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Planet of Giants

Dangerous Journey
By Louis Marks


BARBARA: But who’d kill insects in a perfectly ordinary garden? I mean pests one can understand, but surely it’s wrong to kill bees and worms and things isn’t it?
DOCTOR: Quite so. Both are vital to the growth of things. However, we must leave this little mystery and get back to the ship. As I said my dear, it’s fortunate for all of us that everything is dead...

(Susan turns to leave and stiffens, transfixed.)

SUSAN: Grandfather!

(They all look up, and straight into the face of a cat the size of a house.)

IAN: Don’t move, any of you.
DOCTOR: And whatever you do, don’t look into the cat’s eyes. Close your own if you want to.
IAN: Doctor, I think the cat’s losing interest.
DOCTOR: Don’t relax! One swipe of it’s paw would smash us to pieces!


(The cat slowly turns and walks off past the Farrow’s feet towards the cottage.)


DOCTOR: Well we can’t get back to the ship just yet, and you know how fast cats can move. And another thing, we could be mistaken for mice and I don’t fancy being part of the cat’s diet!
BARBARA: Oh it gets more horrifying every moment!
SUSAN: Look, couldn’t we make contact with the people here somehow?
DOCTOR: No, I’m afraid not.
SUSAN: Well why not, they might be able to help us.
DOCTOR: It’s out of the question my dear, how could we possibly communicate with them?
IAN: Imagine a record played at the wrong speed, Susan. We’d sound like a little squeak to them, and they’d sound like a low growl to us.
BARBARA: Anyway, even if we could communicate, what would they do to us? We’re freaks. They’d put us in a glass case and examine us through a microscope!
SUSAN: Oh that’s a thought isn’t it.
DOCTOR: And I would add another and more important factor. The people that live in this house are murderers, or one of them is. Therefore, we can’t expect sympathy and understanding from an insane or a criminal mind!
IAN: Yes, what about that dead man?
BARBARA: Oughtn’t we to do something about it?
DOCTOR: Well what can we do my dear? I mean, surely this is the question. Normally I wouldn’t hesitate, but the destruction of the life-force is frightful, but there it is! I mean, what can we do as we are?
IAN: Well, I can’t see any sign of that cat, however much safety that gives us.
DOCTOR: Well, shall we proceed?

(from a distance away a steady clump-clump-clump begins approaches the garden where the TARDIS crew are standing and a shadow falls over the entire area.)

IAN: I can see a huge leg coming, run!
DOCTOR: This...this way!

(The Doctor runs towards the safety of the grass knocking Barbara flying.)


(Ian moves to help Barbara up, and Susan runs back to them.)

IAN: Oh, Barbara! Go-on Susan,
SUSAN: But I can help you Ian!
IAN: Go-on!

(Susan runs back to the grass and vanishes inside.)

IAN: It’s alright, this way, quickly!

(Ian leads Barbara rush South across the patio.)

SUSAN: Grandfather, Grandfather, they’re almost stepped on!
DOCTOR: Oh they’re alright, they’re alright. It’s a pity they didn’t come this way though.
SUSAN: Well shall we go over to them?
DOCTOR: No, no, it’s dangerous! Let’s go over to that pipe there!

(He indicates to a nearby drain-pipe.)


(Farrow’s old brown leather briefcase lies on the patio where he put it down.)


(Ian looks about for cover on the patio, but everywhere is exposed apart from one place.)

IAN: Barbara, quick in the briefcase, it’s our only chance!

(Ian and Barbara rush towards the battered briefcase and slip into a gap in the side.)


(A rat-faced man with greasy thinning hair dressed in a crusty, stained lab coat examines the corpse.)

SMITHERS: Are you sure he’s dead?
FORESTER: Of course I’m sure! You know he had a gun?
SMITHERS: He didn’t seem the sort of man who’d need one.
FORESTER: He’d pulled it out of his pocket and told me he was stealing the formula! I struggled with him, the gun must have been turned to his body, it went off!

(Smithers rolls the body over and gives it a cursory examination, and looks up.)

SMITHERS: I wouldn’t try telling that story to the police if I were you.
FORESTER: Oh, why not? (Forester’s tone gains a little more ice than normal for a moment.)
SMITHERS: Oh don’t be a fool, he‘s been shot through the heart from some feet away! Even I can see that, and I’m no expert!

(He motions to Farrow’s blood-stained shirt.)

SMITHERS: No powder burns around the bullet hole.
FORESTER: You’re very detached about it.
SMITHERS: Well what did you expect, hysterics? I’ve seen more death than you can imagine, people dying of starvation all over the world. What do you think I started on research for? What puzzles me is how cool you are.
FORESTER: I don’t feel guilty if that’s what you mean.

(Forester casually sits down in the chair.)

FORESTER: I’m too busy working out what the implications are.

(Smithers stands up, wipes his hand on his jacket and gazes into the distance past Forester in a derisory manner.)

SMITHERS: Destroying the last years work that’s what it means. And if that seems callous, well alright, it is! Farrow was pushed onto me and he was a nuisance and a fool. Always checking every minor detail... (He gains a fanatical glint in his eye.) I worked fifteen, sometimes sixteen hours a day every day on this experiment...
FORESTER: (In a bored tone.) Yes I know...
SMITHERS: (He looks around arrogantly.) You don’t know anything! All you care about is how much money you can make!

(He moves over to the chair and gestures.)

SMITHERS: Why did you have to kill him?!! Couldn’t you have given him money, bought him off? Oh, what’s the use...

(He turns away again.)

FORESTER: Look, Smithers, I know what you’ve put into the experiment, but this doesn’t mean the end of everything.
SMITHERS: Of course it does. You’ve ruined everything, it’s all finished, wasted.
FORESTER: Not necessarily...

(He gets up and moves beside Smithers, lowering his tone.)

FORESTER: Farrow was going on holiday, he has a boat. He was going to cross to France by himself in it. It’s anchored about ten miles away.
SMITHERS: Yes, I know.
FORESTER: If the police were to find an overturned boat and a body out at sea somewhere...
SMITHERS: (He looks at Forester in horror.) But..!
FORESTER: Don’t worry, you can leave it all to me. I’ll tow an outboard with me and come back in that.
SMITHERS: Well I... That’s your business. (He looks away nonchalantly.) I don’t want to know about it.

(Forester moves to the side of Smithers so that he’s parallel with his ear, without looking directly at him, in a menacing manner.)

FORESTER: You say all I want out of the experiment is money, but you want something too, don’t you? You want to see it finished, be known as the inventor of it. If the truth came out about Farrow, you can say goodbye to all that.

(Smithers regards Forester regaining his righteous indignation.)

SMITHERS: The experiment must go through, it’s too important! Nothing else matters, not if we can save people from dying of starvation! That’s what I care about Forester!
FORESTER: Alright we’ll move the body. As far as you’re concerned Farrow left here to go to his boat. I’ll put his briefcase in the lab first.

(He picks up the briefcase and walks towards the door of the house.)


(The door opens and Forester enters, places down the briefcase and leaves again.)


(Ian and Barbara emerge from the fold of the briefcase, rubbing their aching limbs.)

IAN: Come on Barbara, get out of here before it moves again.
BARBARA: Oh...that was worse than the big dipper.
IAN: It was. You know we were lucky this case was full. Course, it had to happen to us, of all the places to pick, hah, we had to choose one that was movable!
BARBARA: Have you any idea where we are?

(Ian shakes his head and looks up and around.)

IAN: That’s a ceiling up there. That means we’re indoors and the Doctor and Susan are outside. You’ve hurt your ankle?
BARBARA: Oh It’s alright, I didn’t hit it badly. Oh, I also banged my knee against a large piece of metal.
IAN: Yeah, well there were a lot of things flying around in there, we were very lucky.
BARBARA: Yes, but you know what the metal was...
IAN: What?
BARBARA: It sounds ridiculous, it was a paperclip. (She laughs.)
IAN: Hah. Yes, well, the only thing to do is to keep in the open. If we must hide, hide behind things.
BARBARA: Do you think we could find some water? I wouldn’t mind bathing my ankle for a bit.
IAN: Yes, alright. I’ll..I’ll go and have a look over here.

(Ian heads off across the table.)


FORESTER: Let’s move the body.

(They move over to the corpse.)

FORESTER: Where can we put him?
SMITHERS: In a store room.

(Forester rolls over the body and both he and Smithers take an arm each and drag it away past a drain.)


(Below the pipe is a sunken grille leading down into the drain. The Doctor pokes his head cautiously above the border and looks up, he is joined by the head of Susan.)

DOCTOR: They’ve gone

(Susan pokes her head up.)

SUSAN: Its better when they’re a long way away, isn’t it?

(The Doctor stands and Susan pulls herself up and sits on the border.)

DOCTOR: Are you sure you saw one of them pick up the briefcase and go into that building behind us?
SUSAN: Well I definitely saw him pick up the briefcase. Well when he walked past us it was just like a mountain just a blur, you know. But he must have gone inside the house!

(The Doctor walks across one of the bars towards the pipe, but slips a little.)

DOCTOR: Ooh, ah..

(Susan rushes over and helps steady him.)

SUSAN: Careful Grandfather, well don’t fall down there will you?
DOCTOR: Oh-hah-Ooh POO! FAWF! An awful smell of chemical in there!
SUSAN: Oh yes.
DOCTOR: Foof! Oh, hm.
SUSAN: It’s not just an ordinary drainpipe is it?
DOCTOR: Now, I wonder if that pipe extends into the room where that briefcase went.
SUSAN: Are you thinking of climbing up the inside of it?
DOCTOR: Yes, yes of course my dear, there’s no other way. If you go in there you’ll see it’s all corroded so there’s plenty of hand and foot holds. And that chemical smell means that it’s germ free.
SUSAN: Oh, but it’s too far for you grandfather!
DOCTOR: Well If it is, then I shall have to give up, and I’m not going to give up before I’ve tried. And remember you must think of the other two, they must be constantly reminding themselves they’re only one in five!
DOCTOR: There’s only the two of us to help them!
SUSAN: Alright, but you let me go first.
DOCTOR: Yes-yes yes go-on...

(Susan leads the way into the open drainpipe.)


IAN: Nothing much that way, except what I took to be a gas tap. No water though Barbara, sorry.
BARBARA: Oh it’s alright, seems to be better now. I’ll have a shocking bruise on my knee though.
IAN: Oh, I wish I could do something to help you.
BARBARA: Do you think we ought to try in this direction?
IAN: Yeah
BARBARA: Wait a minute
IAN: Well it’s the only one we haven’t explored, unless we go further afield.
BARBARA: Now let’s see...

(Barbara gets up from where she is sitting on the rim of the briefcase with a little help from Ian.)

IAN: Alright?
BARBARA: Yes that’s fine.
IAN: Sure?
BARBARA: Right. Let’s try that way.
IAN: Uh-huh

(Ian leads the way across the table.)


(Susan is climbing up the inside of the pipe, the Doctor can be heard from some point below her. Both of them sound exhausted from the climb, the Doctor rather more than Susan.)

SUSAN: Are you alright down there Grandfather?
DOCTOR VO: Yes... I’m alright my dear, I can manage very well.
SUSAN: Good. Oh it’s just as well this pipe’s corroded isn’t it, there are plenty of footholds.
DOCTOR VO: Good. Well, onwards and upwards my dear, eh?
SUSAN: Yeah...


IAN: Look at those enormous test-tubes!

(They move on across the table past a towering wooden rack of test-tubes.)

BARBARA: Ian look at this!

(Barbara points to a mountainous dish of seeds.)

IAN: Mm, yeah.
BARBARA: What do you suppose it is, corn, wheat?
IAN: Wheat.

(He sighs, looks around, turning his back to Barbara who goes a little nearer to the dish.)

IAN: Still haven’t thought of a way of getting out of this place...

(Barbara picks up an enormous seed, and examines it closely.)

BARBARA: Oh yes, you’re right it is wheat.

(She puts it back.)

BARBARA: Ooh, it’s all covered in some sticky stuff, like toffee.

(She rubs her hands trying to get it off.)

IAN: Hey Barbara, look at this...
BARBARA: Give me your handkerchief will you?
IAN: Do you see what this is? A book of litmus papers, hah! How often have I held a piece of litmus paper in my fingers..? Oh well, it’s a handy seat.

(He sits down on the litmus papers.)

IAN: You realise what this place is?
BARBARA: Ooh it’s some sort of a laboratory.
IAN: Yes, I think it must explain those dead insects and things. They must be doing some experiments. Course it makes it all the more dangerous for us.
BARBARA: Why do you say that?
IAN: Well, whatever killed those insects could easily kill us.
BARBARA: The Doctor said something like that, I... I’d forgotten.
IAN: Well don’t touch anything, eh?

(He moves over to...)

BARBARA: But...but...Ian...
IAN: I mean, look at the way these seeds are coated. They’re obviously samples.

(Ian strides up and down beside the dish.)

IAN: Yes, I think they must be inventing a new insecticide and they’ve sprayed these seeds with it.
BARBARA: Oh surely I... I mean, couldn’t it be just preserving oil?
IAN: I doubt it, anyway, you keep away from it. Got a very distinctive smell, that’s one good thing.
BARBARA: I think we should find the others and get back to the ship
IAN: Yes I know. I’ve been racking my brains, we’re so high up here. Have you got any ideas?
BARBARA: No I haven’t I... I wish I had.

(She looks away sadly.)

IAN: Hey Barbara, we can get back you know.
IAN: All we’ve got to do is find a ball of string and get down to ground level!
BARBARA: String would be too thick for us. What we really need is a reel of cotton. A reel of cotton...

(Barbara falls to her knees on the verge of tears.)

BARBARA: It’s all so ridiculous Ian!
IAN: Barbara we must concentrate on getting back, just forget how absurd things are, concentrate on getting back, do you understand?
BARBARA: Yes alright.
IAN: Hey, that briefcase. Barbara, if we could find enough of those paperclips we could string them together and some sort of a ladder!
BARBARA: Yes, that’s an idea.
IAN: Let’s do it, eh? Come on, don’t let’s give up.
BARBARA: I’m not giving up.
IAN: Good, because the next problem is how to open the flap of the briefcase. I don’t fancy struggling around there in the dark.
BARBARA: Well, yes... We might find something in the briefcase which would tell us more about that stuff... That insecticide or whatever it is.
IAN: Well maybe but, hah, the other things are much more important.

(Ian heads back along the table towards the briefcase. Barbara looks after him slightly panicked and scrubs desperately at her hand with Ian’s handkerchief.)


(The Doctor stops for a moment, clearly exhausted, puffing like a steam engine.)

SUSAN VO: Are you sure you’re alright Grandfather?
DOCTOR: Uh...yeah...I’m alright...I’m coming my child...I’m fiiine...

(He gets his breath back for a moment, then noisily resumes his upward climb.)


(Barbara stands at the foot of the briefcase.)

BARBARA: Can you get the flap open?
IAN VO: I’m just going to try.
BARBARA: Can I help?
IAN VO: No I’ alright, just give me a moment to think this out...

(High above the tabletop Ian sits on the hinged buckle of the briefcase considering the round sliding catch he is facing. He gets up and wrestles with the catch for a moment, but to no avail.)

IAN: Well it doesn’t push downwards, that’s sure.

(Barbara looks up at Ian from table level.)

BARBARA: Try left to right then

(Up on the flap Ian moves around.)

IAN: Great minds think alike.

(He pushes the round catch from the side with all his might but it doesn’t move. Back at table level Barbara is still looking up, behind her an exoskeletal limb covered in wiry hairs reaches out. The limb belongs to a twitching black housefly that has landed on a cork behind Barbara.)

IAN VO: No, it doesn’t move that way either. I’ll have to try it from the other side.

(On the flap Ian has moved around the catch and is pulling it right to left. The catch slides down, and the spring loaded buckle flips upwards.)

IAN VO: Oh... (He smiles.) Ah, done it... I’VE DONE IT BARBARA!

(At Table level Barbara is looking directly at the mammoth fly as it twitches. Silently she falls backwards in a dead faint. Ian runs towards Barbara’s prone form and examines her, he looks up and recoils as he hears a mighty flapping as the fly takes off. He hears a booming roar from across the room, pulls Barbara up across his shoulders in a fireman’s lift, and moves across the table as fast as he can.)


(Smithers and Forester come into the lab, Smithers rubs his grimy hands on a cloth.)

SMITHERS: You don’t have to watch everything I do.
FORESTER: I like to know what’s going on.
SMITHERS: There’s blood on the flagstones, you don’t seem to have noticed that!
FORESTER: I shan’t forget this Smithers.
SMITHERS: Oh yes you will, you’ll forget all about it. Killing Farrow, and whatever you do with the body. You’ll rub it right out of your mind!
FORESTER: Well of course.
SMITHERS: And don’t think that I’m doing this for you! (His eyes glaze over.) But if there’s one chance in a million of the experiment going through, of making it work, then I must do it, I must!
FORESTER: That’s sensible. Practical.
SMITHERS: Practical... It’s very practical, making me an accessory!
SMITHERS: Yes making! You knew perfectly well how I felt about DN6! How much I’d put into it, what it meant to me... You knew I'd help you! That’s why you took me out and showed me Farrow’s body, wasn’t it? You’d do anything to get what you want wouldn’t you?
FORESTER: Wouldn’t you? Aren’t you?


(The Doctor and Susan have reached the sink. Behind them the vast bulk of the plug, with its metal links leading all the way up the side. The Doctor for all his bluster appears to have collapsed, delirious with exhaustion on the edge of a stainless-steel plug-hole, Susan kneels over him.)

SUSAN: Grandfather...Grandfather?
SUSAN: Grandfather we made it!

(She tries to fan him with her hand.)

DOCTOR: Uh uh-uh...
SUSAN: Grandfather we made it, we got to the top!
DOCTOR: Uh uh-uh. Oh just leave me for a minute, I’ll, I’ll be alright in a little while.

(Susan helps him to sit up.)

DOCTOR: Oh..uh..oh,, very nearly overpowered me! Uhh..Shhhuuh
SUSAN: Grandfather, I think I head some people talking just now.
SUSAN: I heard a sort of low growling sound, you know, like Ian said, you know.
DOCTOR: Ahhyehh. Well well, come to think of it our voices sound rather odd, it’s this, this sink of course. It’s all working like a, like an echo chamber!
SUSAN: I think we should try and find them, don’t you?
DOCTOR: Yehhh.
SUSAN: Do you think there’s a chance of them being here somewhere?
DOCTOR: I dunno child, I don’t know....


(Barbara sits up suddenly.)

IAN: Now take it easy
IAN: You alright?

(Barbara nods.)

IAN: You gave me the fright of my life when I saw you lying there.
BARBARA: Did you see it?
IAN: The fly you mean? Yes I did. It flew off, got frightened when those men came into the room.
BARBARA: I just turned around and there it was, it’s whole body was quivering.
IAN: Well don’t worry about it now, it’s all over. It’s dead.
BARBARA: I thought you said it flew away?
IAN: Well it did, but it landed on those seeds, it died instantly.
BARBARA: Are you sure?
IAN: Well of course I’m sure!
BARBARA: I want to have a look!
IAN: What? Why?
BARBARA: It’s alright, I’m alright now.

(They move over to the dish of seeds which is now garnished with the dead fly.)

IAN: You can see the insecticide glistening on it’s legs. Pretty lethal stuff – that fly must have died the moment it landed!
BARBARA: Oh stop it, stop it!
IAN: Barbara!
IAN: Susan!
BARBARA: Susan, where are you?
BARBARA: It’s coming from over there!
IAN: Yeah. What was it you wanted to say to me?
BARBARA: Oh never mind, that’s not important right now. Listen if Susan’s found a way in that means we can all get out!
IAN: I know!
BARBARA: Why is her voice so loud?
IAN: I dunno, it’s coming from over here...


DOCTOR: You mustn’t expect to hear their voices in reply my dear. This sink acts as a sound box, it’s increasing the volume of your voice.
SUSAN: Well how far can we expect our voices to go?
DOCTOR: I don’t know, I don’t know Susan.
SUSAN: Well if we shout very loud will the people here hear us?
DOCTOR: No, no, Susan, no. Our voices are far too high, it’s a different frequency altogether, my child! Dogs might be able to, well perhaps... But..well, try it again.


IAN: There they are, can you see them Barbara?

(Barbara nods.)

IAN: Doctor, Susan we’re up here!

(Down in the sink the Doctor and Susan look up to see Ian and Barbara peering down at them from the sinktop.)

SUSAN: Hello up there!
DOCTOR: What uncanny good luck!
SUSAN: Oh ha-ha Grandfather, we’ve found them!
DOCTOR: Yes, I know my dear, I know!

(Back at the top.)

BARBARA: Did they really climb up that sink pipe?
IAN: Yeah, they must have done. I wonder if we can get down it?
SUSAN VO: Climb down the plug-chain, toots!
IAN: Here, it’s about thirty feet or thereabouts, do you think you can make it?
BARBARA: Yes, I’ll make it somehow, it’ll be worth it to see them two again.
IAN: Alright, let me go first.

(In the sink the Doctor and Susan watch their progress.)

DOCTOR: Good, he’s started. Now the sooner we get out of here the better.
SUSAN: Can we climb back down the pipe again Grandfather? It was difficult enough getting up.
DOCTOR: Oh well, it’s a sure way back to the garden, I do know that.
SUSAN: Oh Barbara’s started, look!

(At the top Ian and Barbara are slowly making their way down the chain.)

IAN: Oh, how’re you doing?
BARBARA: Oh, I’m alright, there’s plenty to hold on to.


(Smithers is scrubbing at the patch of blood on the ground with a cloth, he gets up, and Forester drops a pile of earth on the stain and works it in with his foot.)

FORESTER: Alright, lets go and get this muck off our hands.
SMITHERS: There’s a sink in the lab.

(They walk towards the lab.)


(A low growling noise is heard getting closer.)

DOCTOR: Listen, there’s someone in the room. There was some... Someone’s come back into that room!

(At the sinktop.)

IAN: Go on up, move! Look out, someone’s here! Quick!

(Barbara and Ian begin to climb back up the plug chain. In the sink...)

DOCTOR: Quick, down the sink again!
SUSAN: Oh quick Grandfather!
DOCTOR: Come along!

(They make their way towards the plug-hole again.)


(Smithers and Forester enter the lab. Smithers pulls up his sleeves without using his blood stained hands.)


(Ian and Barbara clear the top of the plug chain. Back in the sink Susan disappears down into the plug-hole.)


SMITHERS: Look at this!

(Smithers jabs a scalpel into the fly that landed on the seeds.)

SMITHERS: That fly died instantly, the moment it landed on the seed.
FORESTER: Which you sprayed with DN6
SMITHERS: But this is wonderful! Think what will happen with locusts! DN6 will wipe them out!
FORESTER: You don’t have to keep on persuading me, I’ve seen the report of every test you’ve made.
SMITHERS: But I... I can’t see how Farrow thought he’d get away with lying about the effects of DN6!
FORESTER: He had us over a barrel, he’d written his report. Now don’t keep on about it. Alright he was a fool, he thought he could get away with it.
SMITHERS: You say he’d written a report?
FORESTER: Yes, it’s in his briefcase. It’ll have to go to his head of department – but with a some slight amendments...
SMITHERS: Well, I don’t want to know about that, I don’t want to listen!

(Smithers puts the plug in the sink and fills it up.)


(Ian ventures out of the briefcase where he and Barbara have found themselves again, Barbara joins him. Ian squints into the distance.)

IAN: Barbara, he’s standing at the sink. I can see him standing at the sink. He’s turned the tap on!


(The Doctor and Susan huddle together in beneath the plug as they hear water flood the sink above them.)

Next Episode

The Doctor
William Hartnell

William Russell

Jaqueline Hill

Carole Ann Ford

Frank Crawshaw

Alan Tilvern

Reginald Barratt

Script Editor
David Whittaker

Verity Lambert

Mervyn Pinfield

(C) BBCTV 1964

Transcribed by


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