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first broadcast - 7th January 1967
running time - 24mins 19secs


(BEN is dropped into the sea. After a few moments, TRASK signals for the rope to be hauled up. However, there is nothing on the other end.)

GREY: He's not escaped?

(BEN surfaces on the other side of the ship. He pauses for a moment before swimming off.)


(After a while he reaches the quay, and, paying no attention to the covered rowing boat, drags himself back onto dry land, only to be confronted by a patrolling Redcoat.)

BEN: Oh no, not after all that. I give up.

(The strangely silent soldier reaches for his moustache and silently peels half of it off to reveal a familiar face.)

BEN: It's you, Doctor.
DOCTOR: (In a gruff London accent.) Who else would be walking around the jetty at this time of night dressed like a soldier who'd been wounded in battle?
BEN: Yeah, you've got a point there. But why?
DOCTOR: (In his normal voice.) Why? Because I like it here. Besides, it keeps the other soldiers away.
BEN: Oh, I'm cold and hungry.
DOCTOR: I know just the place. Hold that. I'll just get these things aboard the boat.

(He passes BEN a musket and shows him the stash of weapons hidden in the rowing boat.)

BEN: The boat?
DOCTOR: Just a few wee gifties for our friends aboard the Annabelle. Come on.

(He leads BEN away.)


(PERKINS puts the signed contracts in front of GREY.)

PERKINS: There you are, sir, all signed and attested. It but wants your signature.
GREY: Not before time.
TRASK: (Offering GREY a glass of wine.) A little wine for your cold heart, lawyer?
GREY: I never mix liquor with business. I would advise you to do the same. We sail on the morning tide, remember.
TRASK: What happens it's too foggy to sail? What then?
GREY: (Sternly.) You sail, fog or no fog.
TRASK: And crash the old girl's timbers on Chanonry Point.

(He spits and slams his tankard on the table.)

GREY: (Mocking.) I took you for a seaman.
TRASK: (Boasts.) Why, that I am. I am! Ha, ha, ha. Trask will get your cargo of little booties to Barbados, never fear. That's what really counts, lawyer. Not those dried up bits of parchment of yours.
GREY: Without these bits of parchment, we would all sail foul of the King's law.
TRASK: Law? What does the law or anyone care for those Highland cattle we carry?
GREY: Nothing. But to take these cattle safely to the slave plantations, before their strength is sapped by his Majesty's prisons - that takes skill and preparation.
TRASK: And what would happen to you, lawyer, if this trade was to be discovered to the Duke?
GREY: That will never happen, Trask. There are but three of us privy to this secret. I can answer for myself and Perkins. Eh, Perkins?
PERKINS: Oh, yes sir. Yes sir, indeed you may.
GREY: As for you, Captain, you must answer for yourself.
TRASK: (Slightly uneasy.) Ha, ha, ha. It was but in jest. You know me, Solicitor, I'm your man.
GREY: Aye, and that is the way you will remain, Mr. Trask.


(BEN is finishing off his meal and is talking to a delighted POLLY and KIRSTY. BEN is covered by a big blanket.)

BEN: Ah, that's better. Never thought I'd live to see a meal like that again.
POLLY: But listen Ben, how did you manage to get loose? Underwater, I mean?
BEN: Well it's the old Houdini trick, duchess. You flex your muscles when they tie you up. Then, when you're ready, you relax them. Well that way you're half the size you were before. Get it?
POLLY: And that's all there is to it?
BEN: Well almost all.
POLLY: I bet.

(The DOCTOR appears, now dressed in his own normal frock-coat outfit and hat.)

POLLY: (To the DOCTOR.) Hey you've got your own clothes back.
DOCTOR: (Perturbed.) Yes. Can you imagine, I found them thrown out on the rubbish dump, behind the inn.
BEN: Amazing, isn't it? Well mine should be dry by now.

(BEN turns away into one of the dens to get changed.)

POLLY: I liked you better in your dress, Doctor.
KIRSTY: Aye, you made a good granny.
DOCTOR: Now then, do we all know what we have to do? Ben?

(BEN appears in his now dry clothes.)

BEN: Yeah, I take you out to the ship in the rowing boat, then double round the back smartish (Smiles.) while they're sorting you out, and then pass the weapons through the porthole.
POLLY: (Standing up, adamant.) While Kirsty and I just sit here and wait for you to get back - if you ever do. No fear!
KIRSTY: We've done enough waiting.
DOCTOR: But it may be dangerous. They may not swallow my story.
BEN: Yeah, and they may see me in the boat, even with this on.

(BEN shows off his dark clothing. He is also wearing a sort of sailing hat.)

DOCTOR: (Approving.) I would like a hat like that.
POLLY: Nevertheless, we're not going to let you two out of our sights, are we Kirsty?
KIRSTY: (Nods.) Umm.
POLLY: Well, you'll get into such terrible trouble without us.

(The DOCTOR, smiling, gives up and another plan appears in his head.)

DOCTOR: Very well, you shall come in the rowing boat. It might be a good idea at that.
BEN: Well, what do you want me to do now?
DOCTOR: I've got another idea for you Ben.


(On board the "Annabelle", WILLY and the other main Highlanders sit dejected on the board.)

WILLY: (Despairing.) I can hardly believe it, they've played right into Solicitor Grey's hands. My own crew amongst them.
COLIN: Can you blame them? It's a poor choice between the gallows and the plantations. A man will clutch at any straw to save his skin.
JAMIE: And what will they do with us?
COLIN: I fear they will make an example of us, once Trask gets away to sea.
WILLY: He'll not let me live, that's for sure. Ah well, better a fast death than a lingering one under the overseers. I've no regrets.
COLIN: (Sighing.) If I could see my Kirsty again I'd die content.


(PERKINS is receiving instructions from GREY about collecting the gold from the sale of the prisoners.)

GREY: Three thousand five hundred guineas. You will collect this amount in gold on delivery of the prisoners and render strict accounting to me. Is that clear?
PERKINS: Yes, sir, Mr. Grey, sir. Quite clear, sir. You may trust me to the death, sir.
GREY: Now I must return to shore. I shall expect to see you in London at the end of October. Meanwhile, keep a close eye on Trask. He's not...

(Suddenly TRASK bursts into the room surprising GREY and PERKINS.)

GUARD: (OOV.) Right lads, bring him down.

(There is a general commotion, with characters talking over one another, as the DOCTOR enters, held by two soldiers.)

TRASK: Us has got company, Mr. Solicitor. Caught him coming over the side, bold as a welsh pirate.
DOCTOR: (Again adapting a "German" accent.) And of my own free will. I'm delighted to meet you again, Mr. Solicitor Grey.
GREY: (Firmly.) You may not be so delighted when we part company this time, Doctor.
DOCTOR: If you'd ask these fellows to let go of my arms, I have a small token for you.
GREY: Indeed, I have not forgotten the last one. All right, let him go.

(The guards let go of the DOCTOR.)

TRASK: Let me have him. I'll soon change his tune.
GREY: Silence! (To PERKINS, who is watching the whole thing.) Perkins, the door.
PERKINS: (Wanting to stay.) Please?
GREY: Well, go on.
DOCTOR: (Starting to search his pockets.) Now then, let me see, where did I put it. No, it's not in there. I transferred it from there, into this pocket. Well it's not there now, perhaps it's in here.
TRASK: Why, you!

(TRASK, believing he is stalling, chokes him with his whip.)

GREY: I would advise you to find this token quickly, before I leave you to the tender mercies of Mr. Trask.

(He hands GREY the ring.)

DOCTOR: Got it! Here we are. Look at the seal.
GREY: (Examining the ring.) The Stuart arms.
DOCTOR: Well, Mr. Grey?
GREY: Where did you get this?
DOCTOR: From the hand of Prince Charles himself.
GREY: (Shocked.) Where, man, where?
DOCTOR: In prison.
GREY: I don't follow.
DOCTOR: It's perfectly easy. Prince Charles disguised himself as a Highlander and was taken prisoner with the rest of the rebels.
GREY: And where is he now?
DOCTOR: I, ah, wonder what that information would be worth? Now let me see.
TRASK: I'll burn it out of him.

(TRASK moves forward but GREY holds him back.)

GREY: No! How much do you think it to be worth, Doctor?
DOCTOR: Well, umm, shall we say, umm, ten thousand guineas?


(POLLY and KIRSTY steer themselves alongside the Annabelle. Securing the boat, KIRSTY leans up to a porthole.)

KIRSTY: Father. Father.

(COLIN is still half asleep.)

KIRSTY: (Louder.) Father.
COLIN: Aye, my child.
KIRSTY: Father, listen to me.

(COLIN thinks that he is dreaming about KIRSTY.)

COLIN: I hear ye, Kirsty.
KIRSTY: Father, it's me. It's Kirsty. I'm here.

(COLIN wakes up.)

COLIN: (Disappointed.) Aye. Ah, I must be dreaming. Kirsty.

(He is surprised to hear KIRSTY's voice again.)

KIRSTY: Whist, keep your voice down.
COLIN: (Delighted.) Where are you?
KIRSTY: I'm outside here, in a boat.

(COLIN goes over to the porthole to talk to her.)

COLIN: Well child, are you well? They haven't harmed you?
KIRSTY: Father, I'm fine. And you?
COLIN: Better. A world better for hearing your voice. But you cannot stay there. They'll find you!
KIRSTY: Here then, take this.

(KIRSTY and POLLY start to pass COLIN the weapons.)

COLIN: It's a miracle. I must be in a dream.
KIRSTY: Father, there's no time to talk. We've got arms for all of you and a plan. Can you come closer? Right, now listen.

(COLIN draws closer.)


(GREY is agreeing to a price for the DOCTOR's information.)

GREY: You drive a hard bargain, Doctor, but no matter. I agree. Now, where is he?
DOCTOR: The very last place you would think of looking for him.
GREY: Well?
DOCTOR: Right here on this ship.
TRASK: Let me have him!

(TRASK grabs the DOCTOR's arm.)

GREY: A dangerous jest!
DOCTOR: Did you mark the young Highlander who was with me? The piper?
GREY: Piper?
DOCTOR: With the soft hands and face?
DOCTOR: Did you notice his hair? Unmistakable, that was the Prince!
GREY: You had better be very sure.
DOCTOR: Would I come and place myself in your hands if I was not very sure?
TRASK: We'll smell out the Pretender right now, by heaven.

(GREY stands up.)

GREY: (To TRASK.) Come along then, take him.

(The guards grab the DOCTOR.)

DOCTOR: Aren't you forgetting one thing?
GREY: What?
DOCTOR: I'm the only one who knows what he looks like.
GREY: Bring him along then. Make haste.

(TRASK drags the DOCTOR along.)


(The DOCTOR, TRASK, GREY, and two guards open the upper door to the hold, watched by one of the "sleeping" Highlanders.)

WATCHING HIGHLANDER: (To others.) Go to sleep.

(The visitors climb down and soon all five of them are in the hold.)

TRASK: In here Doctor.
GREY: Quiet. If they have any suspicion of whom we're looking and know him to be here...

(Using a lamp, they search for the right face.)

TRASK: Argh. Come on, Doctor. Him? Him?
TRASK: What about him?
DOCTOR: No. Perhaps he is further over.
GREY: (Warningly to the DOCTOR.) If you have made a mistake.

(The group slowly moves towards the sleeping JAMIE.)

DOCTOR: (Pointing at JAMIE.) I've found him. He's the little one, over there.
JAMIE: Creag an tuire!

(The Highlanders rise up, brandishing their weapons. TRASK quickly draws his sword to protect himself. The fighting is savage.)

10. SHIP

(The Highlanders soon force their way onto the main deck. There is lots of fighting and shouting. It is dark and fog is starting to roll in.)

JAMIE: (Crying out as he dispatches a guard.) Creag an tuire!

(WILLY finds himself facing TRASK.)

WILLY: Now I shall relieve you of your command!
TRASK: Not yet, Willy MacKay!

(WILLY and TRASK start to fight, but are soon parted by some of the other battles.)

TRASK: (Shouting to his loyal crew-members.) Right lads, to me! Throw these scurvy swarbs over the side! I'm still master here!

(Behind him, BEN appears.)

BEN: Not for long, mate.

(TRASK whirls about to face BEN with fury and a little bit of astonishment.)

TRASK: You! I'll make sure of you this time, lad.

(There is more fighting and shouting as TRASK advances on BEN. JAMIE comes to BEN's aid. And after dispensing with TRASK's sword, JAMIE wrestles with the man and bundles him over the side. WILLY comes up to JAMIE ready to fight TRASK again.)

WILLY: Where's Trask?
JAMIE: In the firth.
WILLY: (Slaps JAMIE on the shoulder.) Good lad.

(He turns and shouts across the boat.)

WILLY: Hold! Come back! Hold! All of ye. I want men.

(Some Highlanders push some of the surviving crew towards WILLY.)

WILLY: Get them over here. That's right, we sail for France on the next tide. I want willing hands.

(The crew looks happy and nods.)

WILLY: If you hadn't volunteered you'd have had a long cold swim for it.

(The crew and everybody laughs.)

WILLY: Right now, make ready. Off with ye, go on! Up to the top. Off with ye!

(The DOCTOR appears leading some of the ill prisoners out into the night sky. One of these is COLIN. Meanwhile POLLY and KIRSTY climb on board.)

DOCTOR: Ben, well... well done. Well done. Here Kirsty... here's your father. There we are. Polly...
KIRSTY: Father!


DOCTOR: (With an apologetic look at BEN.) Got lost in the fog.

(POLLY hugs BEN very tight.)

POLLY: Well done, well done.
BEN: Oh, don't overdo it Pol.
POLLY: But we've won!
DOCTOR: Only for the moment.
POLLY: What do you mean?
BEN: Well, the real jobs only just beginning. Getting back to the TARDIS with only a rough idea of where it is and the whole English army out to stop us.
POLLY: What are we going to do?
BEN: Well, we're going to get ashore before they get under way. That's the first thing, right, Doctor?
DOCTOR: Right.

(WILLY is now standing on the "Bridge" part of the boat. The DOCTOR comes up to him.)

WILLY: Stand by the capstan.
DOCTOR: We have to go ashore now.
WILLY: Oh, don't bother me now, man. (To a crew-member.) Stand by.

(COLIN comes up to the DOCTOR to discuss what they are going to next.)

COLIN: What about the prisoners?
DOCTOR: We'll take Mr. Grey ashore as a hostage.
COLIN: And the clerk?
DOCTOR: Well I...

(PERKINS hears his name and comes up to COLIN.)

PERKINS: Now, may I have converse with you.
COLIN: Yeah, man, yeah.
PERKINS: (Grovelling.) Don't send me ashore with that man, sir.

(He points to GREY.)

PERKINS: Now, if you are going to France, then maybe you can do with a secretary. Especially one who is conversant with the French tongue.
COLIN: Eh. Shifting with the wind, you rogue. Well, Doctor, what do you say?
DOCTOR: Many of your people speak French?
COLIN: Aye, but little.
DOCTOR: Then take him with you. He'll stay loyal enough.
PERKINS: (Overjoyed.) Oh, I will. I will, sir.
DOCTOR: Till the wind shifts again! Laird, we must go.
COLIN: Doctor, I...

(The DOCTOR calls the guards holding GREY over.)

DOCTOR: Bring the prisoner over!

(GREY comes over.)

PERKINS: Mr. Solicitor!

(GREY looks down with his usual attitude to him.)

GREY: Well, Perkins?

(PERKINS spits on him.)

PERKINS: I've been wanting to do that for a long time. You've no idea the pleasure that gave me.

(GREY is furious.)

GREY: Why you...
PERKINS: To the last, sir.

(PERKINS turns away and joins some sailors pulling the anchor up. The DOCTOR, POLLY, BEN and GREY are put into a boat.)

11. QUAY

(Soon, huddled on the quay, BEN and POLLY stare across the foggy firth.)

POLLY: I can't even see the ship.
BEN: No, they said they'd send us a signal before they went. Hey look, there it is!

(A light from a lantern waves from the boat as it disappears into the fog. The DOCTOR appears beside them carrying a bound GREY.)

POLLY: Do you think they'll beat the English blockade?
DOCTOR: The fog will help them. More than it will help us.
POLLY: We never even said goodbye to Jamie.
BEN: No, he just disappeared. I wonder where he went to.

(Suddenly a familiar figure appears from behind them. Everybody is shocked but happy.)

JAMIE: Right here.
BEN: Oh, Jamie!
POLLY: Jamie.
JAMIE: Aye, himself.
BEN: Well, why didn't you go with the others?
JAMIE: Well, let's say I fancied my chances here better. Besides, you'll need someone to guide you through the glens, won't you?
BEN: How did you know?
DOCTOR: Glad to have you with us, Jamie.
POLLY: But won't you be in danger here though?
JAMIE: Och, if they can survive here, then so can I.

(BEN sees an approaching patrol.)

BEN: Hey, watch it! Quick, through these doors.

(He ushers them quickly into the closest building and the guards go by.)

POLLY: (Whispering.) They're going away, it's all right.

(GREY seizes his chance.)

GREY: Help!

(JAMIE grabs his dirk and points it at the solicitor.)

JAMIE: One more move and you're a dead man.

(The DOCTOR sees the guards starting to come back.)

DOCTOR: They heard.
POLLY: But what if they find us?

(As the soldiers enter, GREY tries to make muffled shouts. The DOCTOR and his friends manage to knock out the guards, but POLLY fails to stop GREY escaping as he slips out of POLLY's grasp and goes through an open window.)

POLLY: Doctor! Ahh!
JAMIE: (Looking at the unconscious guards.) I'm certainly glad I'm on your side.
DOCTOR: (Noticing that GREY has gone.) Grey!
POLLY: The window.

(BEN tries to follow GREY but the DOCTOR holds him back.)

DOCTOR: No. No, Ben. It's too late.
BEN: But he was our hostage. They'll never let us get to the TARDIS now!
DOCTOR: We'll find someone else, eh Polly?

(POLLY smiles.)

12. INN

(Outside the local inn, Lieutenant Ffinch takes in the night air while enjoying a relaxing smoke.)

ALGERNON: What the...?

(BEN and the DOCTOR surprise him from behind. BEN is holding a gun to ALGERNON's chest.)

BEN: We want your company, mate.
DOCTOR: If you don't mind.

(ALGERNON turns and sees JAMIE and POLLY.)

POLLY: (Coos.) You won't refuse us, Algy dear.
ALGERNON: Oh, this is really too much.
POLLY: This way.

(Suddenly a pompous-looking figure emerges from the tavern. The COLONEL turns to ALGERNON as he is walking off with the others.)

COLONEL: Damn it, man. Where the devil do you think you're going?
ALGERNON: Colonel!
COLONEL: Well, have you forgotten it's your deal, Ffinch?
ALGERNON: Yes, Sir, I know. But, ah, I was just...
COLONEL: (Glaring at the DOCTOR and company.) Well, who are these vagabonds?
ALGERNON: Well, Colonel they're...

(The DOCTOR puts on his "German" accent again for the COLONEL.)

DOCTOR: Doctor von Wer at your service. Remedies for the ague, the twitch, the colic, the warts and the gout.
COLONEL: The gout? I haven't got the gout.
DOCTOR: Oh, no, no, no, no. I wouldn't waste your time with that, a fine healthy gentleman like yourself. No it's... it's this ring you see, sir.

(The DOCTOR shows the COLONEL the Pretender's ring. The COLONEL's eyes widen at the sight of the ring.)

ALGERNON: Perhaps we'd better get back to the game, sir. The night air.
COLONEL: Oh, blast the night air! Let me see. The... the Pretender's ring! (To the DOCTOR.) Where did you get this, man?
DOCTOR: Well, you go up there and to the left. No perhaps it's better to explain this way. To the right...
COLONEL: Look what are you talking about?

(The DOCTOR tries to point down the road.)

DOCTOR: No. On second thought, perhaps the other way. Umm, we were taking the Lieutenant, you see sir?
ALGERNON: The game, sir.

(The COLONEL now has more important things on his mind.)

COLONEL: Confound the game, this is the Prince's ring! Go with them. Take an attachment.

(This doesn't fit in with the DOCTOR's plan.)

DOCTOR: Oh, no, no, sir.
DOCTOR: Oh, ah, that might frighten the blackguard, sir. We are enough to apprehend him.
COLONEL: Then go on. Lieutenant you have your orders, what are you waiting for?
ALGERNON: (Sighing.) Yes, sir. But, this wench... (Giving up.) Yes, sir. Very good, sir.
COLONEL: And when you have them...
DOCTOR: (Finishing the sentence.) ...we will bring him back to you, sir. Right?


(POLLY, BEN, JAMIE, ALGERNON and the DOCTOR are standing outside the cottage. POLLY has been telling ALGERNON about what GREY has been up to.)

JAMIE: You know where you are now?
BEN: Yeah, I won't forget this place in a hurry.
DOCTOR: Well, it's time we said goodbye, Lieutenant. And thank you.

(POLLY turns to the DOCTOR.)

POLLY: I've been telling him all about Mr. Grey's activities.
BEN: Yeah, you want to nab him quick.

(POLLY returns ALGERNON's identity disc.)

POLLY: Oh Algy, here you are and thank you very much.
ALGERNON: (Proud.) It was nothing.

(Suddenly more people appear from the fog - the SERGEANT, along with GREY and some guards.)

GREY: (Triumphant.) Ah, so you found these rebels, Lieutenant? Well done.
GREY: (To ALGERNON and SERGEANT in a commanding tone of voice.) You can escort them with me to Inverness. (To the DOCTOR.) You will not escape the gallows this time, Doctor. (To JAMIE.) Any of you. As for you, wench, I'll have you tied to the tail of a cart and whipped from one end of...

(ALGERNON has heard enough.)

ALGERNON: (Angry.) Silence!
GREY: (Surprised.) What was that you said?
ALGERNON: I've heard the whole story of your schemes from this young lady here.
GREY: (Glaring at POLLY.) You take the word of this...
DOCTOR: (Adapting his "German" voice again.) What wicked times we live in, Lieutenant. A prison commissioner using his office to smuggle rebels out of the country.
GREY: You're wasting your breath, Doctor. It was all perfectly legal. The rebels signed the contracts for transportation of their own free will.
DOCTOR: Contracts? I don't believe I saw any contracts. Did you Ben?
BEN: No, I wouldn't know what they were.
DOCTOR: Or you Jamie?
JAMIE: Me? No.
GREY: A lie, Lieutenant. The contracts were signed, I have them right here in my... in my...

(He searches his pockets but can't find them. The DOCTOR tuts.)

DOCTOR: So sad. Once a promising legal talent.
ALGERNON: (Furious.) There is only one end for slave traders, Solicitor. I'm placing you under arrest.

(POLLY smiles.)

GREY: (Furious too.) I warn you, Lieutenant...
ALGERNON: (In a commanding voice.) I've had enough of your warnings, sir. Gag him Sergeant. Take him to prison under escort.

(The SERGEANT produces a handkerchief as two guards grab GREY.)

GREY: No wait! This is some sort of trick, you fool. If the Colonel hears of this you'll be lucky to end up as a band master.
ALGERNON: Take him away, Sergeant.
SERGEANT: (To GREY.) Come on, you traitorous dog.
GREY: Fool.

(GREY continues to protest as he is dragged away.)

SERGEANT: You men follow me.

(Soon ALGERNON is left with the DOCTOR's party.)

ALGERNON: Well goodbye, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Goodbye.
BEN: Goodbye.

(ALGERNON turns to leave.)

POLLY: Wait. Algy, why did you do it?
ALGERNON: A chance to put paid to a villain, ma'am.
POLLY: It wasn't just that, was it?
ALGERNON: Not quite, ma'am.

(It is clear that ALGERNON has had enough of GREY.)

POLLY: Thank you, Algy.

(She gives him a kiss.)

POLLY: Goodbye.
ALGERNON: Well, I wouldn't linger here if I were you. These moors, you know, they're still scouring them for rebels.
DOCTOR: Goodbye.
ALGERNON: Goodbye.
BEN: Ta-ta.

(ALGERNON walks off.)

JAMIE: One thing I don't understand - where those contracts went?
DOCTOR: I've no idea.

(The DOCTOR nonchalantly pulls them out of his pocket. He stares at them innocently.)

DOCTOR: Well, how did they get there?
BEN: (Laughing.) You old fraud. Come on. We must go.
POLLY: What about Jamie? We can't leave him here.
DOCTOR: True. His ship's sailed.
POLLY: (To JAMIE.) What will you do?
JAMIE: Oh, I'll be all right. They won't catch me.

(Musket shots can be heard in the distance.)

BEN: Did you hear that! They'll catch us all if we don't move fast.
POLLY: Doctor, can we take him with us?
DOCTOR: If he teaches me to play the bagpipes.
JAMIE: If you want, Doctor.
BEN: That's all we need. Come on.
POLLY: Come on, Jamie.
JAMIE: (Puzzled.) But where are we going?
POLLY: You'll see.


(The DOCTOR, BEN, POLLY and JAMIE crew arrive back at the clearing. The DOCTOR unlocks the TARDIS and enters. JAMIE holds back for a moment, but after a reassuring look from POLLY enters the strange blue Police Box. POLLY and BEN enter behind him and the doors close behind them. The light on top of the police box begins to flash. The TARDIS dematerialises, carrying one more passenger than when it arrived.)

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Doctor Who



Colin McLaren

Jamie McCrimmon


Lt. Algernon Ffinch

Solicitor Grey

Cedric Perkins

Captain Jebb Trask

Willie Mackay


Colonel Attwood


Title Music by
and the BBC Radiophonic Workshop

Story Editor



Transcribed by



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