(A landscape on a seemingly deserted planet. The smooth ground seems to be covered with an asphalt-like tarmac. Splits have occurred in this smooth surface,
and from these, trees and plant life spring in abundant quantity. The level of the ground is broken by large rock formations, craggy, but apparently made of the
same material as the ground. Vegetation also pushes its way out of gaps in these rocks. It is a peaceful and quiet scene.)
(The silence is broken as the TARDIS materializes.)
Written by
(STEVEN is seated and getting a haircut from VICKI. They watch the DOCTOR as he switches off the TARDIS controls with his usual evident satisfaction.)
VICKI: Arrived, have we?
(The DOCTOR switches off the final controls and the room falls silent.)
DOCTOR: We have my dear.
STEVEN: Good. Where?
DOCTOR: Well, we shall know all about that when we have a look at the scanner, shan't we?
(The DOCTOR switches on the scanner.)
DOCTOR: Now, you can both take a look.
STEVEN: Where are we, Doctor? Is it a planet you recognize?
(STEVEN starts to rise.)
VICKI: Keep still, you nuisance!
STEVEN: (Shouting.) Well now, I want to see where we are!
VICKI: (Shouting.) ____!
(The DOCTOR waves to them to be quiet and then adjusts some controls.)
DOCTOR: Quiet, both of you, will you? Listen!
(There is silence.)
STEVEN: Listen? (Whispering.) Listen to what? I can't hear a thing?
DOCTOR: Exactly, exactly. There isn't a sound out there. Not a sound! Just silence...
(The silence is overpowering, strange. No sounds of any animal life, plant life or even of a wind....)
(The silence in the room is soon replaced by the DOCTOR'S fussing of the dials and switching of the control panel. He looks over the readings.)
DOCTOR: Well, the atmospheric pressure's quite normal; oxygen, temperature, radiation. It's all quite normal... I wonder. Hmm. I wonder if it's
possible to have a planet so obviously conducive to life and yet without any?
VICKI: Well, I've finished chopping this fellow. Can we go out and see?
DOCTOR: Yes, I don't see why not my child. It appears absolutely deserted. As a matter of fact, I think we shall get some long-deserved... undisturbed
peace for once.
(From behind a cluster of rocks, near the TARDIS, comes a chattering and jingling sound. Suddenly a robot, constructed of three collapsible domes, increasing
in size and stacked one on top of the other, appears on the rocky slope above and stops. It gives out a strange series of bleeps, jitters and other sounds. The
robot fidgets this way and that, then faces the police box. For a moment it chatters to itself.)
(STEVEN examines his haircut in a mirror.)
STEVEN: Well, it's not bad... it's a bit amateurish.
VICKI: Oh, c'mon!
STEVEN: You never know, there might be a lake or a river around, Doctor. Do you fancy a swim?
DOCTOR: (Annoyed.) My dear young man, this isn't a joy ride! This is a scientific expedition!
STEVEN: Oh come off it, Doctor! You can't be scientific all the time. Anyway, er, you look as if you could do with a good wash-down.
(The DOCTOR mumbles to himself at this insult.)
VICKI: (Smiling.) What, get him in cold water? you'll be lucky!
DOCTOR: From past experience, we must always be on our guard.
STEVEN: Yes, well I'm prepared to take the risk.
(The robot moves towards the TARDIS and bumps into it.)
(The DOCTOR and VICKI jump at the sound of the collision.)
VICKI: (Softly.) What's that?
(STEVEN walks back into the console room.)
STEVEN: Well, are we all ready, then?
(He is interrupted by a further bump from the outside.)
DOCTOR: Shh, shh!
(The robot bumps into the TARDIS yet again, chitters and jingles, then slowly turns to the right, all the time keeping in contact with the outside of the
ship. When it is in line with the side, it moves forward, constantly bumping the side, obviously feeling its way along. At the corner it stops, makes various
little noises, then nudges its way around and proceeds along that side.)
(The DOCTOR, VICKI, and STEVEN are standing and listening. The sounds can clearly be heard within the ship.)
STEVEN: (Whispering.) What's going on?
VICKI: (Whispering.) Something is feeling it's way ‘round the ship.
DOCTOR: (Softly.) Yes. Like something trying to discover by touch. Something blind.
(VICKI moves around, facing the sound of the noise.)
VICKI: (Softly.) It's just reaching this corner now.
DOCTOR: (Softly.) Yes, it is blind.
VICKI: (Softly.) Whatever it is?
DOCTOR: (Softly.) As you say my dear, whatever it is.
(The robot bumbles its way around the last corner of the TARDIS. It stops, chitters to itself, then moves off a small distance.)
(As the robot moves away, it comes into view on the scanner screen. The robot stops, a light starts flashing on top of it, and it starts to emit a
high-pitched, whistling sound.)
DOCTOR: Just look, now! Now look, there's something quite different, isn't it? Hmm, hmm!
(The DOCTOR, STEVEN, and VICKI continue to stare at the scanner.)
STEVEN: (Apprehensively.) You know Doctor, it... it looks to me as if it's... sending some kind of message. What do you think?
DOCTOR: Yes, yes, it... it... it might be that. It... ah... to its controller whoever it might be, hmm?
STEVEN: Yes, or whatever it might be.
DOCTOR: Yeah...
(He realises what STEVEN has said.)
VICKI: (Happily.) Oh look! It's got a sort of... "chumbley" movement!
STEVEN: (Surprised.) "Chumbley"?
VICKI: Yes you know, all sort of... chumbley!
(The DOCTOR laughs. They turn away from the scanner. The robot is now out of sight.)
DOCTOR: It's gone now. Hmm.
STEVEN: (Disappointedly.) Yeah, bang goes my swimming!
VICKI: Oh, it doesn't take much to put you off. A sweet little thing like that?
DOCTOR: You know, I must be wrong child. There is life out there, yes, a very intelligent... highly intelligent life... to build machines like that.
VICKI: Chumbley!
(The DOCTOR turns to the control panel and flicks some switches and levers.)
DOCTOR: Well, Chumbley, if you like, my child.
(He laughs quietly.)
STEVEN: You know, Doctor, that thing might have been dangerous.
VICKI: (Scoffing.) Ohh...
STEVEN: What are we going to do about it?
(The DOCTOR operates a control and the TARDIS doors swing open.)
DOCTOR: I'm going to find out. Come along my child. And bring my stick.
(The DOCTOR walks out of the ship. VICKI grabs his walking stick and she and STEVEN follow.)
(The group exits the TARDIS. the DOCTOR sniffs the air.)
DOCTOR: Oh, it's delightful.
(He takes his stick from VICKI.)
DOCTOR: Yes, thank you. Just about the right amount of oxygen, hmm? (Laughs.)
VICKI: Umm! I can smell flowers!
DOCTOR: Oh indeed! How delightful. Well, there's one thing child - there's no Chumblies about!
(The DOCTOR and VICKI laugh. The DOCTOR locks the TARDIS door.)
STEVEN: Vicki! Look at this!
(STEVEN points upward. VICKI shields her eyes with her hands and looks at the sky.)
VICKI: Three suns!?
STEVEN: Yes, I wonder which one we're revolving around?
(As VICKI looks away, something in a clump of nearby bushes catches her eye.)
VICKI: Oh look! There's those flowers that I could smell... hey, they're roses!
(She moves to examine them.)
VICKI: No they're not, not quite roses, but almost.
(The DOCTOR moves away from the TARDIS, glances up at the suns, then looks around.)
DOCTOR: This silence reminds me of the planet, er, Xeros.
VICKI: You don't think we've jumped the time track again, do you?
DOCTOR: No, no, my dear, not again, not again, but, uh... it's so quiet.
STEVEN: Yeah, it's almost too quiet.
(VICKI has spotted something and looks alarmed.)
VICKI: (Fearfully.) Doctor!
VICKI: (Fearfully.) A Chumbley!
(The DOCTOR and STEVEN turn. From behind the TARDIS a CHUMBLEY appears, pointing a short, rod-like appendage at them from beneath its dome.)
STEVEN: That one looks pretty vicious! Doctor! Is that a gun?
DOCTOR: Stand still! Otherwise we all might be killed.
(The DOCTOR moves cautiously towards the CHUMBLEY and addresses it.)
DOCTOR: We come in peace. We don't wish you any harm.
(STEVEN edges slowly to the right as the DOCTOR speaks. The CHUMBLEY is silent.)
VICKI: He can't speak.
DOCTOR: No, but, uh, by the look of that thing sticking out in front, it's unmistakably like a speaker to me.
(THE CHUMBLEY now makes whistling sounds.)
VICKI: Trying to talk.
(STEVEN slowly bends to pick up a piece of rock. As he does he makes a slight sound. Immediately the CHUMBLEY trains its gun on him.)
VICKI: Steven, look out!
DOCTOR: You dumb fool!
STEVEN: I was only trying to get something to protect us...!
DOCTOR: (Interrupting.) Oh, indeed, yes! Very noble indeed!
(The CHUMBLEY makes the same humming noise as it did when it circled the TARDIS.)
DOCTOR: (Annoyed.) Now you've put the thing on its guard. (Intrigued.) Yes, it's interesting, it's fascinating. Did you notice that, er,
it didn't do anything until you made a noise?
STEVEN: Yes, it is blind.
VICKI: But it can hear.
DOCTOR: Oh yes, and very accurately! You know, I believe it can locate us by some form of... heat wave, as it were.
(With its usual chirruping sounds, the CHUMBLEY moves toward them. It reaches the DOCTOR and nudges him. The DOCTOR steps back and it nudges him again. He
backs some more. The CHUMBLEY then moves away and starts to move toward STEVEN and VICKI.)
STEVEN: Do you get that feeling that it... wants us to go somewhere, Doctor?
DOCTOR: Stand still. Don't let it move you.
(The CHUMBLEY whistles again. They remain as they are despite the nudges of the CHUMBLEY. Then it pauses as it apparently receives a message. It chatters to
itself, then points its gun at some vegetation on one of the rocky slopes and fires. The vegetation plants bursts into flame. The DOCTOR, VICKI, and STEVEN
react at this demonstration.)
DOCTOR: As neat a treat as ever I saw!
VICKI: What was it?
DOCTOR: Well, it's some kind of light ray, very powerful and dangerous, I would say. I think we're... we'd better do what the thing wants us. (Laughs.)
STEVEN: Yes, c'mon Vicki.
(The three travellers turn in the direction the CHUMBLEY indicates, and they move off. The CHUMBLEY follows closely behind. As they move across the
landscape, the CHUMBLEY moves from side to side, herding them along. A short way ahead a spur of rock overhangs the route that they are taking. Two women are in
hiding on the spur. They are DRAHVINS. They have blonde hair and their faces are straight and set, showing no emotion. Three rows of dots appear to be their
eyebrows. They wear high-necked uniforms. Each holds a futuristic-looking gun. Both look toward the CHUMBLEY and the travellers as they approach. One of the
DRAHVINS puts her gun aside and holds up a thin sheet of metal mesh. The other also puts her gun aside and grasps the other edge of the mesh sheet. As the
DOCTOR, STEVEN, and VICKI approach, the DRAHVINS ease themselves forward in readiness. Together the two DRAHVINS hurl the mesh down, and it lands on the
CHUMBLEY. The CHUMBLEY'S domes instantly collapse down on top of each other. The DOCTOR, STEVEN, and VICKI turn in surprise.)
DOCTOR: (Stutters.) What the...?
(The two DRAHVINS jump down from the spur and join the travellers.)
VICKI: Who are they?
STEVEN: I have no idea, but aren't they a lovely surprise?
DRAHVINS ONE AND TWO: We are the Drahvins.
STEVEN: And... (Chuckling.) ...very nice too.
DOCTOR: (To STEVEN.) Ahh, tcha, tcha, tcha. (To the DRAHVINS.) What might the Drahvins be?
DRAHVIN ONE: We are from the planet Drahva, in Galaxy Four.
STEVEN: Yes, well you seem to have put a pretty effective stop to this thing.
DRAHVIN ONE: As long as the metal mesh covers it, the control waves cannot reach it.
VICKI: (Suspiciously.) What do you want?
DRAHVIN TWO: We came to rescue you from the machines.
DRAHVIN TWO: Maaga will tell you.
STEVEN: Maaga?
DRAHVIN ONE: Our leader.
DOCTOR: Why can't you tell us, hmm?
DRAHVIN ONE: Our mission was to rescue you. We have done that. We have no other instructions except to take you to Maaga.
DRAHVIN TWO: We do nothing until a leader speaks.
DOCTOR: I see.
DRAHVIN TWO: You will come now.
VICKI: Doctor, I don't trust them. I don't think that we should go with them.
DRAHVIN ONE: If you stay here, more machines will come. They will capture you and take you to the Rills.
DOCTOR: The Rills... are these the people that control these things, hmm?
DRAHVIN TWO: They are not people.
DRAHVIN ONE: They are things.
DRAHVIN TWO: They crawl.
DRAHVIN ONE: They murder.
VICKI: Murder?
DRAHVIN TWO: They have already killed one of us.
DOCTOR: Oh, I should like to meet these Rills!
STEVEN: And be killed, Doctor?
DOCTOR: This is only what they say, and who are they, hmm, hmm?
STEVEN: At least they stopped the Chumbley. Doesn't that prove something?
DOCTOR: Eh, yes, all right, perhaps you better take us to this Maaga, this leader, whatever it is...
VICKI: (Interrupting.) Doctor! More Chumblies!
(They all turn. In the distance three CHUMBLIES are moving in a straight line toward them.)
DRAHVIN ONE: The mesh!
(The two DRAHVINS try to remove the mesh sheet from the CHUMBLEY, but it will not come off. The others watch.)
DRAHVIN ONE: It's caught!
DOCTOR: They're all magnetized so that you can't get the top off.
VICKI: They're getting close!
(The DOCTOR looks around and reacts.)
DOCTOR: Goodness gracious!
STEVEN: Look, it won't come off. Let's leave it.
DRAHVIN TWO: We were instructed not to lose...
STEVEN: Look, were you instructed to be killed as well?
VICKI: For goodness sake!
DRAHVIN ONE: We must go!
VICKI: Come on! They're nearly here!
DOCTOR: Come! Come!
VICKI: You all right, Doctor?
DOCTOR: Quickly! Quickly!
(They rush off. A moment later the pursuing CHUMBLIES move in and circle the other CHUMBLEY trapped beneath the metal mesh. One CHUMBLEY moves in and reaches
out to grasp the metal mesh with its mechanical arm. It pulls the mesh clear, releasing its trapped companion. They move off in the same direction that the
DRAHVINS, the DOCTOR, and his companions have taken.)
(The fugitives run as fast as they can across the planets surface.)
(The DOCTOR, VICKI, STEVEN, and the two DRAHVINS approach the door of the spaceship. The craft is a flat, octagonal vessel supported by struts. All of them
are out of breath from running and are clearly exhausted.)
DOCTOR: (Breathless.) Oh!
DOCTOR: Oh, good gracious!
VICKI: Are you all right?
DOCTOR: Yes, I think so. Ahh, it's all this physical exercise at my age. (Laughs quietly.)
(DRAHVIN ONE looks back nervously in the direction from which they have come.)
DRAHVIN ONE: They're nearly here. Quickly! Inside!
(DRAHVIN ONE leads and the others follow her into the spaceship.)
DRAHVIN ONE: Close external door.
DRAHVIN THREE: Close external door.
(The door that they have just come through slides shut, with a whine of power. The door has a large window in it. VICKI looks through it, as the DOCTOR and
STEVEN study their surroundings. The airlock area leads directly into a large room, one wall of which is lined with machinery. There are tables, chairs and
benches in the room. Several observation windows are in the walls. The DOCTOR is coughing and holds his handkerchief up to his mouth.)
STEVEN: Well, it, ah, was a decent space ship once.
DOCTOR: (Breathlessly.) Very backward now, isn't it? Yes, it's almost fossilized. (He laughs.)
STEVEN: Oh I don't know, it's got one or two good features....
(VICKI runs to her companions from where she has been looking through a window in the door.)
VICKI: We've, uh, just beat those Chumblies... they're still outside.
DOCTOR: Are we safe here?
DRAHVIN ONE: Yes. They cannot enter.
DRAHVIN TWO: Silence! Maaga is coming!
DOCTOR: Maaga! (Laughs.) We're back there again!
(The DOCTOR, VICKI, and STEVEN all laugh together. MAAGA, the leader arrives. She looks identical to her subordinates but has a cold and chilly character
about her. Her voice, although crisp and icy, has more emotion than the other DRAHVINS.)
MAAGA: Report!
DRAHVIN ONE: Mission accomplished! We have brought the prisoners.
VICKI: Prisoners?
MAAGA: And the metal mesh?
DRAHVIN ONE: (Fearfully.) It stopped the machine.
MAAGA: Good.
DRAHVIN ONE: (Fearfully.) We... could not... get the mesh back
MAAGA: What?!
DRAHVIN ONE: (Fearfully.) It... became... affixed... to the... machine.
STEVEN: She's got them pretty frightened, hasn't she, Doctor?
DOCTOR: (To MAAGA.) Yes, dear madam, the young lady speaks the truth. The Chumblies are magnetized.
(MAAGA glances at the DOCTOR, then back to the two DRAHVINS.)
MAAGA: (To the two DRAHVINS.) I will deal with you both later. Sit.
(DRAHVIN ONE and DRAHVIN TWO go to a bench and sit down after placing their guns in a rack. MAAGA looks across at the DOCTOR, STEVEN, and VICKI, and attempts
to soften her voice.)
MAAGA: (To the DOCTOR.) I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. Won't you sit down?
DOCTOR: Aahhh... yes, heh heh, thank you, I will, hmm.
(He wipes the seat with his handkerchief before sitting down.)
MAAGA: I had to hear the report first.
DOCTOR: Oh naturally!
MAAGA: It is necessary when you are at war.
STEVEN: (Surprised.) At war?
MAAGA: With the Rills and their machines.
VICKI: The Chumblies!
MAAGA: This is a fight to the death. For existence itself...
(The DOCTOR nods to himself, thinking, but gives no other reaction.)
DOCTOR: I see.
MAAGA: ...in which one of us will be obliterated.
DOCTOR: Oh? As bad as that?
MAAGA: (With menace.) Yes, so bad that it is conceivable that you, too, will be obliterated.
DOCTOR: Oh, come now! There is no need to exaggerate.
MAAGA: It's no exaggeration!
VICKI: (Suspiciously.) You want to kill us, don't you? You want to.
MAAGA: When a planet disintegrates, nothing survives.
(The DOCTOR is suddenly alert.)
DOCTOR: (Scornfully.) Disintegrates... this planet, hmm?
MAAGA: Yes, it's in its last moments of life. Soon it will explode.
MAAGA: In fourteen dawns' time.
STEVEN: Look, how do you know? How can you be so certain?
MAAGA: The Rills told us. That is why they're repairing their spaceship... so that they can escape.
DOCTOR: Hmm... well that sounds reasonable enough to me. (Laughs.)
MAAGA: We must capture that spaceship from them.
STEVEN: What for? This is a spaceship as well, isn't it?
MAAGA: Yes, but it cannot fly! The Rills shut us down! We cannot move!
STEVEN: You... you don't belong here?
MAAGA: No. Nor do the Rills. There is no life on this planet. We come from Drahva. Some four hundred dawns ago, we were investigating this particular
section of the galaxy. We were looking for a planet such as this, capable of supporting life so that we might colonise it. There are too many of us on Drahva.
STEVEN: All women?
MAAGA: Women?
STEVEN: Er... yes... Women!
(He is stuck for a further explanation.)
DOCTOR: Yes... er... feminine... female
(The DOCTOR laughs in a slightly embarrassed way and gestures at MAAGA'S own form.)
MAAGA: (Realising.) Oh! (Laughs.) We have a small number of men... as many as we need. The rest we kill.
(The smile on the DOCTOR'S face slowly disappears.)
MAAGA: They consume valuable food and fulfill no particular function.
(MAAGA gestures disdainfully at the three DRAHVINS.)
MAAGA: And these are not what you would call human! They are cultivated in test tubes. We have very good scientists.
(She hits her chest.)
MAAGA: I am a living being! They are products... and inferior products! Grown for a purpose and capable of nothing more.
STEVEN: Grown for what purpose?
MAAGA: To fight, to kill.
(STEVEN and VICKI look at each other. VICKI is sickened.)
DOCTOR: (Somewhat sarcastically.) Yours must be a very interesting civilization. (Laughs.) You attacked the Rills?
MAAGA: No. We were in space above this planet. When we saw a ship, such as we had never seen before. We did not know it, but it was a Rill ship. It fired
on us, and we crashed. But before we did, we managed to fire back so that they'd crash, too. On landing... they killed one of my soldiers.
STEVEN: What are they like, these Rills?
MAAGA: (Whispers.) Disgusting!
DOCTOR: Well, (Laughs.) that's no description, no description at all. (Laughs.)
MAAGA: That's all I'll say.
DOCTOR: Yes, I... I think I'm beginning to understand.
STEVEN: Well, so am I, Doctor.
DOCTOR: (Thinking.) Yeah...
STEVEN: This planet's about to explode, the Rills have managed to repair their ship in time so they can escape... you haven't, so you want their ship.
MAAGA: (Coldly.) We have no desire to be here when this planet ceases to exist.
(DRAHVIN THREE, on watch at an observation window, calls out.)
DRAHVIN THREE: Machine approaching!
(A CHUMBLEY moves across the landscape, approaching the DRAHVINS' spaceship.)
(MAAGA strides to an observation window and looks out.)
MAAGA: To your stations!
(Immediately the DRAHVINS take up positions by projections in the bulkhead, which are, in fact, guns.)
MAAGA: Switch off the outside radio!
(One of the DRAHVINS operates a switch.)
VICKI: What are they doing now?
STEVEN: They're going to have another go at the Chumblies, by the look of things.
DOCTOR: Switch off the outside radio? Why, I wonder, hmm?
(MAAGA turns from the observation window to answer.)
MAAGA: They send the machines to tell us lies. We do not wish to hear them.
DOCTOR: Yes, er, madam! You may not but I'd like to, uh, hear it. (Laughs.)
MAAGA: It's not good for my soldiers!
(The DOCTOR goes over to the observation window and stands by MAAGA. By now THE CHUMBLEY is silent.)
DOCTOR: Ahh, I see. It's stopped.
MAAGA: Yes, now it is sending its message. Fire!
(Firing commences.)
(The CHUMBLEY is hit by a burst of smoke and flame. It collapses its domes and is still for a moment, then it raises them again and extends an aerial. It
chatters to itself, as if sending a message, and turns and moves off.)
(The DOCTOR and MAAGA are looking out of the observation window and see what has happened.)
DOCTOR: (Laughs.) You didn't do it very much damage, did you? (Laughs.)
MAAGA: (Coldly.) My only intention was to scare it off. We've succeeded. (To her people.) To your places.
(DRAHVIN ONE and DRAHVIN TWO immediately go back to the bench. DRAHVIN THREE exits the main chamber.)
DOCTOR: And you haven't destroyed one Chumbley yet.
MAAGA: (Quietly.) We will.
DOCTOR: You know, I think you rather underestimate the Rills. Why should they tell you that this planet is going to die, hmm?
MAAGA: They were trying to tempt us on board their spaceship so that they may kill us!
STEVEN: You know, it seems to me as if they offered you help.
MAAGA: That is what they maintain.
VICKI: They might have been speaking the truth. They might have meant it.
DOCTOR: On the other hand, it might have been a pack of lies.
MAAGA: What do you mean?
DOCTOR: Well this planet could last another billion years.
MAAGA: Yes, that we have no way of proving.
DOCTOR: I have... I'm a scientist!
(MAAGA stares at the DOCTOR.)
MAAGA: (Relieved.) Very well! I should be grateful if you would find out.
DOCTOR: Oh, thank you, thank you! Well, I'm afraid we shall have to go back to my ship. (Laughs.)
(The DOCTOR moves to the door and indicates for VICKI and STEVEN to join him.)
MAAGA: Oh wait! You cannot all go.
DOCTOR: Oh, but, ah, why?
VICKI: Prisoners? Are we?
MAAGA: Of course not. But if you should encounter the machines...
STEVEN: What of it?
MAAGA: I could not guarantee to rescue you again.
DOCTOR: Oh, ho ho, you worry too much! (Laughs.)
MAAGA: I shall feel easier if one of you remain behind.
VICKI: I'll stay.
DOCTOR: But my dear...!
VICKI: (Firmly.) I'll stay! You'll need Steven anyway if you bump into the Chumblies again.
(MAAGA signals for a DRAHVIN to open the outer door. As the DOCTOR and STEVEN leave, STEVEN turns to VICKI and gives her a reassuring smile.)
DOCTOR: (Nervously.) Yes, well, very well, eh heh, young man, eh, you and I will go, (Laughs.) yes. (Laughs again.)
DRAHVIN THREE: Door opening!
(With its whirring sound, the door opens and the DOCTOR steps out.)
STEVEN: We won't be long, Vicki. Promise we won't get lost.
(VICKI nods and smiles bravely. STEVEN leaves and the door shuts.)
(The DOCTOR and STEVEN appear over the edge of a slope near the TARDIS. STEVEN sees danger ahead.)
STEVEN: Chumblies!
(They both crouch down and look ahead. A CHUMBLEY is by the TARDIS and is making obvious attempts to gain entry. After a little while it gives up and
withdraws, to be replaced immediately by a second CHUMBLEY, who moves up to the ship.)
STEVEN: Can they get in Doctor?
DOCTOR: Well, they'd have to be... pretty well advanced to break my... force barrier, ha, ha...! Hmm?
(There is a screaming of metal as the second CHUMBLEY brings some mechanized force to bear against the door. The DOCTOR and STEVEN continue to watch from
their vantage point.)
(VICKI is on her own in the spaceship. She sits on a bench, tense and unhappy. She sighs, stands up, and is about to move to look out of the observation
window when she hears something. She goes over to the bulkhead and presses her ear against it.)
MAAGA: (OOV.) To lose the mesh with great incompetence. It was our only weapon against the machines. If we lose to the Rills it will be because
of you. You want that, do you?
DRAHVINS: (OOV.) No... no...
MAAGA: (OOV.) You want to be captured by those creeping, revolting, green monsters? You want their slimy claws to close about your necks? You
fools! You fools!
(The DRAHVINS moan with dread...)
DRAHVINS: (OOV.) No... no... no...
(VICKI shrinks away in horror.)
DOCTOR: I wonder what they're up to, eh?
STEVEN: Trying something else by the look of it.
DOCTOR: Yes...
(A CHUMBLEY, in a last futile attempt, tries its light ray on the doors of the TARDIS. The CHUMBLEY gives up, transmits a message, and moves off.)
DOCTOR: There! You see, my boy, look, not a scratch! Not a scratch! (Laughs.)
STEVEN: Yes, well, are we going in or not, Doctor?
DOCTOR: I certainly excelled myself with that force barrier.
STEVEN: (Exasperated.) Yes, Doctor.
DOCTOR: (Stutters.) Now wait a minute...
(He takes a careful look around.)
DOCTOR: I think they've all gone to bed! (Laughs.)
(They walk over to the TARDIS and the DOCTOR starts to open the door.)
DOCTOR: Well, it's a very good thing I've got you around, young man, to tell me what I'm supposed to be doing!
STEVEN: (Humouring him.) Yes, you're so right, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Hmm? Hmm!
(They enter the TARDIS.)
(The DOCTOR moves across to his astral map machine and presses buttons. He adjusts various dials with growing concern.)
STEVEN: Well, Doctor, will this planet explode?
(The DOCTOR nods, coming to a decision.)
DOCTOR: The Rills were quite right.
STEVEN: Then we've got to get off the planet!
DOCTOR: Yes, if the Drahvins let us go.
STEVEN: We've got to make that sure they do!
DOCTOR: (Excitedly.) They need our help with the Rills! Why do you think they've held Vicki back?
STEVEN: Okay, but we've got to get off here somehow!
DOCTOR: It's imperative we leave at once!
STEVEN: Why is that? The Drahvins did say fourteen dawns.
DOCTOR: Two dawns! Tomorrow is the last day this planet will ever see.
Next Episode
Dr. Who
Drahvin One
Drahvin Two
Drahvin Three
Chumbley operators
Title music by
with the BBC Radiophonic Workshop
Story Editor
Directed by