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first broadcast - 2nd November 1968


(The TARDIS reforms, its shattered pieces clicking and locking seamlessly together.)


(The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe are safe.)

JAMIE: Doctor! It's all right, it worked!
DOCTOR: Jamie! You're right! We... we... we'd better just check though.
ZOE: Are we actually on our way, Doctor, or are we stuck somewhere?
DOCTOR: Well let's see shall we?

(He activates the scanner, which reveals the dark, looming shadow of the moon.)

JAMIE: Wh... where are we, what's that?
ZOE: It's the moon, isn't it Doctor?
DOCTOR: Yes, yes. That's the dark side of the moon. We seem to have stopped in space.

(We see the inky blackness of space beyond the dark side of the moon, the TARDIS hovering in its shadow.)

ZOE: I remember seeing this before.
DOCTOR: Ssh Zoe.

(As the scanner pans slowly round, they see a dim light on the moon's surface.)

DOCTOR: That light on the moon's surface, do you see it?
ZOE: Doctor! It's getting bigger!

(The light is spiralling towards them, a pin prick in the dark getting gradually larger.)

ZOE: It's coming towards us!
DOCTOR: Zoe... that's a missile!
JAMIE: (In panic.) A what?
ZOE: It's a missile. Somebody's fired a missile at us Jamie! Oh Doctor, come on, let's get out of here!
DOCTOR: Don't fuss me Zoe.

(He pulls open a panel on the console and yanks out some circuits.)

ZOE: Well what's happened?
DOCTOR: Well it's the landing circuit, it seems to have jammed! That's why we're stuck in space! Ah...

(Outside in deep space, the missile is roaring towards the TARDIS.)

ZOE: We'll never make it! Oh we're too late!
DOCTOR: (Wrestling with the console.) Oh the stupid thing!

(The Missile rushes forwards and there is an explosion...)


(There is a strange sound from the sky. The TARDIS materialises in its police-box form.)


JAMIE: (Sarcastically.) I think we've landed!
DOCTOR: Yes, I'm... I'm sorry about that Jamie! Are you all right Zoe?
ZOE: Yes I think so!
JAMIE: Oh, anyway, we weren't blown to pieces by that missile thing.
ZOE: Why would anybody want to fire a missile at us? Surely they'd find out who we were first?
DOCTOR: (Suspiciously.) Yes. Unless they knew already.
ZOE: The question is: was the object we saw on the other side of the moon in this time zone or not?
JAMIE: You mean, it could still be out there?
DOCTOR: Yes, let's have a look.

(They all turn to the scanner again, which is panning across a field filled full of cows. Zoe looks on astonished as they seemingly stare at her. The Doctor roars with laughter.)

DOCTOR: Ha ha haha ha!!

(The others join in.)

DOCTOR: We're certainly not on the moon's surface, are we?!

(Suddenly the console gives a judder and, outside, the police box vanishes. The TARDIS is invisible!.)

JAMIE: What's the matter with the TARDIS, Doctor? It keeps going wrong all the time.
DOCTOR: It merely needs an overhaul Jamie, just like any piece of machinery.
ZOE: Well, haven't you got any spares?
DOCTOR: No, no. We shall have to see if we can get some made. Let's have a further look, shall we?

(They look at their new surroundings on the scanner in closer detail.)

DOCTOR: Oh yes, it could be twentieth-century England. In summer time, I should say. See the rain clouds?

(He suddenly has an idea.)

DOCTOR: We... we might try and look up our old friend Professor Travers in London. He might be able to help us!
DOCTOR: Hmm... Yes. Always supposing he's not a baby or a schoolboy! Now come along! I'll just collect this circuit, and I think I'd better leave this one. There.

(He plucks it from the console and instantly the interior of the ship dissolves into nothing.)

DOCTOR: It's all right. Just a fault in the visual stabiliser circuit. We'd better take that too.
JAMIE: Doctor? Doctor? Where are you?
DOCTOR: Come along ___.

(They exit the TARDIS.)


(The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe emerge from the TARDIS, to find it invisible; Zoe rolls her eyes in disbelief, and the Doctor simply holds up the circuits he has removed from the console as explanation. The three of them walk across the field to the country road. A lorry comes along the lane and pulls up before them. The driver is scruffily attired, with ginger hair.)

DOCTOR: I... I wonder if you could help us?
DRIVER: Are you trying to get out?
DOCTOR: We're trying to get to London!
DRIVER: Get in!
DOCTOR: Oh that's very civil of you.
DRIVER: You, shut up will you, and get in.

(They climb into the back of the lorry and squeeze amongst cartons of eggs and old crates. The truck pulls sharply away down the lane. After a while, it pulls to a stop and they get out.)

DOCTOR: Is something wrong?
DRIVER: Look, we'd better get rid of the lorry. Come on.

(They clamber down into the bushes on the side of the road.)

JAMIE: Wha... what's happening? Why are we hiding?
DRIVER: Company security were on my trail.
ZOE: Which company?
DRIVER: Come on, there's only one company.
DOCTOR: Well, you see, we're strangers around here.
DRIVER: Strangers? Then you're not from the community then?
DRIVER: Then how did you get inside the compound?
DOCTOR: Well, that's rather a long story.
ZOE: This community you talked about... are they prisoners here then?
DRIVER: Those who haven't gone over to the company are, yes. Not that they say you can't get out, they just make it pretty impossible without passes.
JAMIE: You can move in and out.
DRIVER: I got in alright. But getting out might be just a bit more difficult.
DOCTOR: This company, what do they do?
DRIVER: International Electromatics. Now surely you've heard of them?
DOCTOR: Well no, we've been a little out of touch.
DRIVER: You must have been. They're the worlds biggest electronics manufacturers. You can hardly buy a piece of equipment that isn't theirs. Quick, get down!

(He has heard a distant roar of engines. The Lorry Driver drags them all backwards into the shelter of the hedge row as two large motorbikes scream past, leaving a cloud of dust. The Doctor looks perplexed.)

ZOE: Well what is this place? This compound?
DRIVER: They set up a whole community of their own. Factories. Houses. A vast network of industrial complexes. All of the local people have been bought out. Most of them join the company. The others...
ZOE: What about them?
DRIVER: My people haven't been able to trace them.
DOCTOR: Your people?

(The Driver bites his lip, obviously not meaning to let this slip. He ignores the question.)

DRIVER: Should be safe now. We're not far from the guard post. You three had better stay out of sight in the lorry. I'll try and bluff our way out.

(He scrambles to his feet.)

DRIVER: Come on.

(They all climb back into the lorry, the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe concealing themselves in the back, hidden. The Lorry continues off down the track.)


(The Lorry comes to a high metal fence lined with barbed wire and spikes. There is a large electrified gate where it meets the road. In the back of the lorry the Doctor and his companions are huddled down.)

JAMIE: We're slowing down! Must be the guard post now.
ZOE: Why are we hiding like this? We've done nothing wrong!
DOCTOR: We'll find out later. Keep down!

(A Guard emerges from a security hut. The insignia on his dark visored helmet, under which only his mouth is visible, is a zigzag of lightening in the grip of a clenched glove, the symbol of International Electromatics. The Lorry Driver shows the Guard his pass, which is seemingly in order. The gates glide open and the Lorry containing the Doctor and his friends is driven through. Moments after it has gone, the two motorbikes we saw earlier tear up to the guard post and one of the bikers speaks to the Guard. They both then accelerate off after the recently departed Lorry.)


(The lorry comes to a halt and the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe climb out.)

DRIVER: They're right behind us ____.
Oh, well. Thank you.
DRIVER: Now come on. Get lost!

(The trio escape through a hedge as the motorbikes approach.)

BIKER: Hey you! I want to see your pass!

(The Driver gives the Biker his pass.)

BIKER: You will come back with us for questioning.
DRIVER: Oh come off it, the pass is in order, isn't it?
BIKER: Don't argue! Follow us.
DRIVER: Oh no, I'm not going back inside that compound, and there's nothing you can do to make me.
BIKER: You will come back with us.
DRIVER: Look, we're not on IE property now, you've no authority... Sorry, you want to hold me, get onto the police, see you!

(The Biker draws a gun and shoots the Driver several times, whose smoking body is thrown over his Lorry and rolls down behind it. Meanwhile, having made their escape, the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe flag down a passing car further up the track.)

DOCTOR: Er... Can you give us a lift to London?
CAR OWNER: Yes, I suppose so.
JAMIE: Thank you. Thank you very much.

(The car drives away.)


(Outside Travers' house, the Doctor examines the door plaque.)

DOCTOR: Here we are. Right. That's odd! It says 'Watkins'.
JAMIE: Perhaps it's the wrong house.
DOCTOR: Well the telephone directory definitely said number eighteen. We'll ask.

(He rings the bell, to no reply. He rings again, holding the bell down until the door is opened by an attractive young girl.)

ISOBEL: If you don't mind, I'm TRYING to work!

(The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe follow her into the house.)


DOCTOR: Oh...  I'm sorry Miss, but we, er... wondered whether you could help us. We wondered if...
ISOBEL: (Picking up her camera.) Well now the stupid thing's gone and jammed!
DOCTOR: Oh dear, perhaps I could help you.
ISOBEL: Well, do you know anything about cameras?
DOCTOR: Yes, a little.

(The Doctor takes the camera and studies it.)

DOCTOR: I see...
ISOBEL: I had it on automatic shutter...
DOCTOR: You're taking photos of yourself?
ISOBEL:  ...and yes you interrupted me and the stupid thing jammed! Have you come to see my Uncle?  He's not here. But who are you? Friends of his? Fellow nuts?
DOCTOR: Please let me answer one question at a time.
ISOBEL: You be careful of that thing, it cost me a fortune.
DOCTOR: It's alright, it's a very simple mechanism. Who is your uncle?
ISOBEL: Professor Watkins.
DOCTOR: Oh. Then Professor Travers doesn't live here?
ISOBEL: He did. He left about a month ago. Gone to America for a year with his daughter.
JAMIE: Oh that's just great!
ISOBEL: My Uncle worked at the Cavendish lab. He wanted to do some work, so Professor Travers said he could use his daughter's lab, here. And I moved in because I got kicked out of my studio last week.
DOCTOR: What field of science is your uncle in?
ISOBEL: Oh, I don't know. He's in... applied physics or something. Always messing around with computers and things. Complete nuts.
DOCTOR: Well that is fortunate, perhaps he might be able to help us. Is he at home?
DOCTOR: Well, where is he?
ISOBEL: Well how do I know, I'm not his keeper. Hey, have you fixed it?
DOCTOR: Oh yes, that's alright.

(The Doctor hands Isobel the camera, which is now no longer jammed.)

ISOBEL: That's really great, thanks!
DOCTOR: Miss...

(Isobel's eyes light up as she spots Zoe in her sparkling outfit.)

ISOBEL: Hey! That's... that's a jolly outfit, would you mind posing for me?
ZOE: (Taken aback.) What?
ISOBEL: Just stand there.

(She begins snapping away at Zoe.)


(She continues to take snaps of Zoe.)

ISOBEL: Isobel. Yeah, OK _____. Now, head over shoulder.
Have you any idea when your uncle is going to be back?
ISOBEL: No, he left about a week ago. I haven't seen him since.
JAMIE: A week?
ISOBEL: Yeah, he was prattling on about some new invention, or something or other, and having the chance to develop it. Now. (To Zoe.) Not you. OK. Now.
DOCTOR: Can't you get in touch with him?
ISOBEL: No, I tried. I... I wanted to borrow a couple of quid off him in a hurry, but... well they said he wasn't available for phone calls.
DOCTOR: "They"! Now... now who is "They"?
ISOBEL: (To Zoe.) Just get that, will you? (To Doctor.) I don't know. International Electric something or other.
ZOE: International Electromatics?
ISOBEL: Yes, probably.
DOCTOR: (Gently.) You mean your uncle has gone to work for these people?

(She is far more interested in her new model - Zoe.)

DOCTOR: Well, surely we can get in touch with him.
ISOBEL: Well, you can try telephoning, but I doubt if you'll get any joy. Oh, phone's in the hall, and the number's scribbled on the wall.
DOCTOR: Thank you.
ISOBEL: (To Zoe.) Hey. Don't go. I don't often get the chance of photographing a real model.
ZOE: Oh all right.
ISOBEL: Come on, let's get you fixed up with some gear!

(The pair disappear to kit Zoe out in some fashionable attire.)


(Jamie and the Doctor find the phone in the hall, by a large wall covered with scribbled-down names and telephone numbers. Jamie finds the number on the wall and reads it out as the Doctor dials.)

JAMIE: Three.
DOCTOR: Three.
JAMIE: Four.
JAMIE: Doctor, do you suppose this firm could be the one that driver was talking about?
DOCTOR: Oh I'm sure of it.
JAMIE: In that case, Watkins could have been kidnapped!
DOCTOR: Ah, Jamie. You mustn't let your imagination run away with you. I must admit, it's a bit strange...

(A flat, toneless voice answers the phone at IE H.Q.)

RECEPTION: International Electromatics company, state your business.
DOCTOR: I would like, please, to speak with Professor Watkins.
RECEPTION: One moment....

(There is a long pause.)

RECEPTION: Party not available.
DOCTOR: Oh, yes. You see... but, this is very important.
RECEPTION: Party not available.
DOCTOR: Yes, but I must speak with him.
RECEPTION: Party not available. Party not available.

(The machine continues to repeat this statement in an endless loop.)

DOCTOR: (Angrily.) But this is an automatic answering device! Ah, shut up you stupid machine!
JAMIE: Now what?
DOCTOR: There's only one thing for it! We'll have to go there ourselves.


(In the lounge, Zoe is wearing a feather boa round her neck and posing for Isobel.)

ISOBEL: Okay, that's fabulous, just keep it like that. Great.

(The Doctor and Jamie enter.)

ISOBEL: Any luck?
DOCTOR: No, it was stupid, simple-minded computer answering service.
ISOBEL: Well, what do we do now?
DOCTOR: Jamie and I are going to this place, come on Zoe.
ZOE: No thanks, I think I'll stay here, it's great fun.
JAMIE: You look like a chicken with all those feathers on!
DOCTOR: No. Well, come on Jamie. Oh, the address...
ISOBEL: Oh that's scribbled on the wall too.
DOCTOR: Oh, thank you.
JAMIE: Do you not write anything down on paper at all?
ISOBEL: I'd only lose it if I did. Writing on a wall is much safer. You can't lose a wall, can you?
JAMIE: (Confused.) ...No.
ISOBEL: (To Zoe.) OK listen, just put your boa round your head... OK now bring your eyes just into me...


(The HQ is a huge building which towers above the Doctor and Jamie, its surface a grid of dark windows. A plaque above the entrance holds the IE symbol of lightening within a clenched fist. Outside, they are observed by some suited men in a car. One of these is Corporal Benton of UNIT. The Doctor and Jamie march into the foyer.)

13. INT. I.E. H.Q. - FOYER

(The foyer is deserted aside from the large computer that answered the Doctor's earlier phone call.)

DOCTOR: I thought so!
JAMIE: What?
DOCTOR: More stupid computers! Automatic receptionists! Right!
RECEPTION: International Electromatics company. State your business.
DOCTOR: I would like please, to speak with Professor Watkins.

(The Computer whirrs.)

RECEPTION: One moment...

(Its response is as before.)

RECEPTION: Party not available.
DOCTOR: Then I would like to speak with someone in authority.
RECEPTION: Your request will be considered, and your appointment arranged. Please state your name and address.
DOCTOR: That's no good. I wish to speak with somebody, now.
RECEPTION: I am sorry. All personnel are engaged.
DOCTOR: But I insist. This is an emergency!
RECEPTION: State the nature of the emergency.
DOCTOR: It's a private matter.
RECEPTION: Private matters have no emergency status.
DOCTOR: Ah shut up you stupid machine! Diabolical inventions!
JAMIE: What now?
DOCTOR: Come on!
JAMIE: Where are we going?
DOCTOR: There must be somebody else in this building except these stupid machines. Come on.

(They venture further into International Electromatics HQ.)


(Outside, they are being discussed by the two soldiers in the unmarked car.)

BENTON: HQ are checking now. Where are they?
TRACY: Gone round the back, down the side alley.
BENTON: That's a dead end, isn't it? So they've got to come out this way!
TRACY: If they come out.


(At the very top of the IE building, Tobias Vaughn has observed the Doctor's arrival, and speaks to his henchman, Packer. The two of them watch a monitor picture of the Doctor and Jamie cautiously walking down a corridor of the main building.)

VAUGHN: The same two?
VAUGHN: Deal with them.


(As the Doctor and Jamie round a bend, hidden canisters spray a choking gas at them.)


(Outside in the car, it is time for action.)

BENTON: Okay, lets move.
BENTON: Yes, they've run a check. They want these two. Priority.
TRACY: Right, let's get 'em.


(The Doctor and Jamie are overcome by the gas. As the toxic fumes clear, Packer and his guards emerge from the shadows. A guard raises a hand to strike the Doctor...)

PACKER: Wait! (Aggressively.) This will be my pleasure!
VAUGHN: (On the videolink.) Packer! Bring them to my office.
PACKER: But Mr Vaughn, I haven't interrogated them yet.
VAUGHN: Packer! Please do as I say.
PACKER: Yes sir.

(The Doctor Moans.)

PACKER: Come on. This way.


VAUGHN: Come and sit down, gentlemen.
DOCTOR: Thank you.
VAUGHN: You can go, Packer.
PACKER: But Mr Vaughn...
VAUGHN: Thank you Packer. Thank you.
PACKER: Yes sir.

(Packer leaves.)

VAUGHN: (To the Doctor.) I must apologise for Packer's crude devotion to duty. But your method of entry into my building was rather... unconventional, wasn't it?
JAMIE: Aye, well there was no need for all that gas and stuff.
DOCTOR: Jamie! I think perhaps it is we who should be apologising to you, Mr...
VAUGHN: Vaughn. Tobias Vaughn. I'm the managing director of International Electromatics. Your business must be very pressing to force you to such extremes.
DOCTOR: Yes, it is.
VAUGHN: Concerning Professor Watkins?
JAMIE: Huh. How did you know?
VAUGHN: My computer. It reported directly to me.
DOCTOR: Oh I see.
VAUGHN: You've gone to a lot of trouble for nothing you know. The Professor's working on an experiment and refuses to see anyone.
JAMIE: Ah, well. We only want to talk to him you see.
VAUGHN: Perhaps I can help.
DOCTOR: No, I don't think so, thank you very much.
JAMIE: Oh, come on Doctor, it's only a couple of electronic circuits.

(Vaughn instantly looks intrigued and the Doctor shoots Jamie an angry look: he didn't want Vaughn to find out about the circuits from the TARDIS.)

VAUGHN: (Eagerly.) Circuits? Electronic circuits? My technicians are the best in the world. I'm sure they'd be able to assist you. Show me the circuits.
DOCTOR: Well I...
VAUGHN: Please... I'd like to help.

(The Doctor is forced to hand over the circuits to Vaughn.)

VAUGHN: As you say, rather complex. However, I'm sure we'll be able to help you.
DOCTOR: Yes. You see...
VAUGHN: I'll have them sent to my workshops immediately.
DOCTOR: Oh, how very kind.
VAUGHN: Not at all. Professor Watkins is a valued colleague. Any friend of his is... Oh. Have you got one of these young man?

(He is holding a very small transistor radio, and offers it to Jamie.)

JAMIE: No, what is it?
VAUGHN: Surely you've seen them about. They're disposable transistor radios. One of our latest products. Most popular. We've sold ten million in this country alone. Here. Compensation for the treatment you received from the worthy Packer.
JAMIE: Thank you. How does it work?

(He turns it on and a stream of very loud noise can be heard.)

DOCTOR: Yes, that's how you turn it on Jamie.
VAUGHN: Now if you'll excuse me, I'm afraid I have an urgent appointment.
DOCTOR: Yes, of course, come along Jamie.
VAUGHN: Packer will meet you and show you the way out, Mr...
DOCTOR: Doctor. Goodbye.
VAUGHN: Goodbye Doctor.
JAMIE: Goodbye Mr Vaughn, thank you for the radio.
VAUGHN: Not at all. Packer?
PACKER: (From video link.) Yes Mr Vaughn?
VAUGHN: Show our visitors off the premises would you?
PACKER: Very good sir.


(Packer shows the Doctor and Jamie to the exit of IE H.Q.)

PACKER: Next time, read the notice on the door.
JAMIE: Oh, don't tell me you can read as well, what else do you do!
DOCTOR: Jamie!
JAMIE: Friendly sort of chap!
DOCTOR: huh.

(The Doctor is deep in thought.)

JAMIE: Is something wrong?
DOCTOR: Yes! That fellow's not what he seems.
JAMIE: That big idiot? Oh don't worry I'll soon sort...
DOCTOR: No, no, no. I mean Vaughn. The normal range of human blinking is about one every ten or fifteen seconds. Vaughn was blinking far less frequently than that.
JAMIE: Oh, and he's got a forked tail and wee horns.
DOCTOR: Oh I'm not joking Jamie. Underneath all that charm, there was something... odd, sinister, almost inhuman.


(In his office, Vaughn flicks a concealed switch. The whole far wall revolves upwards to reveal a space beyond. In the space is a machine, like a cage, surrounded in a network of wires and circuits. At the heart sits a pulsating, throbbing intelligence...)

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Doctor Who



Tobias Vaughn


Isobel Watkins

Corporal Benton



Lorry Driver

Computer Voice

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