(A dry, dusty and sunlit plain; a warrior dressed in ancient armour runs in from the distance. He is called out to by another warrior...)
HECTOR: Achilles!
(This warrior is the larger of the two and wears studded leather armour and wields a huge sword; his helmet is in the shape of a plumed horse's head. He
draws his sword. The other man, ACHILLES, is less strong but fleet of foot, and goads his pursuer...)
ACHILLES: Over here, stable keeper! Barbarian horse worshipper!
HECTOR: (Sneering.) Out of breath so soon, my light-foot princeling? Your friend Patrocolus fled me further, and made better sport!
ACHILLES: (Angrily.) Murderer! Patrocolus was a boy.
HECTOR: A boy? Well he died like a dog, whimpering after his master Achilles! Ha! Let me send you to him where he waits in Hades. Let me throw the dog a
bone or two!
(ACHILLES is goaded and they have a clash of swords but HECTOR is easily able to parry his opponent's thrust and the Greek jumps back.)
HECTOR: What? So anxious to be gone? I would not keep you for the world!
ACHILLES: Your bones would be the meatier, Trojan - though meat a trifle rough at that. Well all's one - they will whiten well enough in the sun!
(Enraged, ACHILLES attacks again but the Greek realises that the muscle-bound ape in front of him has a small advantage in a straight fight. He turns and
runs out of reach again. HECTOR calls after him as he tries to keep up.)
HECTOR: Run, Achilles! Run! Run a little more, before you die!
(The two running figures are tiny specks in the vast plain.)
Written by
(Inside the TARDIS, the DOCTOR, STEVEN and VICKI observes the "fight" on the scanner.)
VICKI: What sort of people are they, Doctor?
DOCTOR: Oh, I'm not sure, my child. You'll notice they're wearing Grecian costumes.
VICKI: They don't seem to have noticed us.
(The continuing insults of the two warriors are heard in the control room from the scanner as its occupants speak...)
STEVEN: That's hardly surprising in the circumstances. Why do you suppose they fight?
(The scanner shows the fight resuming, as HECTOR and ACHILLES continue hurling insults at each other.)
DOCTOR: I haven't the remotest idea, my boy. No doubt their reasons will be entirely adequate. Yes, I think I...perhaps I'd better go and ask them
where we are.
VICKI: Doctor, be careful! They look terribly fierce.
DOCTOR: Oh, what nonsense! If you take notice of them, I think they're doing more talking than they are fighting. I think I'd better go and ask them
where we are.
VICKI: Doctor, you can't! You know if you go out there by yourself you'll g...
DOCTOR: (Interrupting.) Now you stay here, my dear, and look after that ankle.
STEVEN: Wouldn't it be better if I went?
DOCTOR: Not at all, young man. You stay here and keep an eye on Vicki. Besides, I don't think your present humour is fitting for the occasion. You know,
I don't think they'd appreciate your kind of sarcasm.
(He laughs as STEVEN shows indignation...)
(Outside the partially concealed TARDIS, the two warriors have not noticed the strange object. The weak ACHILLES is exhausted.)
ACHILLES: The gods of my people, Hector, are not lightly mocked. They are terrible! And Troy itself is doomed to fall at their bidding...even as you
are. You cannot stand against them.
HECTOR: (Mocking.) You pretend that old Father Zeus will descend to Earth and take Troy for you. I guarantee to trim his beard for him if he dare
attempt it!
(At this moment, an ominous roll of thunder is heard in the clear, cloudless sky.)
ACHILLES: Beware - the voice of Zeus, Hector! Beware the anger of Olympus!
HECTOR: Who am I to fear the thunder, you superstitious, dark-dodging decadent!
(He calls up to the skies...)
HECTOR: Hear me, Zeus! Accept from me the promised light of your cringing servant Achilles! Or else, I challenge you - descend to Earth and save him!
(HECTOR lunges at ACHILLES but, by a curious quirk of timing, another thunderclap reverberates through the plain. This time, the warriors' attention is
attracted to the TARDIS when the DOCTOR walks out of the ship. The fighters are dumbstruck as HECTOR falls to his knees in amazement.)
HECTOR: Zeus! Forgive me.
(ACHILLES is first to react; while HECTOR stares aghast at the new arrival, the Greek seizes the initiative and runs him through with his sword. HECTOR takes
this turn of events as a certain sign of the DOCTOR'S identity as he slumps to the ground.)
DOCTOR: Stop! You must not kick a man when he is down...
(The DOCTOR realises the full extent of HECTOR'S sorry state.)
DOCTOR: You have killed this poor fellow!
(ACHILLES kneels before the DOCTOR.)
ACHILLES: Oh, but in your name.
DOCTOR: In my name, indeed! Get up! Get up, I tell you!
(The DOCTOR looks at HECTOR'S body.)
DOCTOR: This is terrible.
ACHILLES: If Zeus bids me to rise...
(He stands up.)
DOCTOR: What is this? What is it you take me for?
ACHILLES: The father of the gods and ruler of the world.
DOCTOR: What! Do you really? And who might you be, may I ask?
ACHILLES: Achilles. Mightiest of warriors, greatest in battle, humblest of your servants.
DOCTOR: Well, if I may say so, you're not very humble, are you, eh? Yes, I...I think I know you, yes. And this, er, this friend of yours must be, er...
ACHILLES: Hector. Prince of Troy. Sent to Hades for blasphemy against the gods of Greece.
DOCTOR: Blasphemy? I'm sure he didn't mean it.
ACHILLES: He threatened to trim your beard should you descend to Earth!
DOCTOR: Oh, did he now? Well, if you notice, I have no beard!
ACHILLES: If you had appeared to me in your true form, I would have been truly blinded by your radiance. It is well known that when you come amongst us
you adopt many different forms.
DOCTOR: (Flattered.) Oh, do I? (Laughs.)
ACHILLES: To Europa, you appeared as a bull. To Leda, as a swan. To me... in the guise of an old beggar.
(The smile disappears from the DOCTOR'S face.)
DOCTOR: I beg your pardon! I do nothing of the kind!
ACHILLES: (Quickly.) Oh, but still your glory shines through!
DOCTOR: (Mollified.) Oh, indeed. Indeed so, yes, so I should hope. Yes, well thank you, I'm glad to meet you. Now, if you will excuse me, I must
get back to my temple. Attend to his funeral.
(The DOCTOR turns towards the TARDIS, but ACHILLES, showing uncharacteristic bravery, leaps to block his way.)
ACHILLES: Oh stop! You must not go!
DOCTOR: Do you realise whom you are addressing?
(ACHILLES kneels.)
ACHILLES: Forgive me, father Zeus, I... I spoke hastily.
DOCTOR: Then do not hinder me, or I will strike you with a thunderbolt!
ACHILLES: I must brave even the wrath of Zeus, and implore you to remain.
DOCTOR: Well, I don't see why I should. I have many other commitments, you must understand...
ACHILLES: And one of them lies here. In the camp of Agamemnon, our general.
(The DOCTOR is not impressed and still tries to leave.)
ACHILLES: Oh, hear me out, I pray! For ten long years now we have laid siege to Troy, and still they defy us. Come!
(He leads a reluctant DOCTOR a short distance away in the direction of the city.)
(STEVEN and VICKI watch on the scanner as they go.)
STEVEN: And where's he off to now? It's a fine time to go looking at the view!
VICKI: After all, that's why he went out there, to find out where we are. Anyway, that man looks quite friendly now. He's probably showing him the way to
the nearest town.
STEVEN: Hmm, I wonder...
(He looks at his clothing.)
STEVEN: I think I'd better try and find some more suitable clothes.
(He moves towards the TARDIS inner section.)
(The high and imposing walls of the city of Troy sit in the distance. ACHILLES points to it.)
ACHILLES: (Sadly.) There they sit, secure behind their walls, whilst we rot in their summers and starve in their crack-bone winters.
(As he talks, a rough-looking thick-bearded character, looking every inch the perfect pirate, appears from the opposite direction. He is ODYSSEUS, king of
Ithaca, and he is accompanied by a group of bandit-like soldiers. ACHILLES looks a touch displeased at their arrival. The newcomer greets them with a booming
ODYSSEUS: What's this, Achilles? So far from camp, all unprotected from a prisoner?
ACHILLES: Odysseus, this is no prisoner.
DOCTOR: Certainly not.
ODYSSEUS: Not yet a prisoner? You should have called for assistance, lad. We would not like to lose you. Come, let us escort you homewards! Night might
fall and find thee from thy tent!
DOCTOR: (To ACHILLES.) I wouldn't stand for that if I were you!
ODYSSEUS: Are, but then, old fellow, you are not the Lord Achilles. He is not the one to look for trouble, are you, boy?
ACHILLES: Have a care, pirate! Are there no Trojan throats to slit, that you dare tempt my sword?
ODYSSEUS: Throats enough, I grant you. Some half score Trojans will not whistle easy tonight - but what of you?
(ACHILLES replies in a casual tone.)
ACHILLES: Oh, but a trifle. I met Prince Hector. Here he lies.
(He points to the nearby body.)
ACHILLES: ...Was instrumental.
ODYSSEUS: No doubt, no doubt. But what a year is this for plague; even the strongest might fall! Prince Hector, huh, that he should come to this. You met
him here, you say, as he lay dying?
ACHILLES: I met him, Odysseus, in single combat.
DOCTOR: Oh yes, it's true!
ODYSSEUS: And raced him round the walls till down he fell exhausted! A famous victory!
ACHILLES: I met him face to face, I say! Battled with him for an hour or more, until my greater strength overcame him.
(The DOCTOR laughs.)
ODYSSEUS: Bravo. But tell me, Lightfoot, what of Zeus? You say he intervened, and then...?
(ACHILLES points dramatically at the DOCTOR.)
ACHILLES: Why, there he stands! And listens to your mockery.
DOCTOR: Oh yes, I find it most interesting.
(ACHILLES doesn't get the reaction he was hoping for - ODYSSEUS laughs uproariously.)
ODYSSEUS: What! This old man, this threadbare grey pate? Oh come, Achilles!
ACHILLES: (To the DOCTOR.) Oh, forgive him, father Zeus! He is but a rough and simple sailor.
ODYSSEUS: Aye, very rough, but scarce as simple as you seem to think.
(He looks at the TARDIS.)
ODYSSEUS: What have we here?
(He goes and looks at the strange contraption.)
(VICKI watches with worry as ODYSSEUS'S leering face dominates the scanner screen.)
VICKI: Steven, he's coming in!
(STEVEN returns to the Control Room, dressed in suitably Greek cape.)
STEVEN: No, the Doctor will stop him. I must go out and help.
(He makes for the doors.)
VICKI: No, don't!... Just a minute...
(She hands him a spanner.)
VICKI: Here. Take this, and wait behind the door, hm?
(ODYSSEUS mocks the DOCTOR, the TARDIS, and anything else in sight.)
ODYSSEUS: The temple of Zeus, you say? (He laughs.) A trifle modest, is it not, for so powerful a god!
DOCTOR: This is my travelling temple. Being small, it's convenient.
(ODYSSEUS laughs again and makes for the door, which is still ajar. ACHILLES blocks his way.)
ACHILLES: You shall not enter.
DOCTOR: Certainly not! In any case, I must be off.
ACHILLES: Oh, then will you not stay with us?
DOCTOR: No, I, er...
ODYSSEUS: What! You will to the Grecian camp. If indeed you be Zeus, we have need of your assistance.
(He turns to the Greeks, who are more convinced by ACHILLES' story and are staying a safe distance away.)
ODYSSEUS: Now do not cower there, lads! Zeus is on our side, so Agamemnon keeps insisting. Bear him up, and let us carry him in triumph to the camp!
DOCTOR: I am quite capable of walking!
ACHILLES: Odysseus, I claim the honour to escort him. Let him walk to camp with me.
ODYSSEUS: You shall have honour enough. And maybe we shall have a little of the truth. (To the DOCTOR, insincerely.) Father Zeus, we await you! We
crave the pleasure of your company at supper, and perhaps a tale or two of Aphrodite, eh?
DOCTOR: I refuse to enter into any kind of vulgar bawdry.
ODYSSEUS: Then you shall tell us why...we find you lurking near our lines. That should prove equally entertaining. Take him, lads! The two of you there,
take up this carrion!
(Two of the Greeks grab hold of HECTOR'S body as the rest make for the DOCTOR.)
DOCTOR: Have a care, do not touch me!
(The Greeks ignore him and grab him, hoisting him on their shoulders. ODYSSEUS laughs again.)
ACHILLES: You will pay for this, Odysseus.
ODYSSEUS: Ha, will I? We shall see. This much must we do for the Lord Achilles, lest none believe his story!
(He sets off laughing with the Greeks, who bear the DOCTOR between them. ACHILLES stares after them.)
ACHILLES: You will not laugh so loud, I think, when Agamemnon hears of this.
(STEVEN and VICKI watch the DOCTOR and his new companions disappear from view.)
STEVEN: I am going after him. I'm sure he's been taken prisoner.
VICKI: Oh, come on, the big man was laughing!
STEVEN: It didn't look as though the Doctor made a joke.
VICKI: Anyway, we don't even know where we are.
STEVEN: Well, the Doctor said they were Greeks - we're probably in Greece.
VICKI: Oh, but that would be wonderful, wouldn't it? We might meet the heroes, we might...
STEVEN: Those men who carried off the Doctor wouldn't be heroes, or anything like them. That's why I've got to go and get him.
VICKI: Well I'm coming with you.
STEVEN: And how far do you think you can get on that ankle?
VICKI: It's not so bad now, I... I'll manage!
STEVEN: No, you stay here. Rest your ankle, watch the scanners, you'll be perfectly safe - when you see the Doctor and me coming, open the doors - but
not otherwise!
VICKI: But Steven...
VICKI: We mustn't...
STEVEN: (Interrupting.) I haven't got time to argue. I want to get to the Doctor before they cut his head off. Now stay here.
(He exits the TARDIS, leaving VICKI in a huff. She mutters to herself as he leaves...)
VICKI: (Aggrieved.) Goodbye! (Worried.) I hope you find the Doctor, that's all.
(Night has fallen. In a richly draped tent in the Greek encampment, sits AGAMEMNON, King of Mycenae. He is currently sitting in front of a feast of cold
meats, eating like a pig. Beside him is his brother, the Spartan king MENELAUS, who drinks from a pitcher of wine - not his first of the evening. A number of
soldiers and two young slaves are in attendance and a lyre plays in the background.)
AGAMEMNON: Now, you drink too much, Menelaus. I've told you about it before. Why can't you learn to behave like a king instead of a... dropsical old
camp follower? Have a little dignity. Try to remember that you're my brother, can't you?
(MENELAUS replies in a slurred voice.)
MENELAUS: One of the reasons I drink, Agamemnon, is to forget that I am your brother. Another is this ridiculous Trojan expedition - we've been here
for ten years! I want to go home. Besides, I'm not getting any younger.
AGAMEMNON: You won't get any older if you talk to me like that, brother or no brother. What's the matter with you, man? Don't you want to get Helen back?
Don't you... don't you want to see your wife again?
MENELAUS: Quite frankly, no. If you must know, I was heartily glad to see the back of her.
AGAMEMNON: You mustn't talk like that in front of these.
(He indicates the slaves as MENELAUS chuckles.)
MENELAUS: It wasn't the first time she's allowed herself to be... abducted. I can't keep on going off to the ends of the Earth to get her back,
it...it makes me a laughing stock.
AGAMEMNON: Now you knew perfectly well what she was like before you married her. Besides, this is a question of honour to get her back. Family honour,
don't you understand?
MENELAUS: Not...not to mention the trade routes through the Bosphorus, of course.
AGAMEMNON: What have they got to do with it?
MENELAUS: It isn't enough for you that you control the Achean League, is it? Now you want to take over Asia Minor as well, only King Priam of Troy stands
in your way.
AGAMEMNON: May I remind you that these ambitions would have been served just as well if you had killed Paris in single combat, as you were expected to?
MENELAUS: Yes, but...
AGAMEMNON: And don't interrupt. Priam would have been quite prepared to let this contest settle the issue between us.
MENELAUS: Yes, but you...
AGAMEMNON: Don't blame me because you've landed us into a full scale war!
MENELAUS: Yes, but I did challenge Paris, if you remember, ten years ago! Fellow wouldn't accept.
AGAMEMNON: Huh! He's just about as cowardly as you are.
(MENELAUS tries to speak firmly to his brother, though his drunken slurring spoils the effect.)
MENELAUS: For the last time, I am not a coward.
AGAMEMNON: Well in that case, why don't you challenge someone else?
MENELAUS: Anyone...
AGAMEMNON: Challenge Hector.
MENELAUS: Hector...?
(MENELAUS starts worrying that his brother just might be serious.)
MENELAUS: Hector?! Are you mad? Why, that would be suicide!
AGAMEMNON: Well you don't know until you've tried it, do you?
(He begins to laugh.)
AGAMEMNON: You know, I think that's a very good idea of yours!
MENELAUS: Oh. So you want to see me killed, is that it? Is nothing sacred to you?
AGAMEMNON: A brother's honour.
(MENELAUS scoffs.)
AGAMEMNON: I hold that more sacred than anything else. That's why I shall issue the challenge in the morning, on your behalf.
MENELAUS: I...on my behalf?
(He breaks off as ACHILLES runs into the tent, and saluting, drops his bombshell.)
ACHILLES: My king - Hector is dead!
(The reaction is not as ACHILLES had hoped; AGAMEMNON is furious but MENELAUS looks relieved.)
AGAMEMNON: What! How did this happen?
ACHILLES: This very day. I slew him after an hour or more of single combat.
AGAMEMNON: Oh, you did. Oh dear. There's another good idea wasted.
ACHILLES: (Disappointed.) What do you mean, wasted? Here have I been, fight...
AGAMEMNON: (Interrupting.) Ah, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! It's only that Menelaus was just about to challenge him.
(MENELAUS chokes on a particularly large mouthful of wine. ACHILLES looks hurt.)
AGAMEMNON: Now don't think I'm not pleased with what you've done. I am! Sit down. Tell us all about it.
ACHILLES: But I have other, more important news. And there isn't much time.
AGAMEMNON: What, more important than the death of Hector?
ACHILLES: At the height of my battle with Hector, there came a sudden lightning flash. And Zeus appeared before me.
MENELAUS: Zeus? Oh...
(He suddenly realises what ACHILLES has said...)
AGAMEMNON: It's all right, he's been listening to too much propaganda, haven't you, Achilles? (Chuckles) You mustn't take so much notice of that.
ACHILLES: Look, I tell you it's true! He appeared to me from nowhere in the...in the shape of a little old man.
AGAMEMNON: Oh! Where is he now, this little old Zeus?
ACHILLES: He was about to accompany me here when Odysseus and his men arrived. They took him prisoner.
(AGAMEMNON leaps to his feet with hitherto unsuspected agility.)
AGAMEMNON: They what!
ACHILLES: Odysseus mocked him. Then they seized him and are bringing him to camp. I ran ahead to warn you.
AGAMEMNON: You did well. Perdition take Odysseus! You can't be too careful in matters like this. He may in fact be Zeus.
(He shouts to a nearby guard.)
AGAMEMNON: Guard! Go find the Lord Odysseus. Command his presence here.
(The guard leaves.)
(Back on the plain, a Trojan approaches the TARDIS in the darkness. He places a plaque beside the police box and hurries away. On the plaque is a crudely
painted horse...)
(ODYSSEUS comes storming into AGAMEMNON'S tent.)
ODYSSEUS: Who dares command Odysseus? Well, Agamemnon, is it you? Well, we will not quarrel when we have a guest of such importance. Here's this old
man - claims to be our father Zeus, ha!
(The DOCTOR is shoved headlong into the tent. He raises his hand and ACHILLES kneels whilst MENELAUS ducks beneath the table.)
DOCTOR: You may rise. I am most displeased. Who is in command here?
AGAMEMNON: I have that honour.
DOCTOR: As I have always understood; yet this mountebank Odysseus seems to be a law unto himself. He makes fun of his guests, and laughs at Zeus!
AGAMEMNON: He will be reprimanded - if you are indeed who you say you are.
DOCTOR: If I am not a god, how do you account for my supernatural knowledge, hm?
AGAMEMNON: Knowledge? Of what?
DOCTOR: I could tell you one or two things that might surprise you.
AGAMEMNON: Ah, name one.
DOCTOR: Your wife, for instance, is unfaithful to you.
(ODYSSEUS roars with laughter.)
ODYSSEUS: Everyone knows that!
MENELAUS: I...I've never heard it.
ODYSSEUS: Everyone, that is, except you and him, of course!
AGAMEMNON: (Angrily.) Silence! I will not have my wife's name banded about like that. Besides, we have no way of checking on your slanderous
assertions, divinely inspired or no. What do you advise?
DOCTOR: (Shouts.) Then treat me with honour and return me to my temple, before I really become angry!
(ACHILLES hastily steps forward.)
ACHILLES: I tell you, Agamemnon, he has come to help us.
DOCTOR: If I were an enemy, what could one man do nolne...alone and unarmed do against the glory that is Greece, hm?
AGAMEMNON: Glory that is Greece? A neat phrase.
ODYSSEUS: The man is a spy. Deal with him and be brief, or I shall undertake it for you.
ACHILLES: After I am dead, Odysseus, and only then.
ODYSSEUS: If you so insist, I shall be most happy to oblige, Lightfoot!
(He laughs.)
AGAMEMNON: Silence! This is time for thought, not swordplay.
ODYSSEUS: Well, since my thoughts are of such little account, allow me to withdraw!
(The sailor storms out of the tent.)
ACHILLES: (To the DOCTOR.) Forgive him, father Zeus. The man is a boor. If you command me, I will deal with him...
DOCTOR: No, no, Achilles, leave him! Why try to kill him now when you are in sight of victory? (Laughs.)
AGAMEMNON: Huh? Do you prophesy as much as that?
DOCTOR: I could almost guarantee it.
MENELAUS: Almost? Oh, not another ten years!
DOCTOR: But first I would like to know, am I to be treated as a god - or as an enemy? If you kill me now, it will probably cost you the war.
(AGAMEMNON considers...)
AGAMEMNON: Yes, that is so. On the other hand, if we don't kill you and you are a spy, the same thing might happen. I propose to place you under
DOCTOR: Arrest? But I must return to my TAR... er, my temple!
AGAMEMNON: A reverent arrest. You must not be offended. We shall enjoy the benefit of your experience and your advice, and in return you will enjoy our
DOCTOR: (Resigned.) Very well.
AGAMEMNON: Excellent! Do sit down and have a ham bone.
(The DOCTOR sits at the table and is passed the proffered dish...)
(STEVEN silently picks his way across the plain towards the Greek encampment. He ducks out of sight as a number of sentries walk past, then he goes on,
skirting past the dozing sentries. He is watched from the shadows by a tan-skinned man with a patch over one eye - CYCLOPS who sees STEVEN approach the camp.)
(ODYSSEUS approaches the outside of AGAMEMNON'S tent. Outside it is a Greek soldier on guard.)
ODYSSEUS: Get thee to thy rest.
(The guard leaves. As soon as he has gone, CYCLOPS emerges from the shadows and goes up to a pleased ODYSSEUS.)
ODYSSEUS: Ah, my little Cyclops. What news, hmm?
(CYCLOPS gestures in sign language; ODYSSEUS clearly understands him.)
ODYSSEUS: The stranger?
(CYCLOPS corrects ODYSSEUS' understanding...)
ODYSSEUS: Ah, the other stranger. Another stranger!
(CYCLOPS signs again...)
ODYSSEUS: Ah, from the temple? Oh, temple!
(He laughs as CYCLOPS continues with his "message".)
ODYSSEUS: (Alarmed.) In the camp! You think he is my enemy, eh? You have done well. Now, my little chatterbox, go back to the temple, see what
happens, hm?
(He suddenly notices STEVEN moving through the darkened camp a short distance away.)
ODYSSEUS: Get you gone!
(CYCLOPS goes and ODYSSEUS ducks into hiding. STEVEN approaches the tent and is about to peer in when ODYSSEUS comes out of the shadows behind him.)
ODYSSEUS: (Quietly.) What have we here?
(STEVEN spins round.)
ODYSSEUS: Another god, perhaps?
STEVEN: No, I'm just a traveller. I lost my way and saw the light.
ODYSSEUS: At least the god Apollo - to walk invisible past sentries.
STEVEN: Sentries? I saw no sentries.
ODYSSEUS: Oh? Then perhaps they are sleeping with a knife between their ribs.
(He puts the point of his sword against STEVEN'S throat.)
ODYSSEUS: Shall we go seek them together?
(STEVEN backs off.)
STEVEN: Put away your sword, I'm a friend!
ODYSSEUS: Mm, but a friend of whom?
STEVEN: What do you mean?
(ODYSSEUS points at the tent.)
ODYSSEUS: That... that god who feasts yonder, that Trojan spy?
STEVEN: I don't know him.
ODYSSEUS: (Harshly.) Do you not? We shall see! Move!
(He pushes STEVEN forward into AGAMEMNON'S tent.)
(AGAMEMNON, MENELAUS, ACHILLES and the DOCTOR are just finishing dinner when STEVEN is sent hurtling into the tent, closely, though more slowly, followed by
AGAMEMNON: Huh? Who is this?
ODYSSEUS: My prisoner, the god Apollo. Achilles, will you not worship him? He is a Trojan spy, but of such undoubted divinity he must be spared.
AGAMEMNON: (To STEVEN.) Are you a Trojan?
STEVEN: Huh? No, of course not! I'm just a traveller... of a sort.
(AGAMEMNON turns to the DOCTOR.)
AGAMEMNON: Do you know this man?
DOCTOR: Only for what he seems to be.
ODYSSEUS: An acquaintance from Olympus, come to meet his father.
STEVEN: My father? I've never seen him before in my life!
AGAMEMNON: That's enough! Take him away, Odysseus. Why should I be troubled with such petty prisoners? Cut out his tongue for insolence, and make an end!
(STEVEN looks alarmed.)
(He turns to the DOCTOR.)
ODYSSEUS: All-seeing Zeus, you see into our very hearts and know their secrets?
DOCTOR: Quite so.
ODYSSEUS: Then is this man a spy?
DOCTOR: I do not know, and I do not care.
ODYSSEUS: Shall he then be put to death?
DOCTOR: I think it would be much safer on the whole.
(STEVEN looks confused, then worried, as ODYSSEUS draws his sword to carry out the execution.)
DOCTOR: Stop! Have you lost your senses?
ODYSSEUS: Now we have it! On second thoughts, you think we should release him to return to Troy.
DOCTOR: Do not mock me, my Lord Odysseus! Would you stain the tent of Agamemnon's...with a Trojan's blood? I claim this man as a sacrifice to Olympus!
Bring him to my temple in the plain, at sunrise in the morning, and I will show you a miracle.
ODYSSEUS: (Mocking.) A miracle! Oh, that would be most satisfactory.
MENELAUS: Convincing proof, I would say.
AGAMEMNON: What sort of miracle would...
DOCTOR: I will strike him with a bolt from heaven!
ODYSSEUS: Very spectacular, ha!
(There is s sudden commotion outside, and two guards enter, bearing the struggling form of CYCLOPS between them.)
AGAMEMNON: Ah, what's this? Who's this?
ODYSSEUS: Release him.
AGAMEMNON: All right, Odysseus, who is this man?
ODYSSEUS: My Cyclops, my little servant. So...
(CYCLOPS gestures to ODYSSEUS.)
AGAMEMNON: Well, can't he speak?
ODYSSEUS: Alas no more. For once he spoke too loud for comfort, and stammered on a knife. But he speaks to me. (To CYCLOPS.) Get you gone and wait
for me.
(The guards step back and CYCLOPS leaves. ODYSSEUS turns to the DOCTOR.)
ODYSSEUS: Thunder at the temple tomorrow, did you say?
DOCTOR: Yes, I did.
ODYSSEUS: Our weather is so unpredictable. If there is no thunder on the plain, I have a sword will serve for two as well as one. Your
"temple", as you call it, has disappeared!
(The DOCTOR momentarily loses his mask of authority.)
DOCTOR: Disappeared?
ODYSSEUS: Vanished... (He laughs.) ...into thin air!
(The DOCTOR'S mask of authority slips and STEVEN looks at him in alarm...)
(Indeed, where the TARDIS once stood, only the Trojan plaque of the horse now lies on the ground...)
Next Episode
Dr. Who
Title music by
with the BBC Radiophonic Workshop
Incidental Music
composed and conducted by
Story Editor
Directed by