The War Machines
Episode Four
By Ian Stuart-Black

(War Machine number 3 rolls forward with one of it’s mallets outstretched and maliciously knocks a pile of boxes over. All the people scurry away apart
from the Doctor who rigidly stands his ground, hands clasped together as the machine slowly advances. The Doctor steps forward a few paces.)
SERGEANT: No joy Sir. Even the grenades won't go up. Never faced anything like this before.
CAPTAIN: I've got some wombat missiles coming up, if they're in time.
(The Ben and Sir Charles watch as the Machine draws closer to the Doctor.)
SUMMER: Hurry man! Don't be a fool.
(Ben rushes to the he Doctor's side.)
BEN: COME ON Doctor!
(The Doctor doesn't turn or move in the slightest, he just keeps staring at the machine.)
DOCTOR: Go away my boy.
(Ben scurries back a little. The Machine passes the Doctor swivels around in front of the soldiers as if uncertain what to do next. The Doctor holds up his
hands in a placating gesture as it approaches him again Raising its right mallet. The Machine lowers its arm and comes to a halt, lights blinking furiously on
its side.)
(In a packed pub people gather to watch a small television as a announcer broadcasts the news.)
ANNOUNCER: Here is a further bulletin on the London emergency. It is announced, a few minutes ago that the machine which is now being described as the
War-Machine has successfully been put out of action. The city of London has responded with characteristic calm to the emergency.
ANNOUNCER: As yet there seems to be no explanation for this sudden attack. An emergency cabinet meeting was held at number ten Downing Street this
morning, and service chiefs were called in. The Ministry of Defence have just made the following announcement: Further attacks on London can be expected in the
next twenty-four hours.
ANNOUNCER: The army are standing by at key centres. People are warned to stay in doors and keep calm.
(The people in the pub begin to chat excitedly amongst themselves over their drinks.)
(The Doctor gazes lovingly up at his new toy.)
DOCTOR: It's remarkable, truly remarkable!
SUMMER: Uh, Doctor. Doctor, the Minister.
DOCTOR: Oh, how do you do sir!
MINISTER: Oh well now... You any idea what er, caused the collapse, gentlemen?
DOCTOR: Oh yes, this is all very simple. This is a computer and this computer hasn't been completely programmed.
MINISTER: Can you make that a little clearer Doctor?
SUMMER: There, you see, computers depend upon programming. That is the information that is fed into it.
DOCTOR: Exactly, and my guess is this was put into action before it was ready, sir.
SUMMER: Because it had to be. Because we launched our attack. You see Mr Minister, if we had not send our army units in, the maniac behind
this business would have been able to finish the job; and I doubt if very many of us would have been left alive.
DOCTOR: Well, I hope that we're just as lucky next time, hm-hm!
(He busies himself with the machine once more.)
DOCTOR: Let me have that screwdriver young man...
MINISTER: Next time? We must locate and destroy any further machines before there is a next time!
(A technician speaks into the microphone of a radio rig.)
TECHNICIAN: Hello Central-Control, hello Central-Control, this is sector two calling. We have completed the first stage, request permission to switch
BRETT OOV: Permission granted, switch on to be carried out. Stand by for testing - there must be no mistakes this time. The disaster of Covent
Garden will not be tolerated again! Proceed!
(The technician moves from the rig to number 9 machine and begins to tinker with it. It hums to itself and it's lights blink on.)
(The Doctor is busily working on number 3 machine as Ben walks over looking agitated.)
BEN: I've searched the warehouse an' all round here, but there's no sign of Polly.
DOCTOR: Oh don't worry my boy, she'll be back. Hm-hm!
BEN: Yeah, but she was in there, what can have happened to her? As far as I can make out they've got everyone else.
DOCTOR: My dear young man I haven't the time to discuss Polly at the moment! If I'm going to analyse this mechanism I've got a great deal to do, now...
Oh dear and I'm so hot. Wait a minute, let me take this cloak off...
(He removes his cloak and as he shoves it at Ben something small falls out of the pocket with a metally jangle.)
DOCTOR: Now hold onto that and don't drag it on the floor, there's a good boy!
(Ben stoops to pick up the object just as the Minister rushes over; but deciding not to disturb him, Ben moves off making a mental note to give the small
brass key back to the Doctor later.)
MINISTER: Have you discovered something Doctor?
DOCTOR: Well er, yes... I think I've managed to decode the um, programme mechanism; and if I'm right, I think there are eleven others in London - perhaps
in an area of twenty to thirty miles. And this has it's own timing device, this computer. And I think if my calculations are right I conclude that they were
intended to attack at twelve o'clock today!
MINISTER: Twelve o'clock with another eleven machines like this? Good heavens Doctor, what are we going to do?
(Brett is testing number 9 machine in the warehouse via a camera link and speaker.)
BRETT OOV: Stop. Turn plus eight seven degrees! Be prepared to attack when given the order. There must be no mistakes! Stand by for reaction test.
Testing... On command go towards exit. Move forward. Continue until ordered.
(The machine moves forward, but its path is blocked by a table of radio equipment. Raising a mallet and smashes part of the equipment to fragments and moves
back a moment as the technician wanders over, scribbling notes on a clipboard. With a sudden, vicious jet of gas the machine blasts the technician out of its
path and into the next life. It advances once again as ordered. The table doesn't stand a chance.)
(The exterior of the General Post-Office Tower.)
(Professor Brett flicks switches on the face of WOTAN.)
BRETT: We've been cut off. The machine has destroyed the transceiver.
KRIMPTON: Programming is at fault. It must be corrected immediately.
(The Doctor is still fiddling with the Machine when the Captain turns up.)
CAPTAIN: We've rounded up everyone in the warehouse, Sir Charles.
SUMMER: Much trouble?
CAPTAIN: None at all sir. They seem like people who've been brainwashed. I've brought one of them along sir, I thought you might like to question him.
SUMMER: Yes, well I think perhaps you'd better bring him over.
CAPTAIN: Bring him here Sergeant.
(The Sergeant leads the familiar figure of Major Green through.)
SUMMER: Ah Minister, if you don't mind I think I'll ask this fellow a few questions...
(The Doctor overhears the discussion with interest, and stops work to investigate.)
DOCTOR: Ah-ah-ah, just a moment Sir Charles, please. Major Green?
CAPTAIN: Do you know him Doctor?
DOCTOR: Yes, of course.
(He turns back to Green.)
DOCTOR: Do you remember me Major Green, mm?
GREEN: I don't. I'm afraid I don't remember anything. Where am I, what is this place?
SUMMER: You don't remember anything?
SUMMER: Do you remember this machine?
(Green notices the War-Machine for the first time.)
GREEN: Good heavens, what on Earth is this thing?
DOCTOR: Yes, I er...I think you'll have to have him removed gentlemen he may need er, medical attention.
SUMMER: Alright Sergeant.
(The Sergeant glances at the Captain gestures in agreement.)
CAPTAIN: Alright you two men go with him.
(The Sergenat moves towards Green.)
SERGEANT: If you'd like to come this way sir.
(Green and the soldiers depart.)
DOCTOR: Yes...
SUMMER: Look Doctor, how d'you know he's telling the truth?
DOCTOR: Oh of course he is; he remembers nothing since he was taken over by Brett's computer system.
MINISTER: You seem very positive about that Doctor.
DOCTOR: Yes, I am.
SUMMER: Well if Brett's at the root of this business, then the sooner we get to the GPO tower the better!
DOCTOR: Eh...what do you intend to do there, sir?
SUMMER: Well get hold of Brett and get him out of it!
DOCTOR: That is very dangerous Sir Charles. And if I may say so, your strong arm methods have already got us into plenty of trouble!
SUMMER: I strongly re..!
MINISTER: What... Do you suggest Doctor?
(In a telephone box a nervous man talks into a receiver.)
MAN: Quick give me the Police! This is an emergency! Hello? Hello, listen, one of those machines it's on the street now! I tell you it is
I've seen it myself!
(Outside, machine 9 trundles down the street.)
MAN: It's out there now... It's seen me!
(The rogue War-Machine approaches the telephone box, aims it's guns and sprays a jet of gas at it. It then revolves and moves back up the street,
accidentally bashing into a car on the way past causing it to sway. Inside the vehicle the radio has been left on.)
RADIO ANNOUNCER: The following statement has just been issued.
(A man and a woman listen to a posh radio set built into their wall.)
ANNOUNCER: ...A second War-Machine has been reported in London. People are warned to remain in their homes and to keep off the streets.
(The Doctor, Ben are listening to the radio announcement too.)
ANNOUNCER: ...Under no circumstances should they attempt to attack or impede these machines. Phone your local Police station if you have anything to
report. All radio programmes will be interrupted as further bulletins are issued.
BEN: They must've built these things all round London. If they've got Polly, Doctor; they could've transferred her to 'elp at any one of their pro..!
DOCTOR: My dear boy, if we worry about person we shall never solve anything, now shall we? Hm-hm-hm-hm!
(He moves off and Ben whispers to the Sergeant.)
BEN: Looks such a kind old bloke too, doesn't 'ee?
SERGEANT: 'Ee's got other things to think about mate.
BEN: Yeah I know...but this bird saved my life, see.
(The War-Machine happily judders along the street like a rebel without a cause, having finally found a few people to menace. A respectable man and woman run
away as fast as they can, the machine hot on their heels spraying spumes of gas, but never quite catching them. Along the street the wheel of an abandoned
bicycle spins, it's owner long since departed. The Machine loses it's quarry, so decides to commit a little vandalism instead, bashing into a couple of metal
bins and knocking them flying.)
(Summer is talking to someone on the telephone.)
SUMMER: Where? Battersea, I see. Well have you had any reports in yet? Good heavens it's appalling! Well you stay and get the phone and I'll be back
to you.
(Sir Charles replaces the receiver and joins the Doctor and the Minister.)
SUMMER: The second machine is approaching the Battersea power station and it's creating absolute havoc! Well we've tried the army, what else is there?
MINISTER: Yeah, haven't you anything you can suggest Doctor; this is urgent!
DOCTOR: Somehow we've got to get a hold of that machine!
MINISTER: Get hold of it?
DOCTOR: Yes, and I think our only one chance is to paralyse the nervous system of that mechanism! Yes, and if I remember rightly it will be
electro-magnetically controlled... Yes, in other words gentlemen we've got to capture it! Hm-hm!
(Polly enters the lab, closing the doors behind her.)
BRETT: Why are you here?
POLLY: I have come to submit myself to WOTAN's judgement. I allowed a prisoner to escape.
KRIMPTON: For the moment your help is needed here. Fetch me the plan of subsidiary computer bank W-4.
(Polly silently moves to obey her instructions.)
(The Sergeant is on the phone this time, he whispers to Summer.)
SERGEANT: More reports of destruction sir.
SUMMER: Oh, Doctor! You must hurry Doctor!
DOCTOR: I shall need equipment Sir Charles. Sufficient equipment to set up a powerful magnetic field and it must operate effectively within say...twenty
SUMMER: Well won't that be dangerous?
DOCTOR: Well I'm afraid that we have no choice gentlemen.
SUMMER: And supposing that fails?
MINISTER: Then we shall turn to other means, gentlemen.
SUMMER: Right! Well where is it you want this equipment?
DOCTOR: Well now, where was it reported last?
SERGEANT: Approaching West London, sir. This is the area here.
(He indicates on a map.)
SUMMER: Wha.. Good heavens, we shall never locate it in time to trap it!
(The Doctor examines the map, pencil in hand.)
DOCTOR: Now just a moment Sir Charles, now look. If you close that road there...this and this. Then we can funnel it into here...and there,
gentlemen - we can spring our trap! Hm-hm!
(A police car drives down a road with a loudhailer on top broadcasting:
"You are advised to remain off the streets, this is for your own safety. please close your windows and doors and stay inside.
You are advised to remain off the streets, this is for your own safety. please close your windows and doors and stay inside.
You are advised to remain off..."
A short distance away army personnel are setting up equipment to the Doctor's design. This consists of several striped metal posts connected with long coils
of wire in a cul-de-sac like formation. A gleaming Rolls Royce draws up by a sign that reads "Cornwall Gardens SW7". The Doctor and Summer disembark
and move over to a small tent-like roadside hut.)
20, INT: HUT
(Inside the hut is a table with various pieces of scientific apparatus. Ben joins the Doctor and Summer.)
SUMMER: Well it all sounds very ingenious, but I'm afraid I don't understand it.
DOCTOR: Oh well allow me to illustrate Sir Charles. Now to set up a magnetic field I want a four-square box formed by four cables.
(He draws a box on a pad with his pencil.)
SUMMER: But the machine will never cross the first cable!
DOCTOR: Well exactly! Therefore, we must prepare these three first.
(He draws three sides of a square and slides a handy matchbox in through the opening.)
DOCTOR: ...And when the machine has approached and appeared in that position we connect the forth cable and switch on!
SUMMER: But how do you connect the forth cable?
DOCTOR: I shall connect the forth cable myself.
SUMMER: Ah, that's impossible. With the War-Machine inside? You'll be killed!
DOCTOR: That is a risk we have to take.
BEN: You're a bit past that lark aren't ya Doctor?
DOCTOR: I beg your pardon young man?!
BEN: Well I reckon that's a job for me sir.
(The Captain and the Minister are watching over proceedings from a safe distance. As the Sergeant passes the Captain calls him over.)
CAPTAIN: How's it going Sergeant?
SERGEANT: They're on the last cable now sir.
CAPTAIN: Oh good. Then take up your positions and let me know when the machine's coming.
SERGEANT: Yes sir.
(Ben and a three soldiers rush to the side of the trap and Ben takes hold of the cable. They silently watch the street for signs of activity. The Sergeant
spots the War-Machine in the distance rushes over to the Captain.)
SERGEANT: Let's go now sir.
(The Doctor and Summer stand a safe distance away in the other direction, behind a set of iron railings.)
DOCTOR: I shall allow it to come within twenty feet, so don't be alarmed my friend.
(The machine gets closer and closer and sprays the air with it's gas jets as it approaches. Ben crouches, poised to spring and connect the cable and the
Doctor calls over to him.)
DOCTOR: Now wait for it! Until he's in the area! Wait, wait!
(The machine draws a little closer, slowing down at the mouth of the trap as it if suspects something.)
SUMMER: Surely now Doctor, surely?
DOCTOR: Not yet, not yet!
(Overcoming it's caution, the machine rolls into the wire pen.)
SUMMER: Come on man, quickly!
(Ben sprints the distance of the open side as the machine attempts to wheel around to get a weapons lock on him, but it is too slow. Ben snaps the cable into
SUMMER: He's done it!
(The Doctor turns to the army officer at the power switch.)
(The War-Machine seems to lose all track of where it is. It wheels around and around as if trying to make a vain attempt to clear the confusion in its
central processing units. After a few seconds it comes to a halt, burbling to itself. The Minister looks astonished.)
MINISTER: It worked!
(The Doctor gazes at the machine suspiciously.)
SUMMER: Good man!
DOCTOR: I want you to remain up here Sir Charles until I give the signal.
SUMMER: Right.
(The Doctor slowly approaches the machine, and it spins around and tracks his movements every step of the way. He steps into the electro-magnetic enclosure
and walks right up to the monster staring up into it's metal face. It raises one of its huge mallets at the Doctor who just smiles.)
DOCTOR: Ah, temper-temper! Hm-hm!
(As the Doctor walks around and examines the machine it lowers the mallet again. A short tinker later and the whining of the machine ceases.)
DOCTOR: Switch off Sir Charles!
(Sir Charles waves at the officer who lifts the switch shutting off the electromagnetic field, then approaches the Doctor and the machine.)
SUMMER: What did you do?
DOCTOR: Well to coin a phrase Sir Charles, I neutralised it. Quite a harmless looking fellow don't you think?
DOCTOR: We must find a way to get it down to Covent Garden.
(A reporter speaking into a telephone as around him people themselves with the pressing issues of the day.)
REPORTER: Hello-hello New York? Johnny, hi! Listen, the second so-called War-Machine in five hours has just been captured and made safe. Now I gather
the question is: how many more of these machines are there? And is this new threat to world peace only confined to London?
(The Doctor is tinkering with his new toy while the two civil servants quietly fret in the background.)
MINISTER: Time's getting short Sir Charles. How long d'ya think the Doctor will be?
SUMMER: I don't even know what he's doing.
MINISTER: Does he still say they'll attack at noon?
SUMMER: Yes he does.
MINISTER: Well then I'm afraid that something...
DOCTOR: Well I think that's about all gentlemen.
MINISTER: What have you done Doctor?
DOCTOR: I've er, made an important readjustment to aid and change the er, purpose of this machine.
MINISTER: Oh, it sounds as though you've changed its character Doctor.
DOCTOR: Well you could say that of course, yes. I hope it would carry out a special programme that I've fed into it.
SUMMER: But will it be successful in stopping these other machines?
DOCTOR: Well my dear Sir Charles, we can soon find that out can't we?
DOCTOR: Would you mind just standing back for a moment? Hm-hm.
(He strides over to Ben and the machine.)
DOCTOR: Now my dear Ben, just carry out what I've asked you to do.
(Ben nips around the back of the machine and flips a switch. The pulsing note of the active machine starts up and it revolves and begins to trundle away much
to the concern of the two civil servants.)
DOCTOR: It's quite safe gentlemen.
BEN: Well how are you going to use it Doctor?
DOCTOR: Well it all started at that Tower.
BEN: What, the Post Office Tower?
DOCTOR: Yes, in Brett's Office. And I think that it will probably end there.
BEN: Yeah, what about Polly? I think that she must have gone back there.
DOCTOR: Well now, I'm afraid we can't check up on that now my boy. My machine has to face WOTAN before noon!
BEN: Right! Well just give me until then.
(Ben rushes away.)
DOCTOR: Nonono you can't, you won't be able..! Oh you foolish boy!
(The War-Machine trundles down the middle of the empty road at full speed towards the General Post-Office Tower.)
KRIMPTON: All serviceable machines are now standing by.
BRETT: They must be ready to attack at exactly eleven minutes.
KRIMPTON: Instructions to all War-Machines. Stand by for attack.
(The War-Machine now has the Post Office Tower in it's sights as it speeds down a side road, lights blinking merrily.)
27, INT: CAR
MINISTER: How will it work Doctor?
DOCTOR: Well, it will be like the crossing of two electrical currents. My machine has to face up to Brett's computer WOTAN.
SUMMER: And what will happen then?
DOCTOR: Well, those people that were under some form of hypnosis will return to their normal selves.
(The mechanical David to WOTAN's galvanised Goliath enters the foyer of the Post Office Tower, its tape reels spinning.)
(The exterior of the General Post-Office Tower gleams in the mid-day sun.)
(Ben has sneaked into the tower and is cautiously looking around. Spying a set of doors he throws them open and skids to a halt inside the room.)
BEN: Polly look out!
(The surprised faces of Brett Polly and Krimpton meet his gaze.)
BRETT: What are you doing?
BEN: Quick Polly, get outta here!
POLLY: No, I must work for WOTAN!
BEN: WOTAN's power is finished!
BRETT: That is not true. You must not make contact.
BEN: Come on Polly!
(Ben tries to rush past Brett and grab Polly, but the Professor holds him back casually.)
POLLY: No my place is with WOTAN!
(Brett releases Ben and moves to where Krimpton is standing monitoring the instruments on WOTAN.)
BRETT: What is it?
KRIMPTON: A danger's approaching!
(Ben grabs Polly and begins to drag her out of the room.)
BEN: Look you know I 'ate this, but it's for your own good!
(Krimpton rechecks his instruments.)
KRIMPTON: Uh! The danger's here!
POLLY: Oh no I mustn't!
BEN: Quickly Polly, down the stairs.
(A moment after Ben has manhandled Polly out of the Laboratory machine number nine rolls in straight from the lift.)
(Krimpton and Brett stare at the machine which gives a quick gaseous blast as it enters the room. Brett rushes to the side of a computer panel.)
KRIMPTON: Emergency control, quick Brett!
(Brett moves to a panel, then jumps aside as the machine blasts it. He points at the machine and Krimpton rushes forwards and climbing the front of the
machine, grabbing the left mallet and struggling to reach the controls on the side. The machine throws him across the room, into the computer panel and blasts
him. WOTAN shines it's hypno-ray at the machine, but it has no effect.)
(There is a series of blinding flashes as creature turns upon it's creator blasting at the computer causing it to explode. As the gas and smoke from melting
WOTAN parts clears, the hypno-soundwaves are heard again, then fade into silence. Brett clutches at his head and cries out, his connection severed.)
BRETT: What?
(He looks around his laboratory to see blacked pieces of WOTAN all around, still steaming. Of the central face of WOTAN and the machine there is no
recognisable trace. He notices his late colleague on the floor.)
BRETT: Krimpton...
DOCTOR: There's nothing you can do for the poor fellow.
(The Doctor, Sir Charles and the Minister are standing in the doorway.)
SUMMER: Good heavens! But what about all the other War-Machines Doctor?
DOCTOR: All immobilised, all waiting for orders Sir Charles - orders that will never come!
(Summer casts a glance around the room and his gaze falls upon the body.)
SUMMER: Krimpton...
BRETT: Sir Charles.
SUMMER: Ah, Brett. Are you alright?
BRETT: I think so. What's been happening here?
SUMMER: Yes well I think you'd better ask...
(He looks around, but the Doctor is missing.)
SUMMER: Oh where the devil's he gone?!
(The scene fades to black.)
(The Doctor paces up and down impatiently in front of the TARDIS, still with it's "OUT OF ORDER" sign pinned to the from. He pulls out, and
examines a gold fob-watch. Finally reaching a decision he turns, but as he is about to unlock the TARDIS door he sees two figures running towards him.)
DOCTOR: There you are my child, it's nice to see you so well again. And you my boy! Away from that wretched tower!
(He smiles at the two figures. Polly, who is now wearing a striped top, dark jacket and trousers, her long hair tucked under a trendy cloth cap; and Ben,
dressed in his full sailor's uniform once more complete with sack and HMS TEAZER Hat.)
POLLY: Never felt better Doctor, Sir Charles has been looking for you everywhere, we've got a message from him about Dodo.
DOCTOR: Oh yes, I've been waiting around here for her. Where is she? I very nearly left without her!
BEN: Left?
DOCTOR: Yes the airport, yes. She is well I hope?
POLLY: She says she's feeling much better and she'd like to stay here in London and sends you her love.
DOCTOR: Her love? Humph, there's gratitude for you! Take her all the way round the world, through space and time, and then...
BEN: Come again Doctor?
DOCTOR: Er, what? I-er...nothing my dear boy, nothing. Now I-I think you both want to get away don't you?
(He shakes their hands.)
DOCTOR: Thank you Polly very much. Thank you Ben.
POLLY: Goodbye!
DOCTOR: Goodbye, run along. Enjoy yourselves! Yes, hm-hm!
(Ben and Polly walk away and the Doctor unlocks the TARDIS with his spare key.)
BEN: Well the miserable old-!
(Polly is too concerned with what the Doctor is doing to listen to Ben.)
POLLY: Ssh, watch him. I'm sure there's something strange about that Police box. Look he's got a key for it... He's going inside!
BEN: Key, that reminds me! I forgot to give 'im this one back.
(Ben pulls out the key that fell out of the Doctor's cloak pocket. Polly takes the it from him.)
POLLY: Come on, we'll do it now.
BEN: Yeah, but I've got to get back to barracks.
POLLY: Oh come on!
(They run back to the TARDIS and Polly knocks on the front with the palm of her hand.)
POLLY: Doctor! ...What on Earth is he doing in there?
(For a moment a very wicked thought seems to occur to the young sailor.)
BEN: Ah look it's locked, come on let's forget it...
POLLY: Hey, Ben.
(She shows him the key.)
BEN: Look, I've only got a couple of minutes.
POLLY: Come on!
(Polly unlocks the door and enters, followed by Ben, the door closing behind him. A tortured trumpeting starts up as all the molecules that make up the outer
shell of the TARDIS decide they don't exist in 1966 anymore. A man and a woman walk around the corner of Fitzroy square, looking right and then left listening
for the receding sound of a decidedly strange kind of machinery....)
Next Episode : The Smugglers
The Doctor
William Hartnell
Machine Operator
Gerald Taylor
John Boyd-Brent
Sir Charles Summer
William Mervyn
Ben Jackson
Michael Craze
Television Newsreader
Kenneth Kendal
George Cross
Garage Mechanic
Edward Colliver
Polly Lopez
Anneke Wills
Professor Brett
Christopher Harvey
Professor Krimpton
Christopher Cater
Alan Curtis
Man in Telephone Box
Eddie Davis
Radio Announcer
John Rolfe
Frank Jarvis
U.S Correspondent
Robin Dawson
Voice of WOTAN
Gerald Taylor
Title music by
Ron Grainer and the
BBC Radiophonic
Based on an idea by
Kit Pedlar
Costumes by
Daphne Dare
Make up by
Sonia Markham
George Summers
David Hughs
Film Cameraman
Eric Mival
Story Editor
Gerry Davis
Raymond London
Innes Lloyd
Directed by
Michael Ferguson
(C) BBCTV 1966
Film cleaning and polishing
Paul Robinson
Gordon Tullet
(The machine room film treatment centre)
Telecine and video grading
Stuart Fyvie
(BBC post production & graphic design)
Jonathan Birkett
(BBC post production resources Pebble Mill)
Sound restoration
Mark Ayres
Archive sources
BBC broadcast archives
The Australian archives
Graham Strong
Mick Hall
BBC archive contact
Andy Bello
Andy Molesworth
Project Coordinators
Steve Roberts
Paul Vanezis
(C) BBC Worldwide
Transcribed by