top at 0400 hours. ...Sir?
(He looks decidedly sick, but remains polite.)
BARRINGTON: As you say sir.
(He replaces the receiver.)
BARRINGTON: Well that was General Smythe, big-push tomorrow....How long have you been out here?
CARSTAIRS: Well sir, it's odd, but I can't quite remember.
BARRINGTON: I know, seems like forever doesn't it?
(The Sergeant walks in.)
SERGEANT: Civilian party sir.
(The Sergeant shows them all in, and Barrington walks to behind his desk. The Doctor struggles to flatten his frock coat and straighten his bow tie to
little avail.)
SERGEANT: Major Barrington, Ma-am.
BARRINGTON: Oh, how do you do Miss, er?
BUCKINGHAM: Jennifer Buckingham.
BARRINGTON: Ah. I understand that you picked these people up in no-man's land?
BUCKINGHAM: Yes, found them hiding in a bomb crater.
BARRINGTON: Excuse me, may I ask you what you were doing there?
DOCTOR: Trying not to get killed.
(He attempts his most winning smile, but the Major is unimpressed by his flippant attitude.)
(He sits down and glances at his book for a second.)
BARRINGTON: You're a highlander aren't you? Why aren't you with your regiment?
JAMIE: Regiment? I'm not in your army!
BARRINGTON: Are you a deserter?
JAMIE: No, of course not! I...
(Barrington put up a hand to silence Jamie, and moves to Zoe.)
BARRINGTON: All right, all right, all right. You, what are you doing here? This is the front line, no place for young ladies.
ZOE: But what about her?
(She motions to Lady Jennifer.)
BARRINGTON: This lady is a WVR, she's here on duty.
DOCTOR: Er, look Major, we er, we don't want to trouble you. If you'd just let us go on our way...
BARRINGTON: And which way is that?
SERGEANT: He tried to make off towards the German line, sir.
BARRINGTON: Did he by jove?
(There is the whistle of a falling shell close to the HQ, an the entire trench shakes knocking everyone about as if they had just been struck
by an earthquake. Without dusting himself down Barrington picks up the telephone in a civilised manner as if nothing had happened.)
BARRINGTON: I think General Smythe would like to have a word with you. Hello? Get me General Smythe at base.
(The Chateaux of a picture of decaying splendour. All around the bare walls are written on and stripped of paper, and underfoot, bare floorboards. As the
constant noise of shelling rumbles on in the distance, a stern, hawk-faced man with silver hair wearing a general's uniform sits behind a wooden table holding
a field telephone to his ear. Behind him, a set of ratty, ragged curtains partially conceal a set of French windows overlooking a palatially sized garden)
SMYTHE: Civilians? In no-man's land? Yes, send them back here at once. I'll question them myself.
(A lavish, yet peeling internal door opens and Captain Ransom enters.)
SMYTHE: Three civilians found in no-man's land.
RANSOM: Good lord sir. Whereabouts?
SMYTHE: Barrington's sector. He's sending them back here. I'll turn in for half an hour.
(He gets up and walks towards his private room.)
SMYTHE: Let me know when these civilians arrive will you?
RANSOM: Yes sir.
(Sergeant-Major Burns is short, stocky with a moustache waxed like a comedy villain. He walks in with two more sturdy enamel mugs of tea. He deposits one in
Ransom's hand, and turns around to offer the other but the General has gone.)
RANSOM: Thank you Sergeant-Major.
(Ransom walks off.)
(Smythe's room is neat and orderly, if tiny. An unslept in bed sits opposite the door and the windows are taped up. To one side of the door and there is a table
accommodating an old fashioned pitcher full of water and a bowl; to the other, a chest of draws with a series of ornaments and picture frames. On the wall above
is a large picture of King George V. He moves to the picture and presses a concealed switch, and it swings open on a set of hidden hinges. Just at that moment
Sergeant-Major opens the door and walks into the room with a mug of tea. Smythe spins around and glares evilly at the poor Sergeant-Major.)
SMYTHE: Don't ever come through that door without knocking! GET OUT!
(The Sergeant-Major jumps spilling the tea all over the floor.)
(He hastily leaves, and Smythe turns back to the picture, opening it up. Behind it is the last thing that would be expected of an early 20th century
General's room - a circular monitor screen with a large white dial and a series of smaller ones. He twists a dial on the top and the monitor begins to glow.)
SMYTHE: Smythe, nineteen-seventeen zone, British sector. Reinforcements urgently required. At least five-thousand specimens...
(The Doctor is attempting to convince Major Barrington to release him.)
DOCTOR: But Major Barrington, if only you'd let us get out of here and back to our transport we'd be no further nuisance to you.
BARRINGTON: I'm afraid you'll have to go to the Chateaux and give a proper account of yourselves. For all I know you could be spies!
JAMIE: Now look, we keep trying to tell you ye daft sassanach!
BARRINGTON: Hold your tongue man!
JAMIE: No I won't!
DOCTOR: Now please, don't let us lose our tempers.
SERGEANT: The Flyer's just leaving for base now sir.
BARRINGTON: Good! Get them onto it, off you go.
JAMIE: Now just a moment, we're not going back to any base! Now come on!
(Jamie moves to leave.)
(A Private walks into the trench with his rifle raised.)
DOCTOR: Jamie, I think perhaps we'd better do as they say.
BARRINGTON: Well I'm glad one of you is showing some sense. Alright sergeant, take them away.
SERGEANT: Yes sir.
BUCKINGHAM: I'm sure you'll be alright, anyway, good luck.
(She shakes the Doctor by the hand.)
DOCTOR: Oh thank you very much. Ah.
(The travellers leave, and Barrington walks over to Lady Jennifer and Carstairs.)
BARRINGTON: Now then, what are we going to do about you two?
BUCKINGHAM: Could your men do something about my ambulance, it's bogged down just over the hill.
BARRINGTON: Yes, soon get that out for you.
(Barrington leaves and Lady Jennifer waits 'til she's sure he's gone.)
BUCKINGHAM: Funny about those people. They didn't look like spies.
CARSTAIRS: Spies never do. I don't envy them if they are, General Smythe can be pretty ruthless. Do you know what my chaps call him?
CARSTAIRS: The butcher.
(He grins at her.)
(The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe are escorted down a corridor.)
SERGEANT-MAJOR: Left-right left-right left-right. Prisoners and escort, halllf-time! Halt! Riiight-turn!
(The Sergeant-Major stops in front of a desk and snaps a salute off at Ransom who is sitting behind a desk on the opposite side of the room.)
SERGEANT-MAJOR: Civilian prisoners from Major Barrington sir.
RANSOM: Alright stand at ease.
SERGEANT-MAJOR: Stand-at ease!
(Jamie snaps to attention accidentally stamping on the Doctor's foot, who clutches at it lovingly.)
(The Sergeant-Major rolls his eyes.)
RANSOM: The General wants to question you in person.
(Ransom leaves the group.)
DOCTOR: Oh good, I'm sure we'll be able to explain everything to his satisfaction.
(The Sergeant-Major grimly half-smiles to himself. Ransom walks in through the door to the General's room past where someone has chalked in:
JAMIE OOV: Look, how long are we going to be kept here?
(He looks around the General's room, but he is nowhere to be seen. For a moment he pauses, then he walks back out again.)
RANSOM: Take them to the cells Sergeant-Major.
DOCTOR: But I thought you said we were going to see the General?
(Ransom looks a little confused as if he's forgotten something important which is just beyond the tip of his mind.)
RANSOM: The General is... Not available.
SERGEANT-MAJOR: Prisoners and escort attention! Riiight-turn!
(Jamie turns to the left for a second, then to the right with all the others.)
SERGEANT-MAJOR: By the front, quiiick-march. Left-right left-right...
ZOE: Oh there's no need to keep shouting at us you know!
SERGEANT-MAJOR: Left-right left-right left...
(Sergeant-Major and his prisoners vanish down the corridor again. Ransom stands silently for a moment, then glances towards the door of the General's room.)
(Carstairs is pouring tea from an enamel can into his mug, and then stops, remembering his manners.)
CARSTAIRS: Oh I am sorry, do you want some more?
(He pours the remainder into her mug.)
CARSTAIRS: Where is your hospital?
BUCKINGHAM: Oh, it's...not far?
CARSTAIRS: Where abouts?
BUCKINGHAM: Well, you're going to think me awfully silly, but er, I can't quite remember.
CARSTAIRS: Don't worry, it'll come back to you. Memory's a funny thing out here. Can't always remember things myself.
BUCKINGHAM: What kinds of things?
CARSTAIRS: Oh, silly things. Names, long I've been here. Sometimes wonder if I've got a touch of the old shell-shock.
Have you talked to anybody else about it?
BUCKINGHAM: I don't like to. One feels so stupid.
CARSTAIRS: Yes. Still, it is rather worrying not being able to remember things.
(The telephone begins to ring.)
CARSTAIRS: Ah, I suppose I'd better answer that.
(He gets up to answer the telephone, but as he has the receiver in his hand Barrington rushes in and takes it from him.)
BARRINGTON: Ah, thanks old man. Major Barrington. Yes. Right sir.
(He puts the phone down again.)
BARRINGTON: Well we're wanted at HQ, some sort of enquiry about those civilians we brought in here.
BUCKINGHAM: How long are we going to be? I'm bound to be needed back at the hospital.
BARRINGTON: We just got your ambulance out of the mud. We can all go in that, and then you can go straight on from HQ. Alright everybody ready?
(The Doctor is sitting down waiting to meet the General as Jamie and Zoe restlessly try to plot their way out of the cell.)
JAMIE: And you'll not pick that lock with a hairclip either.
ZOE: And these walls are solid stone, there's just no way out!
JAMIE: Ah now what do we do then?
DOCTOR: It's only a temporary misunderstanding, Jamie. We'll get it cleared up when we see the General.
ZOE: What makes you think that he'll listen to us? Nobody else has.
DOCTOR: Ah, they were all obeying orders, that's the-the military mind.
ZOE: We must have looked a bit suspicious - three civilians in the middle of a war?
JAMIE: Aye, well I just hope that General does listen to us.
DOCTOR: Oh yes, I should expect he's a very nice chap.
(The Doctor smiles optimistically.)
(General Smythe leaves his room and approaches Ransom.)
SMYTHE: Got those reports yet?
RANSOM: I've just finished them now sir.
RANSOM: By the way sir, those er, three civilians have turned up. I've er, got them in a cell.
SMYTHE: Oh, what of it?
RANSOM: As a matter of fact, I er..went into your room to tell you but, er...
(Smythe puts on his spectacles and turns to face Ransom gazing right into his eyes.)
SMYTHE: I was asleep captain Ransom. You did not want to disturb me.
(Ransom appears transfixed.)
RANSOM: Yes sir, you were asleep. I did not wish to disturb you.
SMYTHE: That's right.
(He takes off his spectacles again and Ransom snaps back to normal.)
SMYTHE: Now what do you make of these civilians?
RANSOM: Oh, two men and a young lady. According to Major Barrington they can't account for themselves. He seemed to think that the younger lad was a
deserter, and apparently the older man tried to make off for the enemy lines.
(Sergeant-Major marches into the drawing room.)
SERGEANT-MAJOR: Sir! Major Barrington sir.
SMYTHE: Thanks.
SERGEANT-MAJOR: Sir, this is Lieutenant Carstairs and Lady Buckingham, sir.
SMYTHE: How do you do. Do sit down. Barrington, you know the adjutant, Ransom don't you?
BARRINGTON: Yes sir, we er... Er, Ransom and I were, er...
(He stops as if he has forgotten something. Smythe puts on his spectacles again, and stares at Barrington.)
SMYTHE: You were at school together. You were at school together!
BARRINGTON: Yes, that's right, we were at school together. How are you Ransom?
(He smiles politely. Smythe removes his spectacles.)
SMYTHE: Now tell me, where did you find these civilians?
13, INT: DRAWING ROOM (Later in the day)
(Smythe opens a book labelled:
Smythe is sitting at a long table with Ransom on his right and Barrington on his left. From the corridor Sergeant-Major marches the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe into
the Drawing room and lines them up before the table.)
SERGEANT-MAJOR: Left-right left-right, prisoners escort-accused half-time. Halt, left-turn.
(The Doctor sees a familiar face and wanders forward, and Barrington looks shocked at the breach of protocol.)
DOCTOR: Major Barrington, pleased to see you!
SERGEANT-MAJOR: Accused! Back in line!
SMYTHE: If you are ready gentlemen? March the prisoners forward Sergeant-Major.
SERGEANT-MAJOR: Sir! Accused, one pace forward march!
JAMIE: Now look, what's going on here?
SMYTHE: The Court Martial is now in session.
DOCTOR: Court Martial? But we're civilians!
SMYTHE: This whole area is under Martial law.
DOCTOR: Yes well, that may be, but if you'll-you'll allow me to explain, we were...
SMYTHE: You will have the opportunity of addressing the Court at the proper time.
DOCTOR: Oh, thank you.
SMYTHE: Now, the statements of Carstairs and Lady Jennifer have been taken into evidence. The prisoners waylaid an ambulance in no-man's land...
DOCTOR: Waylaid?! The ambulance found us!
SMYTHE: The vehicle was later commandeered by a waiting enemy patrol. Recaptured by Lieutenant Carstairs, the prisoners insinuated themselves into a
forward command post, where at the earliest opportunity the leader made a break for the enemy lines with whatever information he had gathered.
ZOE: Oh but that's just not true! You've twisted the whole thing!
DOCTOR: This is a travesty of justice! What are we charged with?
SMYTHE: In the case of this man, desertion from a highland regiment, in the case of yourself and the girl the charge is one of espionage.
The penalty For all these crimes is death!
DOCTOR: But this is monstrous!
SMYTHE: We shall now hear the case for the defence. Have you anything to say?
DOCTOR: Yes I-I most certainly have! I-I... Am I allowed to question the witnesses?
SMYTHE: Certainly, we wish to give you every opportunity to explain yourselves.
DOCTOR: Oh, good.
(He turns to Jennifer.)
DOCTOR: Lady Jennifer, er will you please explain to these gentlemen the circumstances of our meeting.
(She opens her mouth to speak.)
SMYTHE: There' no need for that, it's in the statement. Next question.
DOCTOR: What? W-well...
(The Doctor turns to Carstairs.)
DOCTOR: Lieutenant Carstairs, when your men recaptured the ambulance, wasn't it clear to you that we were prisoners of the Germans?
SMYTHE: Has the defence finished with this witness?
DOCTOR: Well if you're not going to allow them to answer, what is the use?
SMYTHE: Very well. Have you any explanation to offer before the Court passes sentence?
ZOE: But you haven't heard anything yet! You don't really call this a trial do you?
SMYTHE: The Court will now consider it's verdict.
JAMIE: Hey you haven't even asked me anything!
SMYTHE: There is nothing to ask you. You are a deserter! March him away Sergeant-Major!
SERGEANT-MAJOR: Escort, accused left-turn. Left wheel, by the left quick-march! Left-right left-right... Halt!
(The party stops at the far side of the room while the adjudicators deliberate.)
JAMIE: I thought you were going to explain everything?
DOCTOR: Well he didn't give me a chance did he? There's something very strangely wrong here.
ZOE: Why has the General got it in for us? He seems determined to find us guilty!
DOCTOR: Yes, but why?
(Over at the table.)
RANSOM: I dunno, they-they seem pretty harmless to me.
BARRINGTON: Yes, there's no actual evidence of them actually spying on anything.
(Smythe places his spectacles upon his nose and stares at Ransom.)
SMYTHE: It is quite clear that they are all guilty!
(He turns to Barrington.)
SMYTHE: ...All guilty!
BARRINGTON: Yes, they're guilty. Knew it as soon as I looked at them.
RANSOM: There's clear evidence that they were spying.
SMYTHE: Thank you gentlemen, well now, I think we can resume. Sergeant Major, bring the prisoners back.
SERGEANT-MAJOR: Escort accused, left wheel! By the front quiiick-march. Left-right left-right, left wheel halllf-time. Halt!
Riiight turn!
SMYTHE: The Court has carefully considered all of the evidence and finds you all guilty as charged. Desertion from a highland regiment in a time of war
is a most heinous military crime.
JAMIE: Now look, I've deserted from nowhere! I was never in your rotten army!
SMYTHE: You will be confined to a military barracks awaiting a regimental Court Martial
JAMIE: Now look, I'm not being confined anywhere!
SMYTHE: You young lady have betrayed your King and country. You are sentenced to ten years penal servitude in a civilian prison.
ZOE: Oh but I haven't done anything!
SMYTHE: The court finds you guilty of espionage. For a crime of this magnitude there is only one penalty.
DOCTOR: But this is ridiculous!
(He turns to Jennifer and Carstairs.)
DOCTOR: YOU know all the evidence has been twisted against us! TELL THEM!
SMYTHE: The witnesses have given their evidence, the court has reached it's verdict. Now if you have nothing further to say, sentence will
be passed!
DOCTOR: I most certainly have something further to say! This is all just a mockery! I demand the right to appeal to a higher authority!
SMYTHE: There is no right of appeal! You will be executed at dawn tomorrow!
(The Doctor puts his hand to his neck in dread.)
SMYTHE: Take him away Sergeant-Major!
SERGEANT-MAJOR: Prisoners and escort, left-turn!
JAMIE: Now just a moment, you can't do this to us!
(Jamie tries to run after the General.)
(Two guards grab Jamie.)
JAMIE: Let go of me!
SERGEANT-MAJOR: Bang 'im over the 'ead please. Then take him to the military prison!
(They lead Jamie out.)
SERGEANT-MAJOR: I'll take these two back to the cell sir.
BUCKINGHAM: Just a minute. Captain Ransom, surely you're not going to keep this poor girl in the cells all night?
RANSOM: Well there's nowhere else to leave her.
BUCKINGHAM: Well why not leave her here? I could look after her.
RANSOM: Yeah, I don't see why not.
BUCKINGHAM: Thank you.
RANSOM: Put a guard on the door Sergeant-Major. And take him away.
ZOE: Oh I don't want to leave you Doctor!
DOCTOR: Now you stay here Zoe.
(He kisses her on the forehead.)
DOCTOR: Goodbye my dear.
(Zoe turns to Carstairs.)
ZOE: Oh can't you help us Lieutenant Carstairs?
CARSTAIRS: Nothing I can do I'm afraid.
BARRINGTON: Well, nice to have met you both, must be getting back. Goodbye m'dear. Chin up.
(Barrington leaves.)
ZOE: But you can't let them execute the Doctor! He hasn't done anything!
RANSOM: You heard the evidence m'dear, it's all proved. I'm afraid he is a spy.
(The Sergeant-Major and the guard march the Doctor back to the cell.)
SERGEANT-MAJOR: Left-right left-right left-right left-right left-right...
(The guard opens the door and leaves.)
GUARD: There we are.
SERGEANT-MAJOR: I'll er, see that they bring you something to eat.
DOCTOR: Oh thank you. Er, Sergeant-Major?
DOCTOR: Have-y have you been at the front long?
SERGEANT-MAJOR: Oh quite a while. I've been out here since...
(He pauses while he tries to remember.)
DOCTOR: What's the matter?
SERGEANT-MAJOR: Can't remember...
(He snaps out of his train of thought.)
SERGEANT-MAJOR: 'Ere, what are you asking me all these questions for?! Baah!
(He exits the cell closing the door behind him.)
(Ransom approaches Smythe who is sitting on the end of his bed.)
SMYTHE: Yes, what is it?
RANSOM: You wanted the keys to the prison cell?
(Ransom hands Smythe a ring of large iron keys, a precaution against them executing the Doctor without him present.)
SMYTHE: Oh yes. Is everything arranged for the execution?
SMYTHE: Very well.
(Smythe waits until Ransom has left closing the door behind them. He hides the keys under his pillow then lies down with his hands under his head.)
(As the sentry marches up and down outside the door Lady Jennifer sleeps, but Zoe is very much awake. She gets up, checks that the coast is clear then
gingerly tiptoes across the room. She silently opens the door of The General's room.)
(Zoe cautiously enters the room, but to her surprise it is completely empty. She looks around and spots the picture which doesn't appear to have been closed
properly and opens it. She ponders the televiewer screen beneath for a moment, then moves to the other side of the room to search. Picking up the pillow
she finds the General's keys, and rushes out.)
(The Doctor is pacing his cell when he hears the rattle of keys in the lock. He hides behind the door and prepares to pounce. As Zoe walks in the Doctor jumps
out and clasps her hands.)
ZOE: Oh Doctor!
DOCTOR: How on Earth?
ZOE: Well I couldn't leave you to be shot could I, it's dawn!
DOCTOR: What a nice and clever girl you are. Now come on, we must find Jamie, they said something about a military prison didn't they?
(They rush to the door only to bump straight into Captain Ransom and two guards who are standing there.)
RANSOM: Quite right Doctor, it is time to go.
(Zoe can do nothing but watch helplessly as the Doctor is led out to a wall around the back of the Chateaux, and tied to a stake. Before him is a line of soldiers
with rifles standing at ease. Ransom marches forward.)
RANSOM: Squad, Attention!
(The soldiers stand to attention.)
RANSOM: Present!
(They raise their rifles.)
RANSOM: Take aim!
(Ransom draws in a breath to issue his final order. There is the sound of gunfire and the helpless form of the Doctor convulses horribly...)
Episode Two
The Doctor
Patrick Troughton
Frazer Hines
Wendy Padbury
Lady Jennifer Buckingham
Jane Sherwyn
German Soldier
John Livesey
Leuitenant Carstairs
David Saville
Major Barrington
Terence Bayler
Sergeant Willis
Brian Foster
General Smythe
Noel Coalman
Captain Ransom
Hubert Rees
Sgt. Major Burns
Esmond Webb
Title music by
Ron Grainer and the
BBC Radiophonic Workshop
Incidental Music by
Dudley Simpson
Special Sound by
Brian Hodgeson and
BBC Radiophonic Workshop
Special Effects
Designed by
Michael John Harris
Nick Bullen
Sylvia James
Howard King
John Staple
Film Cameraman
Alan Jonas
Film Editor
Chris Hayden
Roger Cheveley
Derrick Sherwin
David Maloney
(C) BBCTV 1969
Transcribed by